
Chapter 3: Thought's ( Rewritten )

" Catnap.... My beloved believer.... "

 As Catnap met his god he couldn't help but to rejoice hearing his robotic, glitch like voice reverberating across the pitch black of nothingness. His god's skeletal metal like hand looks like revelation from god. He wished he could out to the Prototype but his pupils shrink upon hearing the Prototype's words.

" You .... Are such a failure"

The entire landscape surrounding Catnap began to collapse as crack's spread around his feat. Hearing his god telling him his was a failure hurt more than anything.

" No! Please! I-I did what you asked for. I've killed heretics in your name, build a shine in your name, I-I worship you in body and soul!! "

" Yet you are the most dissapointing thing I've ever crossed upon..... Why are even alive? If you really are my believer.... Kill your self.... "

Catnap's eyes welled up in tear's as more crack's on the ground appeared more and more. Eventually when the last crack appear the ground shattered as Catnap fell. His whole world collapsed infront of his eyes. He wanted to respond to the Prototype but as he fall deeper to the void the Prototype's voice still achoe's to the abyss 

' You are a failure.... You are a disapointment.... You don't deserve freedom. '

Catnap quickly open's his eyes as he. His white ring like pupils shine through the dark room. It took Catnap some time for him to recognize Izuku's room before calming himself down. 

' So it was a dream.... '

Catnap thought in silence. It's only been a day since he just appeared out of nowhere in this room with two people he didn't know. Catnap was still processing everything even asking himself if this too was a dream. 

But he knows he wouldn't get any right answers. He can tell that the child beside him isn't about to explain to him what the whole situation. So not wanting to feel guilty he decided to just pretend to sleep again.

' That's the only thing I'm good at anyway '

He lays down on the bed while he close his eyes. Although he couldn't rest the usual way he could still dream time to time as it was rare for him to dream. As Catnap went back in bed Izuku couldn't help but to his eyes and open's his eyes. He wake up yawning while he holds his Allmight toy. 

Izuku notice Catnap sleeping near him as the sight of Catnap sleeping looked adorable in Izuku's eyes.

' So cute!! '

He couldn't hold his urge to pet Catnap as he puts his hand on his tummy. It felt soft and plump as he saw form of reaction from Catnap when he touched him. Izuku got an an Idea by touching Catnap as he begins to rub his stomach wanting to see if Catnap could pur.

Catnap's ear's twitch as his tail moved slowly. His instict's felt like the need to do something as each rub he felt his instict's taking over as his body started to produce light sounds. 

" Purrr.... "

' Oh my god he can pur! '

Izuku couldn't help but to be excited by the fact as he kept rubbing at Catnap's stomach hoping to hear more of Catnaps pur but soon noticed that Catnap's closed eyes begin to show some movement until he slowly eyes open.

" Hmm?.... " 

Catnap soon notices Izuku touching his stomach as Izuku was a bit emberrased and emmidiently retracted his hand. Catnap look at Izuku with a stern face and ask.

" What are you doing? "

" Um I was just checking if you could pur or not "

" I don't pur. I'm not an actual cat "

" Yes you do! I heared you pur just now! "

Catnap's eyes twitch in annoyance. He doesn't think his an actual cat in fact he still firmly believes that he was something else entirely. He didn't answer Izuku back as he went back to sleep.

Izuku noticing the silent treatment from Catnap couldn't help but to be ashamed as he ask.

" A-are you angry? "

" Yes I am. Now be quiet. " 

" I-I see.... S-sorry for petting you. I just wanted to see you pur..... "

Catnap opened one of his eyes to look at Izuku's sad face. Though he usually just ignore him like he used to do with the other kids that annoy him at playtime co. Usually don't feel anything when there sad but this time it feels different.

He soon felt an empty hole in his heart when he saw Izuku's sad face. Catnap couldn't explain it but it just felt like he needs to at least cheer him up a bit. 

" Sigh look I wasn't that angry at you Izuku I was just annoyed. I just don't want to be treated like a cat "

" Really but why? Cat's are cute and adorable "

" I don't care I just don't want to be treated like an animal..... "

" I see.... Sorry again that I pet you Catnap I promise no more pets from you. From now on you will be my little brother "

" Your what? "

" Little brother. You came from my quirk so it's my responsibility to take care of you and treat you like a family! "

Izuku said trying to pull of All might's smile as he can. Catnap look at Izuku for a moment not sure what to respond. The door opened mid way to there conversation as Inko came in to wake up Izuku only to see his son who woke up early and was facing Catnap.

" Izuku-kun you up early. Great let's go to the kitchen I'll be making your favorite "

" Gasp! Katsudon!! "

Izuku shouted in excitement as Inko couldn't help but to smile at Izuku's simple pleasures. She eventually spot Catnap as the two look at each. She still feel like something was wrong with the living talking plush cat but none the less still force herself that it's just a feeling.

