

" You see Melo, I am his grandmother. " Said the old woman casually. " I know you are the grandmother of 50 people mom. "

" No my dear, my husband's name is Yami, Yami Takemikazuhi. I am Oki's only alive blood relative, and his real grandmother, Melo."

It seems like the whole world got collapsed on the young woman named Melo. She was opening her lips and tried to speak, but words weren't coming from her.

" That is why I want him to do what he wants, pursue his own dream, but as a grandmother, I will prepare him for his journey. " *Sigh*

"Though you don't want him to become a pro hero, you are helping him become one ?" Melo wanted to say more, but after her sentence was complete, she was finding more words.

"The world is changing Melo and very few notice it and only those who notice it can succeed. I lost everyone except my youngest child. I thought I could see how my youngest grows up to his fullest... but he *tears rolling down the cheeks*."

' You see Melo when I adopted you. You reminded me of my eldest daughter, she had the same hair as yours. You remind me of her in every way.'

"*sigh* I will train Oki... my only wish is that he removes his passion for becoming a hero if he fails my training and that is what I am gonna make happen."

Melo just noded. She didn't know how to react. The one she teased and toyed with was her nephew. She was happy and sad.

Happy for a new family member, sad for the path that her nephew has decided to take. What is worse is that her nephew had no quirk, thus he is at the bottom line. She wanted to talk to Oki, but her mother stopped her tracks.

"No, Melo. We aren't supposed to decide others path, one must choose... Their own." Though the old woman said that, she still thought why she said that. ' Maybe Oki, remind me of Yami... *sigh*. '

Melo didn't know what to say.

She nodded her head and accompanied her mother to the Orphanage.


Melo P.O.V-

' I don't know what to do. Today has been a bit of ... f*** today. Today is the worst day. I don't know what to say, and after watching, and listening to mom I am sure she is having a heavy heart, one which can't be cured. And if Oki dies in future she wouldn't even care for the world and be struck grief. She would even blame herself for not giving Oki proper training.'

' Now how do I make Oki quit his dream? I want to make his dream come true but the dream he is taking is the route for a quick death. I don't want anyone to die.'

I jumped out of my bed and ran towards the dining room so that I could fill my stomach with some food. What? I had to watch Oki that he doesn't do anything reckless in the afternoon.

Dinner was served by the new caretaker. She had a helpful quirk for cleaning. She can't use her quirk in public, but she can use her quirk on private property, and it is only thanks to her that almost all the cleaning are easy these days.

" You look quite hungry Melo." I heard the new caretaker's voice. I turn towards the direction where

the voice came from. " Hello Omu. And yes. I am. Starving. "

Omu and I just stared at each other, and before we knew, we started giggling.

"Let us eat, all the kids had their fill. "

"Sure" I shake my head side to side and take a plate, fill it with some rice, chicken curry, some bean sprouts and a bowl full of tomato soup.

Omu and I started eating, and in few minutes, the other caretakers join in as well. We discussed things that were interesting for themselves, and others act like it was interesting. ' I am just worried about the future. *sigh* nothing good will happen if I just think about it. Let's focus on my duties then I will worry about Oki. '

Soon our talk comes to an end. I get up, and just like always, all the caretakers go to each room and put everyone to sleep. I am in charge of room number 1. Which is also where Oki stays.

I reached room 1, and as usual, kids talking to others. ' What do these guys have so many interesting things to talk about. '

I look at Oki's bed, see him already lying down, and sleeping with no care in the world.

" His idiotic training must have taken his energy away," I said with a childish smirk. Gosh, why do I behave like a child? I look one last time at Oki, and something was different about him now. Something has changed in Oki, but what could have changed?

I bend forward and touch his black and red hair with red tips. Oki's red tips aren't too bright or too dark, they have a ruby glow to them. His black hair sometimes is like Charoite, but it is black. " Wonder why though?..."

'Well, let's put these little villains to sleep.'

It took me more than half an hour to put these guys to sleep.

" These kids are definitely devils, don't want to sleep when the time comes but they love it so much that they won't leave it after they fell asleep. "

*sigh*' That was more like a villains way of speaking.'

' Let's sleep and see what my tomorrow has in for me.'

But before I sleep. I turn towards Oki, and walk towards him and gave him a kiss on his forehead. Ruffled his head which can only be done when he is asleep. " Gosh Oki, you have the best hair texture." ' Okay come on Melo, you have things to do tomorrow.'

With that, I walk away from room number 1 and go to my room. Change into my pyjamas, and jumped on my bed and... darkness??? Well, I slept.


Oki P.O.V-

I ate my dinner like a champ and hit the bed straight.

I was in no position to change my sweaty clothes. So, instead, I pulled the pillow towards me and adjusted to a comfortable position. Slowly I drifted into dreams.

As I fell asleep, something pulled me.

I wake up in a void with a panel in front of me.


(A/N)- How is the chapter development? Any advice and suggestion, please mention them in the comments. So I want to focus a bit more on MC. As the systems said at first, all quirks are low potential quirks. They are tough to develop and upgrade like general quirks, which are like a part of your body which Aizawa says as. MC has two legendary skills, they are high potential skills, but their advancement is the toughest. Learning them and making them a part of you is different, remember. MC won't try to get OneForAll or any other quirks and his system gives him the quirks which make him super-soldier or similar but his quirk in the school administration forum and hero license will be nill/none/(empty).