
MHA fighter will

A story of a man who died and got a chance of living again In the world of heroes and villains. Follow him as he decides his martial path, having a quirk or not is not on his considerations. The cover isn't mine, nor is the story of mha. I'm still discovering the publishing process in this app, of you see an novel with the same name in the novel category is because of that, I'm gonna post it in here now. I'm happy with tips and constructive criticism. I posted this on Scribble hub, for those who asked about to post it somewhere else.

Paulo_D_Manoel · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
43 Chs

Battle tournament final

In the waiting room Sekizan was seated in a meditative position. Kirishima had long since left to let him concentrate on the fight that was about to happen.

Sekizan was meditating to enter a state of clarity of mind, he knew that his confrontation with Todoroki will require his will to be sharp and his focus to be like at razors edge. Normally when you get into a fight you don't have time to meditate to get into a warrior state of mind, where you accept and imagine your own death, your body being pierced by swords and spears, the finality of your own existence.

Sekizan usually meditate every day to hone his mental edge, but now he was focussing on getting his heart ready for the battle. His body was a machine for combat, he disregarded all others distractions, all that mattered was his performance now.

*Knock knock*

A person knocked on the door to call for him, and spoke from the outside.

" The final round will begin shortly." The staff member said, waiting for the competitor to get out.

The door opened and the staff member was scared stiff, his body was not moving. He wondered if his eyes were playing tricks on him because in front of him was not a teenager, it was a demon. The piercing red eyes that dismantled you with a passing glance, he truly thought he was gonna die.

"Hm, thank you." Sekizan said to the person who called him, he did not pay attention to his response, his mind was in the battle that was about to begin.

The man stood at the corridor watching Sekizan walk down to the arena and only could move when he was out of sight. He thanked the gods, truly he thought he was as good as dead when the teen got his eyes on him.

Sekizan walked to the exit of the corridor waiting to the time to come, a green light showed that he could go up and he proceeded to enter the stadium.

" Lady's and gentlemen, we are arriving on the last round of this amazing competition, what an intense festival this has been, I want to thank you for the amazing support before we proceed to the last battle." Present Mic began with his showmanship, he was really good at getting the crowd in the mood.

" Now, we have again our ruthless competitor who show to us that a good kick and a punch can resolve most of life's problems, the one that attracted attention with his efficiency and direct approach for combat, the red menace, the giant ginger, Scarlatti Sekizan!!" Mic introduced the teen for the final time.

" And fighting him we have the antithesis teen, the contradiction in person, he can be hot or he can be cold, the one that showed the absolute power of the elements, Todoroki Shoto!!" Once again Mic introduced.

The two were in front of one another and the stadium was silent, you could sense the seriousness of the moment.

" Let the fight begin!" The fight start was announced.

Shoto immediately launched a massive iceberg at Sekizan direction, hoping that the size of his attack caught him by surprise.

Sekizan, who was expecting such opening, began to take to the skies, using Geppo to maneuver around the giant wall of ice. He was moving around the arena, trying to find a opening. But it seems that Todoroki was smart and did not lowered his guard, every time he gave a hint that he was gonna approach Shoto immediately created a wall to block his way.

Seeing that his air strategy was not working Sekizan decided to try something new. He got down from the sky and landed on the ground, staring right at his opponent.

Todoroki was confused by this approach, but he decided to not put much thought into it, using again his quirk to launch a massive wall in Sekizan direction.

Sekizan saw the giant frigid wall coming at his direction and anchored his feet on the ground, he concentrated in feeling the solidness of the earth, he felt the connection he had with the planet.

As the iceberg came close he kicked the ground 10 times in a blink, as if performing Soru, however rather than using the energy he got to dash forward he instead redirected all the energy who normally moved his 100 kg body to an instant acceleration of 200 km/h, to go through his muscles, tendons, organs and bones, compounding the force, sending directly to his fist.

With perfect form he punched the wall.


A shockwave passed through the ice, destroying it completely. His hand was fine as the opposite force was redirected to the ground, the ground in turn cracked it as the force was nullified.

" Haha you got to give me more than this, ice boi!" Sekizan shouted and dashed forward in the open road he carved by himself.

Todoroki launched small waves to gain time, but Sekizan dodged the small ones and if he launched a big one he demolished with his new move.

Getting close to Todoroki he Geppoed around sendind small wind blades(Rankyaku) to pester the teen to show an opening.

Falling from high above he accelerated his descent flipping himself to fall on his feet, using the energy the gravity and his own acceleration gave him on his landing, he redirected and launched a punch at the air, with the same concept as a Rankyaku, he launched an air Cannon with his hand.


Todoroki in turn hastily created a shield of ice to try and defend himself, but failed as the wall shattered easily sending a shockwave through him, lifting him off his feet.

Sekizan dashed forward closing the distance, sending a roundhouse aiming at his head, Todoroki barely blocked raising his arms in a cross guard. He was launched by the force of the kick.

As he was flying back he used his ice to anchor himself on the ground he did not let his eyes leave his opponent, seeing him dash forward he created a small but dense shield to block another kick.


The shield cracked but he held steady, immediately controlling the ice to cover Sekizan's legs, locking him into place.

Sekizan seeing his leg getting stuck used his opposite free leg to kick the ground transferring the force to break the ice, falling forward from his position.

