
MHA fighter will

A story of a man who died and got a chance of living again In the world of heroes and villains. Follow him as he decides his martial path, having a quirk or not is not on his considerations. The cover isn't mine, nor is the story of mha. I'm still discovering the publishing process in this app, of you see an novel with the same name in the novel category is because of that, I'm gonna post it in here now. I'm happy with tips and constructive criticism. I posted this on Scribble hub, for those who asked about to post it somewhere else.

Paulo_D_Manoel · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
43 Chs


Sekizan was training his hands and thinking of the future. Rokushiki, the six powers, together with seimei kikan seven. It would be nice to imagine that he has a path to follow to train this martial art, but the reality is that to perform even one of the moves he has to train his body to the extreme and not just train normally, with intent and purpose of doing specific movements.

At the end of the day he isn't a one piece character. But this do not discourage him in the least. It's the challenge that makes more interesting to him. He will adapt the moves to suit his body even if this takes decades to accomplish.

' first things first, the moves of the rokushiki are the ultimate expression of body condition; Shigan is the expression of your hand speed and hand strength; Soru is the expression of your running speed in conjunction with leg speed and control; Geppo is the expression of your jumping speed and prowess; Kami-e of your flexibility and body control; Tekkai of your endurance;Rankyaku the expression of kick strength and speed; Seimei Kikan is the absolute control and discovery of your body's functions; and finally there's the ultimate move Rokuogan.' Sekizan stop the thought at that moment, he knew the barrier that was that move.

Rokuogan, the expression of mastery of all of the rokushiki. The transferring of forces of all the muscles in your body in a controlled manner using all the principles taught is the journey of mastering the moves, making a shockwave capable of destroying the body of your opponent from the inside.

'ahhh, I gotta begin step by step, no use in all this analyzing nonsense. In the end overanalyzing everything will just make it seem impossible.' He thought and took a deep breath, stopping the rice conditioning as well.

Getting up he got to the makiwara his dad has. Getting in the horse stance he begin to punch. Not with all his strength, but in a way to strengthen his hand step by step.

' Step one is again foundation, half of the moves in the rokushiki required strong legs and to strengthen the legs in a way that I will use the air as my stepping stone will take time and effort.' Our MC once again began to deconstruct the moves.

' Running will be one of the most important exercise, both sprinting and jogging will be important to develop the two types of muscles fibers in my legs.' He increases the strength of his punch in the makiwara without noticing. He is in a zone where his body is moving in a instinctual way, and the sound of his punches spread around the yard.

' My tendons and ligaments are important as well.' He figures. ' With the amount of force and torque that those moves will generate, I have to have strong tendons to spread the forces to the maximum amount of surface area.'

The speed of his punches increases once again and his arms are in a blur. You can notice traces of blood in his hand but he doesn't feel it.

' Well, the upper body can't be left behind as well. But now is not the time to focus to much in the upper body, with the difficulty of the leg moves I will focus first in the lower body. When I enter puberty I will work all the body in conjunction.'

Having made this decision he finally notices his present predicament, and stop the exercise. Looking at his hands, his knuckles are a open mess and blood soaked the makiwara he was using.

" Damnit! Now I'm gonna have to clean this mess!" He said out loud. And proceeds go to the medkit that is in the wall.

Injures are common in training so his dad has one aways at hand. He starts to clean his hand with the alcohol and bandage after spreading healing cream on it. And goes to the makiwara to replace the straw ropes.

' So training the legs is a good move, maybe I pick Muay Thai next, is a good complement to my taekwondo and will train my kicks and punches in conjunction.' Having unrolled the straw ropes of the makiwara he stares at the blood soaked ropes in a daze.

'Why am I doing all of this? Why am I doing all this work, giving my blood and sweat in the practices? Am I insane?' Sekizan stops and contemplate those questions.

He does not have to do all this, he could enjoy his life in leisure, the world he lives in does not require him to be a hero, does not require that he do all this to be strong. He could take advantage of his intelligence and be an office worker. His quirk surely helping him in that. He could be an artist. He could be many things that surely are more adequate giving the nature of his quirk.


He starts to smile,and in his eight years old face, a face with a little of baby fat still present in them, the smile he shows contain a trace of wildness not common in a child of that age, in his long red hair that is free to move in the wind that he never care to contain, In the red eyes and eyebrows shows the sweat that dried after a long day of hard work.

The smile that split his face before turns into a wild grin. And them into a laugh. He laugh out loud. And even though his laugh can be considered cute as his voice did not developed yet, you cannot consider cute when in the presence of it. Because the laugh contain a bit of madness in it as well.

"Why I do it? Ha don't give me that, I will be strong, I will not accept mediocrity in this life. Such stupid questions. Maybe my resolve is not strong enough and my mind is playing tricks on me. Heh" Sekizan trows the straw ropes in the trash and put new ones in the makiwara. His steps steady and his breathing calm.

" I need to stop thinking about such pointless things. Better meditate, Seimei Kikan, the control of my body. Gotta go to work."

Sitting to meditate the Mc forgets about those questions and focus on his body. In the end it is his offort that will make him strong, he got no time to doubt his methods.