
23 USJ

A new day is a new beginning, and today will be the day where Nomu will be introduced to the Hero community with Kurogiri and Tomura. I know that the students will be alright after all they finished them off in the anime, and even if there's a difference, I have planted shadow birds in each of their shadows, so if there's an emergency, I will teleport to them. As for Aizawa sensei, I'll assist him in restricting the Nomu.

As I was thinking about what to do at USJ, I reached the classroom and sat down in my seat. Since no one was here this early, I decided to take a small nap. After some time, someone patted on my shoulder, so I looked up to see who disturbed my nap time, and I saw Shoto standing beside my table.

Looking at him, I said, "What?"

"I'm Shoto Todoroki."

"I know that. Anyway, I'm Haruto Kageyama."

"Yeah, I know."

"That's it?"

"Well, I heard from my brother that you were the one who changed his mindset."

"Ah, that's possible."

Suddenly he bowed to me and said, "Thank you very much."

I was about to say something else when someone else entered the class, and seeing Shoto bowing in front of me, they blurted out, "What?"

Me and Shoto looked at our intruder and saw Momo at the entrance gaping at us. Seeing that she wouldn't be able to come out of that state, I called her, "Momo, you can close your mouth. Or a fly will enter it."

"Oh cone on." Saying that, she came and sat down at her seat and looked at the still-standing Shoto. Realizing that he's waiting for my reply, I said, "You are welcome. At that time he was the only one who didn't try to harm me, so I did what I could to help him, that's all."

"Whatever was the reason, he changed thanks to you."

"Alright." Saying that, I extended my hand, and he shook it and sat down at his seat.

After he sat down, Momo asked us both, "What was that?"

"Ah, long story short, I helped his brother during my childhood, and he just found out about it now."

"You helped the now-famous Flame hero Blaze in your childhood?"


She didn't say anything and just sat there, thinking about it. A little while later, Tokoyomi came and sat down after greeting us. As soon as he sat down, a dark shadow came out and looked at me.

"Here you go, play for a while, okay?" I said that I sent a shadow bird towards him.

Seeing mine and Dark Shadow's interaction, Momo and Shoto went wide-eyed, and Momo asked me, "You can communicate with it?"

"Nope. Dark shadows can understand us. But it's difficult—not impossible—to understand him other than Tokoyomi. I just know what he wants because we did it yesterday too."


Then we just sat there and watched the dark shadow play with the shadow bird.

Some time later, the class was filled with students, and the bell rang. After that, Aizawa sensei entered the class and took a roll call.

Then, after homeroom ended, we got the other subjects until lunch.

While having lunch, me and Tokoyomi sat together again in a corner, but this time Shoto also came with us to eat lunch. It was a fun time, even though Shoto didn't speak much; we just watched as both dark shadow and shadow bird played around.

After lunch, we went back to class, and everyone was excited since the last Hero Basic Training was cantered around combat.

Aizawa sensei came in as the bell rang, and standing at the podium, he spoke, "For today's Hero Basic Training, it's turned into a class with three instructors: All Might, me, and one more person."

"Excuse me! What will we be doing?" Hanta asked sensei.

Aizawa then took out a name plate with RESCUE written on it in blue and said, "Disasters, shipwrecks, and everything in between. It's rescue training."

"Rescue? It looks like it'll be a lot of work this time too." Denki said.

"Right." Mina agreed with him.

But Kirishima berated them by saying, "Idiot, this is the duty of a hero. My arms are ready to tremble." He said that with a lot of excitement.

"No one can beat me in water, ribbit." Asui said that with confidence.

"Hey, I'm not done yet." Aizawa said that, not liking his students, they started to speak while he was not finished. He pressed a button, and the hero suit compartment opened up, showing our suitcases.

"You can decide if you want to wear your costume or not this time. Because there are probably costumes that limit your capabilities, too.

The training will take place off campus, so we are taking a bus. That is all. Start getting ready." He said that he left the class room, and we took the suitcase and went to the changing room. I did too, just that I changed in the bathroom so that the axel wouldn't be discovered.

After changing into our costumes, we went towards the bus. I say down at the back with Tokoyomi. As the bus moved towards USJ, me and Tokoyomi made small talk, but we stopped it when Asui started to speak.

"I say whatever comes to mind. Midoriya."

"Um.. yes, Asui?" He replied flustered.

"Call me Tsu."


"Your quirk is like All Might's."

"Huh? You think so? But I'm..." He started to get nervous but was saved by Kirishima.

"Wait a second, Tsu; All Might doesn't get hurt when he uses his. They just kind of look the same."

After that, I tuned them out and thought about what I should do today when the villains attack.

I was bought out of my thinking when Aizawa sensei said, "We're here. Stop messing around."

""Yes Sir."" All of this was said in unison.

As the bus stopped at the place, we got out and were greeted by No. 13.

"Everyone, I have been waiting for you. So let's go inside without delay."

"Looking forward to working with you."

After that, we entered inside; everyone was amazed, even me, because it was one piece of work. No. 13 started to explain about the place: "A shipwreck, a landslide, a fire, a windstorm, etcetera. It is a training ground that I made with different type of accidents and disasters. It's called "Unforeseen Simulation Joint," or USJ for short.

"No. 13, where's All Might? He was supposed to meet us here?" Aizawa asked No. 13 and she replied in whisper so we didn't hear anything.

Then No. 13 started to give us a small lecture on how dangerous a quirk can be, taking himself as an example. After that, Aizawa said, "All right then, first..." He was cut short due the buzzing *bizzzzzzz* and the lights inside dimmed down.

Aizawa turned to look at the fountain and saw villains coming out of a purple smoke. Seeing this, he said, "Gather together and don't move. 13, protect the students!"

Hearing that No. 13 stood besides us, Kirishima who saw the villains coming out of the smoke, spoke, "What's that? Is this like the entrance exam where the lesson's already started?"

Hearing this, Midoriya started to take a step forward but was stopped by what Aizawa sensei said: "Don't move!" He put on his goggles and continued, "They are villains."




-----------Chapter 23: End----------