
MHA : Evolving : Chapter 29

' Aizawa '

"Midnight's been alerted to be ready to intervene the moment things get out of hand." Shota grunted as he stepped back into the announcer booth. He'd used the break between the semis and the finals to make sure those by the arena were ready to keep things under control.

"And the crowd?" Kan asked, clenching and unclenching his fists, a nervous tick the blood hero had never managed to get rid of.

"Some took it as Bakugo deeming Yanagi 'not worth his explosions' and holding back because of it. Others took it as him having fun hurting someone after an embarrassing fight last round." Shota sighed, running a tired hand down his face.

"Either way, I've also been keeping track of the official requests being sent in already by pros watching.

Todoroki has the most, but Bakugo actually has a nice chunk too. A few names stood out though, mainly ones who don't care about a bad attitude or ones who have very…rigid views on what a Hero should or shouldn't be. Best Jeanist sent requests for both Bakugo and Midoriya."

"Oh boy."

Hizashi pinched the bridge of his nose, "This will be…interesting." Noting something moving in the tunnels, Shota took his seat as the fighters moved to the arena.

Bakugo and Midoriya were both glaring at each other. The aura was palpable as the they got onto the stage.

"I'm going to show the world for the fucking faker you are you damn Deku." Bakugo snarled, the mics picking up his words as he glared "Even with whatever Trigger you took you're no match for me."

"Trigger?" Midoriya gave a dark chuckle, eyes dancing with rage despite the faux mirth in his tone. "No Kacchan, the only trigger around is in that deluded little mind of yours."

As Midoriya spoke, inflection put on a childish nickname Shota hadn't heard before, the erasure hero hoped the green haired student wasn't about to shoot himself in the foot on international television.

They'd already have enough of a PR nightmare dealing with Bakugo.

"No, my dear Frankenstein. I'm merely the monster you created." At that, Midoriya transformed with a roar as the match began.


' Izuku '

Letting out a roar, Izuku threw a heavy punch at Bakugo who used his explosions to dodge to the side, Izuku's fist cracking the concrete arena floor. "Die!" Bakugo yelled, firing a point-blank explosion that covered Izuku's face and chest.

"Is that the best you can do?" Izuku waved a grey skinned arm to dispel the smoke, showing the only thing damaged had been his shirt which was not burnt away.

"Face it Bakugo, you're outmatched."

"FUCK OFF!" Bakugo snarled, firing more explosions, one after another as Izuku stalked towards him. Years of being hit by the bastard's quirk, years of feeling the burn of explosions on his skin in his untransformed state.

Burnt and healed, burnt and healed, burnt and healed. Repeatedly adapting but never knowing it until the true nature of his gift was revealed. Now though? Now Bakugo couldn't even singe his skin with the blasts he was releasing so far in the fight.

"Make me!" Izuku glared back, managing to land a backhand even if Bakugo dodged enough for it to only clip him. Still sent the bomber flying and only the blond's own impressive reflexes saved him from a ring out, the bomber shooting away to avoid Izuku's follow up kick that had attempted to punt the bastard from the ring.

"STOP LOOKING DOWN ON ME!" Bakugo snarled, adjusting the position of his hands to make more of a flashbang than an actual demolition.

Blinking spots, Izuku staggered back a step, making it look like he was more blinded than he actually was.

Bakugo barely had the chance to see Izuku's face go from blind confusion to vicious smirk before he lashed out, a fist as big as Bakugo's torso slamming into the mad bomber before his own fist lashed out and grabbed Bakugo's ankle, slamming the one who'd hurt Reiko into the floor.

"STOP ACTING ABOVE EVERYTHING!" Izuku roared back, noting Bakugo clutching injured ribs, the blonde seemingly having figured out his base power output wasn't enough to get through Izuku's defenses.

"You're nothing but a drugged-up cheating pebble!" Bakugo seethed, "AND I'LL CRUSH YOU LIKE THE BUG YOU ARE!" as Bakugo shot skyward and looked like he was getting ready to spin.

Izuku noted Midnight and Cementoss reacting to their earpieces out of the corner of his eye. Before they could do anything, Bakugo shot down, his usual manic grin on his face "HOWITZER IMPACT!" massive concrete walls started rising up to shield the audience as Bakugo slammed down, releasing the biggest explosion Izuku had ever seen him do.

