
Chapter 52: Aftermath

{3rd Person POV}

The next day after the attack by the Vanguard Squad of the League of Villains, the nation was shaken. Media were frenzied and started hounding the U.A. management for the continuous villain attacks and the kidnapping of Bakugo Katsuki, the student who showed some violent tendencies in the sport's festival.

While the world was bustling about the attack, the students who got first hand experience in the attack were admitted to the hospital nearby the camp where they have been. Three students of Class A has been hospitalized, Momo was hospitalized due to the injury to her head, inflicted by the Nomu, Midoriya was in the hospital due to the injuries he sustained while trying to save Kota from Muscular and finally, Saiba was admitted due to losing his consciousness while containing the uncontrolled temporal energy from Eri.

[It appears the principal offenders of the U.A. High training camp attack called themselves the League of Villains Vanguard Action Squad. For the U.A. High, in both the USJ incident and the Hosu incident, the name of "League of Villains" is heard.]


[Among the victims of the training camp attack was the child of the Pro Heroes, Water Hose, who were killed by Muscular--]


[We must conclude that there is some sort of problem with the management of U.A. High. Even if my child wanted to become a hero, I could not possibly enroll---]


At the hideout of the League of Villains, turning off the TV Shigaraki said "I'm really grateful for all the publicity we've been getting."

Then looking at Bakugo who was tied up to the chair he was seated on, Shigaraki said "Hey, don't you agree? Katsuki Bakugo?"

Shaking his head, Shigaraki just observes Bakugo, who has been silent since he was tied up on a chair.

Turning towards Kurogiri, Shigaraki asked "What happened to the Nomu again?"

"It got destroyed to the point of no recovery." Kurogiri replied to the question as he was wiping the glasses.

"Seems like his parents are as strong as he is. Do we know what kind of quirks all three of them have?" Shigaraki asked Kurogiri.

"The father has a telepathic quirk, it allows him to communicate with others, yes it's a two way telepathy unlike Mandalay's. The mother, on the other hand, has a similar quirk of his, just that she produces her own energy, she can create solid objects from her energy. As for his sister, she also has the same quirk as her mother." Kurogiri told Shigaraki.

"Hmmmm.... Well, we didn't get his family nor did we get him. But it's alright, I'm sure that when he knows about it he will be coming at me, I'll have him in my hands at that time." Shigaraki said.

"What the fuck are you talking about!?" Bakugo shouted at them, even though he didn't understand what they were talking about fully, he did understand something 'These scum are going after someone's family!'

"Oh, nothing nothing, it's just a side quest that failed." Shigraki brushed off Bakugo's question.

Walking up to Shigaraki and blocking the Bakugo from hearing, Akainu asked Shigaraki "What kind of side quest where you talking about?"

"Mmm? Ah, there was this annoying brat that I told you to bring here for me to torment, you remember him right?" Shigaraki asked Akainu.

"Yeah, what about him?" Akainu asked.

"I wanted to get my hands on his precious little sister, in order to break him in every way possible. But it failed spectacularly thanks to his parents." Shigaraki said.

Sighing, Akainu told Shigaraki "If he can withstand Nomu and incapacitate it easily, what makes you think that you will be safe after touching one of his family?"

"What's there to worry about? Heh.. He can try everything, but he won't be able to touch a single strand of my hair. You want to know why? Because he's alone and I have dozens of Nomus at my beck and call. Even if he could take care of one or two at the same time, he won't be able to take care of a dozen of them." Shigaraki told Akainu with a wide smile that reached his eyes.

Puffing a smoke, Akainu had only one thought: 'Crazy bastard.'

Shaking his head, Akain said one last thing to Shigaraki before leaving the hideout for fresh air "Know that I wouldn't be in the forefront to fight him when he's coming after you, for touching his family. Because, you caused that, not me."

As Akainu left, Shigaraki muttered in a low voice "Cowardly bastard."


