
MHA fighter will

A story of a man who died and got a chance of living again In the world of heroes and villains. Follow him as he decides his martial path, having a quirk or not is not on his considerations. The cover isn't mine, nor is the story of mha. I'm still discovering the publishing process in this app, of you see an novel with the same name in the novel category is because of that, I'm gonna post it in here now. I'm happy with tips and constructive criticism. I posted this on Scribble hub, for those who asked about to post it somewhere else.

Paulo_D_Manoel · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
43 Chs

Fabric of reality

The decision to go to the training camp that the school imposed on their students lay in Sekizan's mind all week in his daily training. He could go and spend his time with his classmates and teachers someplace god knows where and follow their directions. He surely would find fun in a way.

However, since the beginning of the year, in particular, after living through the events that he experienced, Sekizan knew that he was close to a breakthrough in understanding something important on his path.

Call it a subtle feeling. The sensation that you are on the cusp of something, one more step and you fall into the abyss of mystery. He felt that if he wasted his time now he could take more time to figure it out.

Having ruminated on his situation he decided to tell the school that he will not participate in the camp. The reason he gave was the truth, he was going on a journey to find enlightenment in his martial arts. The principal Nezu was speechless when he heard the teen's reasoning but allowed him to go on his journey.

Sekizan knew that to find his answers he couldn't have distractions or worries. So he told his family that he wouldn't bring anything, no form of communication, no bag, no nothing.

His mother, understandably, was not happy hearing such words from her only son. What if he gets hurt and can't call anyone? She knew that her son was capable, but her motherly instincts told her that this was unnecessary and stupid.

Seeing the expression on her son's face, however, told her that nothing she could say would change his mind. His eyes had a strange brilliance in them showing a commitment that she saw only when his entire being was determined to do something or die trying.

Ryuji on the other hand looked at his son and understood that this was an important time for his journey. He was close to understanding his body and knew that time and rumination were necessary to cross the finishing line. He said to his son the only words that he could give seeing his determination.

"Good luck, son." But just these were enough to express his support.

Sekizan decided to go to the wilderness alone, without tools, food, and water. The only thing he was wearing was his black linen pants. He began his journey bare-chested and barefooted.

He decided to first trek from his city, Musutafu, to Hokkaido. He traveled mostly between forest terrain, living off the land and hunting animals for sustenance.

He slept atop trees seated in meditation, trying to connect with the nature around himself. During his trip, people would see him sometimes.

Rumors soon started to spread that an oni was haunting the forests of the places he was spotted.

Sekizan could easily hide from people, but he didn't bother to do such a thing. His focus was to connect with nature.

He arrived in Hokkaido after two weeks of slow and deliberate walking. He did not rush his travel, wandering around if his mind deemed it important to do so.

Trekking up a mountain he arrived at the peak. The view at the top of the tallest mountain of Hokkaido was stunning, to say the least. The name was Asahi-Dake, one of the tallest in the whole country.

Sekizan looked at the environment and spotted a flat rock that was elevated from the ground like a natural throne made of stone. He jumped on it and sat cross-legged.

Now was the time. The objective of this journey was to discover what was giving him the feeling he was constantly receiving.

Sekizan closed his eyes and thought back to the first time he felt this way. His fight against the Nomu in the USJ facility. At that moment he felt as if he could do anything, impose his desires on his body and the world. The feeling was vague but he felt something.

The second time he felt something was when he moved against the paralyzing spell that his enemy cast against him with his quirk. He already forgot the name of this enemy, but the important thing is the feeling of control he felt at that moment.

Every time he experienced these extreme life and death situations he felt his senses spread in a way never before experienced. Like electricity passed through his nerves and his will was the only thing that ruled the fabric of reality.

But that feeling of control was faint. Like as if he was a blind man navigating an obstacle course with just the input his cane gave to him. He felt a weak pull from the fabric of reality, but nothing that gave him the insight necessary to ascertain what it was.

Sekizan decided to spend his days here until he discovered what that feeling was. He will take inspiration from a character from his previous life and dedicate 10.000 punches of gratitude to his martial arts every day and meditate for the rest of his time.


Two weeks came to pass with Sekizan continuing his routine. In the morning he did his punches with all his might and intent. By noon he hunted an animal and cooked it to replenish his nutrition. After that, he spends the remaining time seated in meditation trying to feel the world.

Today was like that, he already finished his punches and was currently seated by a fire cooking a rabbit he caught. Seeing that the meat was ready he extended his hand to pick the branch he used to cook the animal.

When his finger touched the wood he felt a small vibration, if this was any other day he would miss it. However, now he was focused on his senses, this made it so he could discern this from any other vibration.

Sekizan stopped, he looked at his hand and proceeded to jump and sit on his rock. He spread his consciousness and tried to feel the vibration of the world. After a time he felt something that he didn't expect.

His mind subtly interacted with the world. When his will was laid on the world the fabric of reality reacted in response to it. Now it made sense, every time he was in danger it was his will that allowed him to succeed.

The concept that the force of his will was affecting the fabric of reality was something that he couldn't make sense of. What did that mean?

(an; yeah, trying to come back to the Grove, I'm thinking of just skipping the boring arcs until the license arc.

This was an idea that I had before I croaked yesterday and I couldn't wash off my mind. It is impressive when a sudden bout of inspiration comes knocking on your mind.

I don't know if I will post something tomorrow but I decided to not give up on this story. I relate to the MC. I can't kill him off.

Leave me some stones and stuff.)