Izuku grit his teeth, feeling his skin actually start to burn from the powerful blast, it more than any other he'd suffered before…but not enough to take him out of the fight. Rushing forward, lashing out with his arm once he hit the still recovering Bakugo, sending the bomber flying into the boundary walls and into unconsciousness.

The sight was what the audience and judges saw as the walls started coming down, higher up cameras having projected what was going on inside the ring onto the jumbo screen.

"And we have our First Year Champion!" Midnight declared as the medical bots came to take the beaten Bakugo away.


' Aizawa '

Standing by Nemuri and Kan, Shota watched as the winner's podiums were raised from the ground. On the shortest one, he saw Todoroki helping an exhausted looking Yanagi keep her balance, the two looking proud of their accomplishment.

On the second tier, he saw Bakugo who kept switching between glaring at Midoriya and the floor. After the fight, and once he'd woke up in Recovery girl's office, Bakugo had tried protesting about trigger use to the professors there, that Midoriya's win shouldn't count.

He and the others had shut the boy down firmly, stating that every student was checked for signs of Trigger, whether taken willingly or unknowingly drugged by someone wanting to affect gambling odds. He wasn't sure if Bakugo believed them or not.

Finally, Midoriya stood tall on the tallest plinth, thankfully wearing a new shirt. Midoriya stood tall, looking somewhat stunned at it all, as if the victory was only just hitting the boy.

"And here are our champions everyone!" Nemuri called as those in the stands cheered, "And to present these victors with their medals we have the one, the only, ALL MIGHT!" at the shout, the giant blond oaf landed with a boom, having fallen from where he'd jumped.

"I AM HERE!" All Might did one of his signature poses as the crowd started cheering louder. He'd have to have words with the man about not taking away the moment of victory from students in the future. Reaching into his pocket, All Might withdrew two bronze medals.

"For you young Todoroki, young Yanagi. You both worked exceptionally hard to get where you were. You should be most proud of yourself, and I look forward to seeing where your futures take you." As he spoke, the giant man placed the medals around each of their necks.

"Thank you, sir." Todoroki said, voice soft and nod hesitant.

"I am most grateful for your kind words professor." Yanagi gave a nod of her own, "I shall endeavor to meet and surpass the expectations placed upon me by my teachers and myself."

"Next, young Bakugo-" All Might pulled out a silver medal that the blond boy glared at like it was an insult.

"I don't want that damn thing." Bakugo jsnarled, taking a step back away from the medal even as All Might tried placing it around the protesting boy's neck.

"Nothing matters but first place. If it ain't gold it ain't worth shit!"

"Then think of this as a battle wound to drive you to do better!" All Might finally managed to force it on the boy, his advice surprisingly good and one Shota hoped would get through the stubborn boy's thick skull.

"And finally, our champion." All Might approached Midoriya.

"You made quite the statement at the start of all this young man. I know many will not agree with it, many will not approve of you rocking the boat, but stick to your morals. Continue being a hero that the Water Hose Duo can be proud of."

"Believe me sir, I will be." Midoriya swore as he allowed the gold medal to be placed on his neck. As he did so, Shota noted that Todoroki had had the loudest cheers so far of the four champions.

"But we aren't done yet." Shota's voice rang clear through the stadium, having already gotten the approval of three of the four victors to allow another to share in their moment of triumph. "Hitoshi Shinso."

The confused boy was pushed by the other students on the field watching to step forward.

"There is currently an opening in the Hero Course. You have proved yourself here today, so we make this offer here and now. Do you wish to be a Hero? Will you join Class 1-A?"

The boy seemed stunned at actually getting the offer he craved, the friends the purple haired brainwasher had started to make from both hero courses cheering the loudest which seemed to spur the boy into action. "Sense…I will be a Hero!"


' All For One '

Hearing the television shut off as the Sports Festival finally drew to a close, All For One focused on his pupil. "Tomura, there is much you do not yet know. Much you were not yet ready to know. But I suppose now is a suitable time for you to learn.

I have other allies besides yourself, Kurogiri, and the good Doctor. Other's I have trained and let loose upon the world yet still remain loyal to me. I shall have them come here, along with a couple…independent contractors.

I know of two individuals who would be best suited to working to deal with this young Midoriya should he become a problem. And given his quirk, I am certain he would do so."

They would take a couple days to arrive, a week at most, but soon all five rings would be in Japan. He looked forward to seeing where this went.


And that wraps up the Sports Festival. Next chapter we start setting up work studies, mentors, and Stain. I have some good stuff planned and I'm excited to get to it!


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