At noon of the day after the attack by the villains, Fuyumi along with an exhausted Tomo, Jun and a sleeping Yuki came running into the room where Joichiro was. When they entered the room, they saw Shoto sitting next to the bed with Eri on his lap, who was looking at Joichiro with tears in her eyes.

"Shoto!" Fuyumi hugged Shoto and the Saiba family, passed by the siblings and went to Joichiro.

Shoto hugged her back, as this is the second attack by the villains targeting him and his classmates to strike at All Might.

Eri jumped down from Shoto's lap and went towards Tomo with tears in her eyes and hugged her on the leg.

Picking Eri up, Tomo said trying her best to calm the little girl down "Sensei told us what happened, it's not your fault and he's not going to disappear."

Still sobbing, Eri buried her face on the crook of Tomo's neck. Tomo patted Eri's back to calm her down.

Looking at Jun and Tomo, Fuyumi told Shoto, "They're Jōichirō's parents, you remember them right."

Shoto bowed to them in greeting and said "The doctors said that he would wake up at any time. It's just, he has to decide when to wake up."

Jun nodded at Shoto, still holding on to sleeping Yuki. Looking at Yuki, Shoto asked "Why is she sleeping now?"

Chuckling at the question, Jun said "The villains didn't only attack you guys."

Shoto's eyes went wide at what Jun said and asked "Are you guys alright?"

"We're fine. Thanks to Tomo using her quirk, she destroyed it." Jun said as he placed Yuki next to Jōichirō. As soon as Yuki felt the familiar warmth, she hugged Jōichirō in an instant.

"What do you mean by the "thing"?" Shoto asked.

"You know, the one Jōichirō and you guys captured at the U.S.J? Something similar to that came to our house yesterday night." Jun said.

"And I just overloaded with energy and destroyed it." Tomo said from the other side of the bed with Eri still in her hands.

Fuyumi sat down on the chair where Shoto was sitting and took hold of Joichiro's hand and kissed it muttering "Please wake up soon."

"Waaa... Todoroki! What are you doing here?" A new voice was heard from the entrance of the room as Fuyumi kissed Joichiro's hand.

Still holding on to his hand, Fuyumi along with Tomo and Jun looked towards the person who called out the Todoroki name.

Looking at the person, Shoto said "I could ask you the same thing, Kirishima."

"Ah.. ummm... How do I put it... I just couldn't sit around at home anymore." Kirishima said.

"I see. I stayed here to look after Eri, as she didn't want to leave Joichiro." Shoto told him.

Kirishima nodded at him, and had an awkward expression on his face.

Seeing that, Shoto said while gesturing towards Tomo, Jun and Fuyumi "You know Joichiro's family, and this is my sister."

"Hello! Nice to meet you! My name is Kirishima! I'm a classmate of Saiba and Todoroki." Kirishima introduced himself while still standing at the entrance.

"Good to meet you too Kirishima, hope you are alright after yesterday." Jun said.

"I'm alright." Kirishima said with a bitterness in his voice.

Shoto turned towards his sister and said "I'll check up on my other classmates."

"Sure, go ahead. I'll be here." Fuyumi told him.

Bowing towards Jun and Tomo, Shoto walked towards Kirishima and said "Let's go and see Yaoyorozu and Midoriya."

"Yes!" Stiffly answering to Shoto, Kirishima bid farewell to the room's occupants and left.

On their way to Yaoyorozu's room, Kirishima asked "So.... Your sister..."

"Yes, she is Saiba's girlfriend." Shoto told him nonchalantly.

"Okay, cool. I didn't know about that." Kirishima said as it's not in his nature to pry into someone's personal matters.

"Even I didn't. I only found out about it after the sport's festival." Shoto said.

Kirishima's mouth fell agape as he heard that and said "Unbelievable."

Shoto nodded at that as it was unbelievable for him too when it was revealed to him and his family.

"You---" Kirshima was about to start speaking, but stopped himself as they heard someone talking inside Yayorozu's room.

