
49 School

After getting to school the first thing I did was to go and see Eri. She was staying at school dormitories with Aizawa as her guardian for the time being.

Reaching where she is I knocked on the door.

"Who's it?" Aizawa asked me in a tired voice, most probably he was asleep.

"It's me sensei, Haruto."

Opening the door he looked at me then at the clock and looked back at me and spoke "You're early."

"I'm always early."

"Come in Eri is awake."


After that I went inside and saw Eri sitting on the couch watching TV in her room. And there's lots of cat's in this place.

So I walked near her and asked "What are you watching Eri?"

Hearing my sound she jumped from the couch and ran towards be and hugged my legs and said "Azrael"

"You can call me Haruto or Haru, I did tell you last time I saw you right?"

"Mmm, Haru." She said my name with a cute smile.

As I was looking at her, I saw her horn. It hasn't become small or has big, it just stays like that. 'Maybe I should talk wit Aizawa about making a device that can help her control her quirk.'

Looking at her I said "Here you go." and gave her a chocolate bar.

With a huge smile and sparkling eye's she took the chocolate from my hand and said "Thank you."

"I'll get you a nice cake next time. Okay."

"Mmmm mm" She nodded as a response.

After that we just sat there and watched some cartoons and she ate the chocolate while watching.

Half an Hour later Aizawa called me and said "Kageyam, it's time for class."

Whe I heard that I looked Eri and said "I'll be back after school okay?"

*munch* *munch* she nodded to me while eating the sandwich that I made for her as breakfast. Saying goodbye to her I left to my class.

As I reached there I saw Iida spouting some nonsense, not minding him I went to my seat. Seeing me all of them had a surprised face, with ' "How are you late?" ' written all over them, I just smiled at them in response.

"Why are y---h" Before Momo can finish her question the bell rang and Aizawa came in "Morning"

""Morning"" We all greeted him back.

After that he just took the class and went on to his routine, and that's sleeping whenever he can.

Afternoon was the hero basic training with All Might, rescue race to be exact.

All Might conducts his Basic Hero Studies class by holding a race between the students in Class 1-A. He tells them to apply everything they learned from their internships. Tenya Ida asks why a rescue training exercise isn't being held at the U.S.J. facility. All Might replies that this training is a race, and Ground Gamma is the perfect setting.

The students compete in groups of five to search and rescue All Might by following a distress signal. Whoever finds All Might first is the winner. All Might asks Katsuki Bakugo and his classmates to keep damage to Field Gamma to a minimum.

The first group is comprised of Izuku Midoriya, Tenya Ida, Mashirao Ojiro, Mina Ashido, and Hanta Sero.

Seeing the line up Ejiro said that Hanta will win this race but Denki disagreed adn said that it'll be Iida.

And just like in the cannon Izuku took the lead at first with his control over 5% of One For All, but his style was very similar to Katsuki, and seeing that Izuku has copied him pissed him off.

When the time came for Haruto's race, as he was in the last group with Shoto, Momo, Sato, and Denki. As soon as the All Might turned on the distress signal everyone ran forward as fast as they can using their quirks in different ways. Shoto made an ice ramp and skated through it with the help of fire being produced as a jet from his left side. Momo did it by creating grappling guns and a glider to make it to the meeting point. Sato just ate lots of candy and ran as fast as he could, Denki was also in the same boat of Sato, but slower. Haruto gave them a ten second head start and spread his wings and he just flew at an incredible speed and reached All Might faster than anyone did during the race. After that the class was over and he went back to meet Eri, when he reached there he met Mirio who's also there to meet her.


Next day Aizawa came to the class and greeted them after taking a roll call he spoke "Well it's almost time for summer vacation, but of course it wouldn't make sense for you to rest for the whole month." Hearing this all of the students groaned "During summer vacation we'll have have training camp in the woods." When they heard this all of the students got excited and started to speak up about what to do and what not to do during the camp, but they were immediately silenced by Aizawa's glare and he spoke "However, those who do not pass the final exam before that will be in summer school of hell." With sinister style smile he concluded.

Ejiro and Demki told everyone to pass the finals and wished them luck.

After explaining everything Aizawa started homeroom.

As the bell rang, before leaving Aizawa said "Okay, that's it for class. Theres only one week left until the final exams. You all are studying properly, right?

I'm sure you already know, but it won't just be written exam. There's also a practical component.

Make sure you train your minds and bodies at the same time. That's all." Saying that he left the class.

As soon as Aizawa left Mina and Denk i said at the same time "" I haven't studied at all. "" Mina in her same energetic state and Denki in a depressed state.

Seeing them like that Momo offered for to help them study, hearing this Kyoka, Hanta, and Mashiro also requested if they can come.

Haruto, Shoto and Fumikage just watched as Momo showing off her wealth unknowingly with her bouncy mood.




-----------Chapter 49 End----------