Izuku got up from his bed as he walks to his mother with a excitement and glee until he stopped and look at Catnap for a moment who seem fine just sleeping alone.

" Oh! Mom can Catnap come with us at the hospital? "

" Um.... "

Inko hesitate for a bit on Izuku's request as she look's at Catnap. Wanting to trust her son more than her gut she agreed causing Catnap to turn when he hear Inko's words. 

Catnap wanted to decline but Izuku insisted on joining them. He wanted to say he isn't hungry so that he would have a reason not to join them but his stomach failed to comply as his stomach grumble's.

" Groan.... "

" .... "

" See your also hungry so come join us were having my favorite food for breakfast! "

" I- "

" Groan.... "

" Sigh fine.... "

Falling into his stomachs plee he eventually join's them. Unfortunately Inko forgot to cook for an additional meal for Catnap since she thought that he couldn't eat. She was planning to make more but Izuku decided to share his breakfast to Catnap.

Though he was planning to skip breakfast Izuku's insistent made him to think twice as Catnap felt like there was something to Izuku that made him agree to things he didn't want to. 

Though he couldn't use chop sticks to eat Izuku took the initiative to feed Catnap out of kindness as his official big brother. It was a strange experience for Catnap as breakfast wasn't the only thing that Izuku cared for him. 

He would often show the house so that Catnap should know which room to go. This strange show of kindness made him feel warmth inside as it reminded him the last time someone was ever nice to him. 

Nostalgic memories flooded Catnap as moments where the facility isn't a horrible place flooded his memories. A time where one person was actually nice to him. He couldn't help but to feel regret for himself for what he did to Dogday but none the less decided to hide this feelings infront if Izuku who's child like smile reminded him of his former friend.

Once Izuku finish there short tour of there apartment Izuku started to get himself ready as he shower's with his mom, brush and dress himself to go to the hospital. Inko was waiting for them outside as she call a taxi.

Izuku was about to go outside but soon notice's Catnap and said.

" Catnap why aren't you dressed yet!? "

" Dressed? "

" Yes don't you know it's rude to go outside naked! "

" Izuku I'm literally a plushie. I don't think people will think much "

" But it's common to go outside with clothe's. Mom said show respect to others so were going to get you some clothes "

" But- "

" No but's! "

Catnap couldn't escape a child 's determination as he was drag by Izuku and was forced to where clothes. Though they where oversized since his height is similar to that of an average stuffed toy Izuku manage to make it fit him as Izuku put a little cap on his head to complete the look.

" There see it's much better! "

" .... "

' Kill me.


( Outside )

" Mom I'm done "

" Ah izu- !!! "

Inko flinch as she saw her son introducing catnap with his old elementary school uniform. It's light blue coloration, short pants and a small elementary cap on catnap made him look like an adorable mutant child who could barely fit his clothes. 

Catnap's arms were raised though to trying to balance his clothes so that they won't fall since his simple small body just couldn't fit.

Izuku step down outside while holding Catnap's arms as Catnap is trying his best not to trip from his baggy clothes. Inko couldn't hold herself as the cuteness of her child helping someone made her silently squill in joy. Though she doesn't say the same with Catnap at least she find him a tad bit cute and much more safer around izuku.

' Oh my god my son is so cute! '

" Okay ready!? "

" God your so cute Izuku I could just eat you up! "

" Mom.... "

Inko couldn't help but to rub Izuku's dough face as Izuku couldn't help but to his mom do her way with him. The two got themselves in the car as Izuku noticed Catnap just standing outside looking at them get on the taxi car.

" Your going in.... right.... "

" .... "

Catnap remained silent as the fresh sunlight and air made him frozen. He isn't used to seeing the sight of the outside world so being in a place not confined by space made him amazed by the simple sight from outside.

' Is this the outside world?.... How.... Long has it or even has been a time where I get to go outside '

He thought as being outside for the first time made him remember why he worshipped the Prototype so that he can finally be free. Free from the facility, Free from this toy body, free to be a normal human child again. 

This made him recall all the things he had committed. Things he did just so that he will be blessed by the prototype with freedom.

' .... Have..... I made a mistake? '

He thought as he stare at the Izuku and Inko. The one's who seem to have finally gave him one thing he wished for in a long time. 


" Are you coming catnap? "

" .... Inhale.... Yes "

' I may have known what reason I am here but one things for certain.... I'm finally free '

Even if he is still in this toy body the feeling of being in the outside world never felt so amazing. Once he got into the taxi car the driver eventually start the car engine.

Izuku was busy teaching and putting on the seat belts for Catnap as Catnap who just observe's him silently with a genuine smile. Seeing this scene Inko felt a bit bad that he thought that catnap was a bad person as looking at them made them look like two kind siblings.

Inko smile as she turn back at the car window. As they pass the building where Catnap stare's at ur with no thought's but feeling a great sense of accomplishment of being able to escape.