
The Final Stage!

"TIME'S UP!!!"

Present Mic's voice echoed throughout the maze.

"WITH THATT THE SECOND round is officiaLLY OVERR!!!"

"Bakugo you good?" Kirishima saw Bakugo who fell on the ground, just like how a bird fell from the sky when it dies.

"That BASTARRDDD!" Bakugo cried and started barking like a... dog?

Meanwhile, Todoroki was shooting daggers at Oki who seemed to be in some kind of deep thinking. 'Is he really though?' Todoroki asked himself as after Oki's feats, he was not inclined to believe that Oki was quirkless.

Momo clenched her fist and looked at Oki and Todoroki, and she felt devastated for an unknown reason, and unknown to her, her confidence was falling down bit by bit.

Tokoyami helped Mineta whose face was embedded into the ground and his butt sticking out.

Sato was knocked out along with others who were in similar condition.

Oki who analysed the whole fight got down from the tree and followed the directions on his watch to the exit, and while he was walking he could have sworn that Shinso was glaring at him. Though Oki was interested in Shinso (No homo) he felt like he had to nurture him slowly.

'Brainwash, a quirk that allows you to get control over a person is something not small at all, he was deemed to become a villain by his friends, but he denies that with his very own thoughts and strives harder... He would be a very good asset for my future plans to come in motion.' Oki thought then as if lightning struck him he triple tapped his other watch which was in his pocket and proceeded to remove his game watch.

In seconds black dust came out of Oki's shoes and surrounded Oki's watch which was in his hands and then as if magically, it sort of became into tiny particles and when Oki looked at his left hand his watch was strapped the way he wanted it to be.

"You called me Master Oki?!" April's cheery voice emerged from his watch.

"You know the reason. So what is the result?" Oki had gotten habituated with April and now he knows works her to the fullest potential.

"Your no fun Master," a small hologram of April appeared out of the watch and gave a cute pout.

"April, hurry it up." Oki never wanted an energy ball A.I., sometimes he wanted to smack Mello as hard as he could for upgrading April.

"The faction war between the Righteous and the Bribers as you call it Master, had a clear winner due to your helpings. The Righteous faction overthrew the Bribers faction out of the seats; your involvement sped things up as according to my initial calculations it should have taken another month or two if you hadn't helped the Righteous faction" April gave the report and when she did her dress changed from a usual flower-like flowing dress to a 9-hour job worker.

"Well, Ena was just a puppet by the greedy uppers and now things will go smoothly. Also, did the Righteous faction send the items which they are supposed to send?" Oki asked while remembering his time of what had transpired during his visit at the Hero Commission HQ.

"The package has already been received, Master, and they have also sent a letter saying that thanks to you Japan will have a good future than it was supposed to." April gave Oki the exact detail the new Hero Commission wanted him to see.

"Well, I hope so." Oki shrugged and sat on his usual cafeteria seat. "Send my order to Lunch Rush as usual."

"As you say, Master!" April sent an order to Luch Rush's mobile and all Oki gotta do is wait for his food.

"There you are, Oki!" Iida cried and started brisk walking towards him and when he reached near Oki he took the seat next to Oki, like a dignified noble of Astrea. "So, any plans on who you want to intern under?"

"I have my plans, what about you Iida? Are you going to join your brother's agency?" Though Iida doesn't know it but Oki and Ingenium are friends from work. Though that might not be the correct way to put it, it was the closest he could give out. 'I wonder how Endeavour would feel when I say to him I was 'Shadow' and how he got fooled 4 times by a 14-year-old (Currently he is 15), also I wonder how Ingenium is doing.'

"I would love to join his agency and learn more from him," Iida said with nostalgia in his eyes.

"So, you are the Takemikazuchi, wow that's a handful. Well, now I want you to test my babies during the final stage!" A girl with salmon pink hair came out of nowhere and started shouting beside Oki.

"Well, hello there Hatsume." Oki ignored everything she said and gave a greeting.

"I know Mr Powerloader speaks high about you, but I want yo-"

"I won't."

"You didn't let me fi-"

"Iida over here would be the better fit if you ask me." Oki might have a hazy memory of MyHeroAcademia world currently but he knew what transpired in one of the U.A sports festival final matches.

'I am sorry Iida, you have to go through it again.' Oki gave an apology though not directly but from his mind.



"It has been a long time, lets catch up Endeavour?" A muscle giant said to another muscle giant who was oozing out the fire.

"All MigHT" Endeavour the second in Japan hero billboard rankings, said with a deep hatred voice. "What. Do. You. Want?"

"Why so serious? I haven't TalKed to you since the press conference 10years ago, been a while, I saw you and figured out I say 'Hi'." All Might with his ever wide iconic grin spoke.

"Did you, now?" Endeavour turned away from All Might, "Well, then if that's all you wanted to do, we're done." Endeavour started slowly walking away.

"Hum?" All Might was a bit confused, 'Why so much distance?'

"Chatting like old friends what a joke." Endeavour walked down the stairs and away from All Might.

"HAHAHA ha ha HA!"

All Might hearing that came in front of Endeavour and blocked his way.

"Come on why the cold shoulder?"

"... ..."

"You should be thrilled! After all your son is doing very well out there, just using half his power. You must be a great teacher!"