Both of them just stood outside of the room, enough to know what was happening inside the room. They peeked inside for a moment and found Yaoyorozu speaking with All Might and another man.

"Awase from Class B and I teamed up. We were able to plant a transmitter on one of the villains. Here is a device that tracks the signal from the transmitter. Please use it for your investigation." Yaoyorozu said as she gave the device to All Might.

"Before this, Aizawa had judged that you were lacking the ability to make quick judgments. You've grown spectacularly! Thank you, young lady Yaoyorozu!" All Might praised her as he took the device into his hand.

"When my classmates were in danger... This was all I could do.. It's frustrating." Yaoyorozu said while lowering her head in guilt and worry.

"Those feelings you have are proof that you are worthy of being a Hero! You can leave the rest to me!" All Might assured Yaoyorozu.

Raising her head and nodding at All Might, she asked him "What is the condition of Todoroki, Tokoyami and Saiba?"

"Young Todoroki and Young Tokoyami are all right. But, Young Saiba is still in an unconscious state, as for Young Midoriya, he's been in and out of consciousness." All Might said.

"Thank you." Yayorozu thanked All Might.

In that gap, Shoto and Kirishima went back the way they came while both of them were thinking seriously. Reaching a place where there was no one, Kirishima asked "Are you thinking of what I'm thinking?"

"If you're thinking about saving Bakugo, then yes. I'm thinking what you're thinking." Shoto replied.

"Then let's go to Yaoyorozu." Saying that Kirishima walked back along with Shoto to Yaoyorozu.

Looking inside, they made sure that there was no one else besides Yaoyorozu and went inside.

Seeing her two classmates safe and sound, Yaoyorozu said "I'm glad you guys are alright."

"As we are." Shoto said, then sitting down on the chair, Shoto continued "We overheard what you told All Might. We want a device that could track that receiver you planted on the Nomu."

With a serious face, Yaoyorozu asked "For what purpose?"

"To save Bakugo. I couldn't save him at the forest, but I'll do anything to get back my friend." Kirishima said.

"You do know that the Heroes will take care of it, right?" Yaoyorozu asked.

"We know that! But we can't just sit back! I already lost a chance to help my friend and I'm not going to lose another chance." Kirishima said.

"Can I think it over?" Yaoyorozu asked both of them.

"Yaoyorozu, make it quick. We don't have that much time left." Saying that Kirishima left the room leaving Yayorozu and Shoto alone in the room.

"Rest well, when you come to a decision, tell us." Saying that Shoto was about to leave when Yaoyorozu said "Shoto, is Jōichirō really alright?"

"He's still in his unconscious state. His family is here so nothing to worry about." Shoto replied to her.

"We were together, you know. He told me to help the others while he looked for Ragdoll. We separated from each other where Ragdoll was supposed to be. Did he find her? Is she alright? He was with Kyoaka too, is she alright?" Yaoyorozu asked continuously while shaking a bit.

Placing his hand on her shoulder to stop her from shaking, Shoto said "He found Ragdoll, she was severely injured and lost blood. She's in this hospital too, in the ICU. Jiro is safe, both her and Joichiro reached the campsite along with Ragdoll. There's nothing to worry about, okay?"

Shedding some tears after knowing that her friends were safe, Yaoyorozu said "Thank you."

Nodding at her, Shoto also left the room and went towards where his sister was. When he reached the room where Joichiro was, he saw his other classmates standing inside the room.

Jiro was standing next to Fuyumi who was sitting on the chair with Jōichirō's hand in hers. As Shoto walked past his classmates, Fuyumi who saw him said "That's my brother, Shoto."

Everyone's eyes went wide, and Kaminari muttered to Sero "Saiba is Todoroki's sister's boyfriend?"

"Seems to be." Sero replied to Kaminari.

The rest of the class looked awkward and they quickly bid them farewell and left the room to see if Yaoyorozu and Midoriya were alright.