He was now in front of Todoroki without much space to maneuver, but he did not gave much importance, he lifted his hand at the distance of one inch away from his opponent chest and used his whole body to perform a one inch punch.

" Ughh!" Todoroki had his legs anchored in ice, not allowing his body to fly back, he instead leaned back from the force, he felt as if his ribcage was battered with an iron bar, he saw as his opponent was preparing to do a much stronger move with the distance he gained, and he panicked.

If he allowed Sekizan to attack at that distance his fight will be over, in desperation he immediately used his fire side sending a wave at his opponent direction.


Sekizan hastily covered his face and kicked the air to gain distance, his jumpsuit soon caught fire and he tore it out and threw it away leaving his naked chest exposed

His skin was singed , and the ends of his long red hair burned a bit. But he sported a savage grin on his face.

" Heh, finally using your fire huh? Now it's time to take matters seriously, Todoroki!" Sekizan said to his opponent. it was time to end this battle.

" If I'm using my fire I will not lose this." Shoto said with confidence, he was forced to use his fire, he will never back down now.

"Then let's go! Let's see if you can take this then!" Sekizan dashed forward but unexpected stepped on air and gained altitude, kicking the air continually to get hight.

Looking down from above he breathed and used release to make his body perform to his limits and began to fall.

Todoroki saw this and knew that nothing good will come of it and immediately used all of his quirk, with his ice side he launched the biggest wave he ever launched and with his fire he launched the most he could with the undeveloped control he had.

As Sekizan was falling to the absolute Armageddon that was his opponent attack he began to spin, he spun foward as if performing a front flip, but he was accelerating, when he just was before the attack he has a spinning blur with wind pressure generating from his spin.

Right as he was gonna enter the inferno he launched it.

" Rankyaku: Sen!" He shouted and a line of concentrated wind was launched from his feet. Different from normal it was like a straight line, with immense penetrating power. (An: Sen= line. Just for you guys imagine the form of the attack.)



He got caught in the crossfire as his attack penetrated the two waves of ice and fire like a knife through butter traveling straight to Todoroki.

' heh, let's hope you survive this.' Sekizan thought as his hair burned and his skin melted.

Cementoss immediately saw the seriousness of the situation and tried to enter in between the two, creating gigantic walls to protect the students.

His interference made it so the two elements to lose stability causing to explode, launching Sekizan away.

His walls did not made the sharp line of wind stop it's momentum however, as it pierced through easily, but it did made it so the line course lean a bit to the right.

This change of course made it just pierce the right shoulder of Todoroki, Sekizan aimed at the right side of his body just above the lungs, so that even if his attack pierced he was not killed immediately. With the help of the recovery lady he could survive just fine.

That was large commotion as vapor covered the stadium.

Sekizan flipped in the air and landed of the wall of the stadium tranfering the force of the impact to the wall, he flipped as he began to fell to the ground, getting on his feet, cracking his neck, ready for another round.

" Heh, let's go another round you ice bouzu!" He said, eyes aimed at Todoroki.

(An: Bouzu= boy in a derogatory way, like brat or something like that.)

Todoroki was in the arena with half of his right shoulder gone but he was still ready to continue fight, the will did not leave his eyes just yet.

" Sekizan is out of the ring, the winner is Todoroki Shoto!" The announcer said.

"What?" Sekizan said, now he remembered, this was a duel in the sports festival, he got so into the fight that he forgot.

He looked around as the people looked at him.

His hair was completely burn out, his eyebrows as well we're gone, his skin was almost all burnt, the crowd wondered how he was not howling in pain.

"Tsk." Sekizan tsked, f*cking stupid rules. He could still go on. This was but a scratch, one week and his hair was back and he had the recovery girl to heal him later.

What a waste of a good fight.

The medics were tending immediately to Todoroki shoulder, it would be tragic if he died of blood loss.

" What just happened, are you kids trying to kill each other!? Are you guys nuts? Kids these days, this is just a friendly competition." Present Mic said, what was these teens thinking?

The crowd was silent, never were they expecting such ferocity in a school fight, it was as if they had a grudge against each other.

Sekizan walked to the med booth by himself, paramedics tried to help him but he was pissed off and waved them away.

In the booth the medics cleaned his burns and covered with bandages, the rest the recovery lady will take care of. He walked away from the stadium, all bandaged up looking like a mummy, unsatisfied with the premature end of his battle, he almost got it, but he still was not strong enough to contend against such AOE types of fighters, de didn't knew a way to train his heat resistance.

In the corridor his phone ringed, his mother was calling. He knew she was watching so he expected a lecture about not taking his well-being seriously, or something like that. She aways lectured him like that.

He picked up the call and said with a tired voice.

" What?" He did not want to hear it about his behavior right now.

"Seki…" he heard the voice of his mother, he could easily notice the crying tone she had, he knew something was wrong.

" It's your father…" she continued.

The time stopped for a moment, and the world was silent.

"My father what!?" He said.

( The plot thickens, I don't know what to feel about this fight it was tough to write and the dynamics do the movements were good, I could imagine the mc moving like a movie in mind, but I still felt that something was lacking, but I got to post it. The plot has to go on and I spent the entire day ruminating about this.

Tell me about your thoughts on the fight sequence, I need suggestions to better my choreography and stuff.

Leave stones and stuff, I'm tired man you know what to do.)