"Are you implying something?" Endeavour asked with eyes that said 'Go away.'

"No, I want your secret, on how do we train the next generation of heroes?"

"Are you here to ridicule me?" Endeavour's flame rose up. "Your son is already good out there, and now you want to know what I thought the boy? Do you really think I tell you?"


"You're all-flash and no brain as usual. Outaa my way." Endeavour bumped All Might's shoulder and walked away.

"Well, to be honest, I never thought Young Oki anything. If I have to give a score on how I teach I would get a grade of probably 4 or 5 out of 10."

Endeavour halted his steps and was listening.

"It was all his and his alone, and now I am asking you so that I train others and not him as his own doings have a positivity."

" Let me assure you one thing All Might, whatever it takes... that kid of mine will beat you someday and."


"Your son as well, I will make sure of it, that's why I made him."

"You did what?"

"He's in a rebellious phase right now, but he will take your place. I will make sure of it." Flames roared up from Endeavour as he walked down the stairs.


"My old man is ambitious, he aims for the top. He used his power to make a name for himself as a hero, but he was never able to best All Might, so the 'Symbol of Peace' is the living proof of his failure... he is still at it though, trying to take down All Might, one way or another."

Todoroki looked at Oki who had just drunk his cola and let out a happy sigh.

"So you want to tell me about you," Oki said while looking directly at Todoroki's eyes. "You gonna say about quirk marriages next aren't you."

Oki clearly knew of Todoroki family happenings and at one point he pitied Shoto.

"Quirk marriages?" Ochako who was not far away was in shock.

"They became a problem in the first few generations of superpowers became wide spread, there were those who sought out potential mates solely with the intention of creating, powerful children. Many people were forced into relationships, they were simply viewed as old fashioned arranged marriages... but clearly it was unethical." Todoroki took a pause.

"My father not only had a rich history of accomplishments, but plenty of money to throw at his problems, he bought my mother's relatives to get his hands on her quirk and now he is raising me to use of dethroning All Might."

"!!!" Almost the whole Class 1-A had surrounded the table and they were clearly shocked.

"It's so annoying, but I refuse to be a tool for that scumbag."


"In every memory of my mother I only see her crying... I remember she calling my left side unbearable... before she poured boiling water on my face. The reason I picked a fight with you Oki is that-"

"To show Endeavour what you were capable of doing? Without relying on his quirk. You want to show that you are going to reject his power." Oki cut his words and glanced at the surrounding members.

"Hmm" Todorko nodded "An-"

"You want to defeat me with only your right side." Oki wanted to laugh.

"I have been really lucky Todoroki... in fact, that is the conclusion I had come to after what I had gone through, I always took less help from others and did more by myself and so I know nothing about what you want to blabber or declare about."

Oki got out of his seat. "The fact that you want to be a hero, with only using half of your power is great and all but, you would at most utilise just a tip of what you could really do."

"Just cause of your hatred of your father, you would be the downfall of hundreds, Todoroki."

"Why? I will leave it up to you."

"But... remember this, when you use your full power, that will be the day I clearly will acknowledge you as a hero, or at least trying to be."

"Until then you are just someone who wants to be a hero for fun. And if you did become a hero with just half of your power... you won't be able to save the innocent."

Oki walked away from the table and was out of everyone's sight.

"You could save thrice or quince of people when you use your full power unlike when you stop it."


"So How ya doing folks!"

*People cheering*

"Hope you guys had a good break, and as for those who didn't make it to finals we have side games just for you and also we brought in cheerleaders from- huh?"

"What!" Aizawa's voice echoed.

"Looks like class 1-A is doing a free fan service!"

Class 1-A girls were in cheerleaders uniforms due to the result of Mineta.


"So back on track, we will be having a one on one battle, like the tournament style. The 16 highest scores will battle each other and the last one to stand is the winner."


"I watch these finals every year and now I am actually in them!" Kirishima was excited, and one could tell it by his manly pose.

"So is it always a tournament?" Mina asked

"The finals are always a one on competition but they switch it up every time. Last year it was a foam sword fighting match." Sero answered.

"Come CLoser and draw lots, to see who your up against." Midnight said in a soothing voice, "Then enjoy the pleasure of recreational games before we start."

"The 16 finalists have an option of participating in those activities or preparing for their battle, I am sure you all want to conserve your stamina."

"I will start with the first place, Oki Takemikazuchi."

[After the drawing lots montage (Imagine it, despite you don't know who the 16 are)]

1st match - Oki Takemikazuchi Vs Hitoshi Shinso

2nd match- Eijiro Kirishima Vs Momo Yayorozu

3rd match- Ochako Uraraka Vs Fumikage Tokoyami

4th match- Yosetsu Awase Vs Tenya Iida

5th match- Mina Aashido Vs Kyoka Jiro

6th match- Bakugo Katsuki Vs Sen Kaibara

7th match- Shoto Todoroki Vs Yuga Aoyama

8th match- Izuku Midoriya Vs Mezo Shoji


(A/N)- I hope you guys look forward to the future chapters. This chapter was supposed to be 3600+ words but... I thought it would be too cramped up.

If you are enjoying the fanfic a review would be appreciated along with power stones.

(For encouraging author)

Next Chapter- The Acknowledged one and the one who isn't!