
Chapter 16


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"Don't let them get away!" Shigaraki spat. "They can't leave the building! We need them to lure All might here!"

"Understood." Kurogiri shrunk into his own darkness and disappeared.

Deku saw the living cloud reappear at the top of the stairs, blocking off the class's escape, when suddenly a large explosion went off, consuming the living cloud.

Deku's head snapped to the top of the stairs the moment the blast went off. That explosion...the sound..the smoke...the flames...they seemed... painfully familiar...!

All the boy's doubt and uncertainty about his current position were completely wiped away.

Deku broke into a mad sprint, heading straight for the stairs. Eraserhead took down another batch of villains before laying his eyes on the green hooded boy coming his way.

After hearing Midnight's story about failing to foil an ATM bank robbery, he'd been paying attention to numerous reports from the authorities and the media, who could find the weak spot in a hero's quirk and use it against them.

After hearing so much about him over the last seven months, the underground hero was able to recognize him in an instant.

"The Green Rabbit...'Deku'..."

The Quirk-Canceling hero activated his quirk, his hair standing on end.

But as he aimed his gaze at the approaching villain, he was surprised to see no sign of hesitation or sudden loss of confidence in his body language.

He threw a strand of his capture scarf toward the boy.

But Deku proved to be more slippery than Eraserhead expected. The green hooded villain managed to dodge out of the scarf's path without slowing down.

Eraserhead tried again, this time snagging a few villains to the side of him and flinging them toward the boy.

The young villain merely jumped over each thrown villain, somersaulting in mid-air before landing on his feet and continuing his advance.

Eraserhead refused to let the boy get past him. He rushed toward the oncoming rabbit villain, intent on stopping him in his tracks with a well-placed punch.

However, at the last second, Deku got down on his knees and slid under the underground hero's incoming fist.

For a split second that seemed to go on forever, the underground hero's bewildered eyes behind his goggles locked onto Deku's focused, dark-rimmed gaze behind his red-vised eyewear.

Time caught back up with the two, as Deku sprung back onto his feet and continued his dash for the main entrance.

"No!" Eraserhead cursed. He couldn't believe someone got past him.

What blew his mind, even more, was that the boy was able to do so without the telltale signs of any quirk use.

That brought him to the harrowing conclusion that Midnight was telling the truth.

The Green Rabbit...Deku...really was Quirkless.

"Here comes Skullasaur-!" The dinosaur man was dispatched in an instant by a lightning-fast kick to the head.

This was no time to lose focus now. He may have let one villain get past him, but he swore that it was the only one that would.

As he intercepted another band of rogues, he could only hope that his students still at the entrance, and scattered across the USJ could handle themselves.

His eyes gleamed red as he activated his quirk once more.

This was going to be a long day...

Deku recognised that explosion anywhere!

It had to be him! Of all people, they let that cruel, vindictive, temperamental, pride-ridden sack of garbage into their school?! Who was he kidding, of course, they did! Aldrea High must have painted up his recommendation to look as prim and proper as possible! They'd do anything for the precious golden boy! Never mind the fact that he beat and blasted a Quirkless, defenceless child to the point where he felt like...!

...That was in the past.

A manic smile split across the boy's face, hidden under his mask.

Well, things were a lot different since high school, now. And he and Kaachan had so much catching up to do...!

The green hooded boy made it to the top of the stairs.

Hoping to see a blonde-haired dirtbag with a superiority complex the size of Mt. Lady, he was disappointed yet surprised to see a large dome of dark energy swirling around before him.

A few students came jumping out of the arch vortex, rescuing a few of their friends as they did, before the whole dome disappeared.

"NO!" A boy with neat dark blue hair and glasses, wearing a white suit of armour cried out in despair.

He managed to rescue Ochako, as well as another girl with light pink skin, black eyes with yellow irises, and fluffy pink hair with two antenna-like horns growing out of her head.

"It's okay! They're still alive!" A student with a jagged grey hairstyle with a mask over his face, along with multiple limbs called out through a mouth where his right hand should be, while his left held up a large ear.

"I can hear them! They've only been teleported across the facility!"

Deku agreed with the multi-limbed student silently. Shigaraki explained his plan to all the villains taking part before the attack started.

As soon as they saw All Might, the hand-man would launch his secret weapon, the Nomu, on the Symbol of Peace.

While All Might had his hands full with the monster, the students would be separated and ambushed by the rest of the villains, putting All Might in a difficult compromise.

Lose his life while saving the children, or let them die as he tackles the creature?

Lose his life, or have his spirit broken?

An ingeniously, cruel plan...

A boy with tape dispensers for elbows shot a strand at the living cloud, only for it to go right through him. "Dang it! Nothing we throw at this thing works! It just goes right through him!"

Thirteen had been quiet up until now until she turned to the bespeckled boy in urgency. "Iida! You have to get out of the facility, and warn the teachers of the attack!"

Iida, the blue-haired boy, looked at the deep-space heroine in outrage. "What?!"

"The school's infra-red alarm system hasn't gone off, and there's no cell signal, meaning that some of these villains must be using their quirks to cut us off from the rest of the campus," Thirteen deduced. "Our best bet is to have the fastest among us to get out of here and call for help."

"No!" Iida argued back forcefully. "I'm not leaving! I will not abandon my friends!"

"These guys managed to get inside without tripping the alarm. That means that they had to get past the alarms outside the building, as well." A well-built student with fat lips in a yellow bodysuit and mask explained.

"If you can get out of here, then they can't follow you, not without setting off the security outside!" The tape-elbowed boy notified.

"This is what being a hero is about, Iida Tenya...using your quirk to save the lives of others!" Thirteen declared.

"You can do it, Iida!" Ochako piped up with encouragement next.

"Don't worry about us, we can handle this! Go for it, Mr Class President!"

"Don't you think it's rather foolish to talk about your plans in front of your enemy?" Kurogiri lashed out with his dark form, only for Thirteen to retaliate with her quirk, Black Hole, and begin sucking his smoke into the eradicating abyss that was her power.

"It doesn't matter what we do if you can't do anything to stop us!"

Deku was impressed by the sight of the deep-space heroine's quirk, but he turned back to see the spectacled boy, who was still stuck in his conflict of going for help or staying with his friends.

From the look of his armour, the boy appeared to resemble the noble speed hero, Ingenium. Either a die-hard fan or perhaps a relative. And if that was the case, then the boy must have some kind of super-speed quirk.

A lightbulb seemed to go off in the young analyst's head as he reached for his Taser-Knuckle. Perhaps the class president needed a little more...motivation...

The Quirkless child hopped out of the way of Kurogiri's smoke and Thirteen's vacuum and headed straight for the small group of students.

"No!" Thirteen could only watch as the bunny-eared villain came out of nowhere and ran past her.

"Don't lose your focus, now!" Kurogiri declared as he opened up a vortex behind Thirteen, allowing the heroine's Quirk to flow through him and out toward her back. Thirteen wailed in agony as she was nearly torn to shreds by her own Quirk.

"Thirteen!" The pink-skinned girl, Mina, cried out to the deep-space heroine, but then took notice of the green hooded criminal coming their way.

"No, you don't!" The tape boy shot out a stream of binding toward the boy. Deku easily grabbed hold of it and yanked the boy out of his way.

The yellow suited and multi-limbed student tried to intercept him, but the young villain merely used their heads as springboards and jumped over the two.

He soared over Ochako and Mina's heads until he landed before Iida, blocking his path to the exit and protruding his Taser-Knuckle. "Try getting out of here now!"


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Toji_Fushigorocreators' thoughts