
Chapter 42 - Hospital

After Daisuke got the medal he immediately excused himself, saying he needs to go to the hospital for his boyfriend and his family, All Might understood as Daisuke got off the podium and left first

Daisuke and Momo were waiting for Iida to come as Daisuke was flipping through his books, trying to find out a way to possibly help or heal Tensei as he thinks 'Come on! I have to have something here to help Big Bro Ten.. The plot is going on faster than I expected, Next is the incident with Hero Killer Stain, I need to stop it before Tenya, Midoriya and Shoto get hurt..'

Momo saw the countless books Daisuke was making appear the dissapear as Momo walked up to him "Daisuke.. calm down.. I know you want to help but your exhausted.."

Momo knew as she used her handkerchief to clean Daisuke's nose as Daisuke sighed and looked down "I can't.. I have to do something, Big Bro Ten is a hero that should continue his hero work.. I don't want anything bad to happen to him.." Daisuke said as he continued flipping through all his recovery spells, finding each one was useless or could only heal his outer injuries, Not counting his injuries in his organs, bones or nervous system

Momo could only watch as she hugged Daisuke as he continued flipping through his books as Iida walked out of Tensei's room and saw what was happening, Daisuke and Momo saw him and walked up to him as Daisuke deactivated his quirk and walked up to him, asking "How is he? What happened?"

"He's fine but.. he might become paraplegic.. He.. He was attacked by Hero Killer Stain.. The pro's managed to find him before he.." Iida's eyes were red, Momo and Daisuke noticed and hugged him, They held him tightly as Iida started crying again as he hugged them back as Daisuke gritted his teeth and thought

'Hero Killer Stain.. I don't care how many hero's you kill.. how people you've made suffer.. but hurt anyone in the Iida Family.. My Family.. I'll hurt you..' Daisuke was pissed as the three of them pulled away from the hug as Daisuke said "Let me see him, I'll do what I can to help" Daisuke smiled as Iida nodded and kissed his cheek as he let Momo and Daisuke inside as they greeted Iida's mom, Tamika

Daisuke quickly said "Scan" "Injury Location" 2 books appeared the dissapeared as Daisuke scanned Tensei's body and located each and every injury as he stared in horror at the results as he quickly said "Recovery" "Cell Activation" "Natural Healing Increase" "Pain Reduction" "Sensitivity Reduction"

5 books appeared and surrounded Tensei, Everyone saw that his injuries were getting better but Tensei was still unconscious as Daisuke quickly said "Parallel Mind" "Thought Acceleration"

2 more books appeared as Daisuke started thinking of other ways to help Tensei as Iida, Momo and Tamika looked, worried about what was Daisuke thinking as Momo placed her hand on Iida and Tamika's shoulder

"I'm worried.. for Big Bro Ten and Daisuke.. but.. if there's anyone in the world who can make the impossible, possible.. it's him.. the boy who declared he'd be the next Symbol.. the boy who I spent my whole life with.. Daisuke" Momo smiled as Iida and Tamika smiled as they hear Daisuke speak

"Gods above.. hear my prayer..

Find the wound.. seal it shut..

May your holy power.. grant me light..

May I ask for your sacred power.."

Daisuke said as he had his hands together in a praying position as Daisuke's hair started to turn golden and grew longer, nearly reaching his knees and a 6 white wings and a halo appeared on him, Tamika, Iida and Momo were shocked at his transformation, Iida and Momo have already seen him transform into an angel by his 'Self Offering Sacrifice' spell but this transformation was different.. He seemed.. more.. holy..

Daisuke slowly opened his eyes, seeing his eyes turned golden-brown as he extended his hands, the books parted away tk gave Daisuke some room as he gently said, almost a whisper

"Please.. let me heal my target..

From all ailments and physical injuries..

May you hear my wish.. and aid me in this ritual.."

A book suddenly appeared beneath Daisuke's hands and it opened by itself glowed bright yellow as Daisuke yelled out

"Angel of Healing, Raphael"

All the books suddenly disappeared as Tamika, Iida and Momo watched as they see Tensei's injuries disappear as if they were never their in the first place, Tamika wanted to confirm as she walked over to Tensei's side and unwrapped one of his bandages and saw that his injury was gone, It was completely healed as the book dissapeared as they hear a thud and turned to see Daisuke on the ground, Tamika and Iida ran to him as Momo ran out to call a doctor, Tamika and Iida noticed that he wasn't responding when she and Iida were calling for him,Tamika got worried and took her phone out to call Hayato and Miyako as Iida picked up Daisuke and carried him outside as a nurse with a strecher came and they placed Daisuke on it and brought him to a different room

After a few hours Daisuke woke up and sat up a bit and saw Iida, Momo and his parents ran to him and hugged him as they scolded him for using a spell that made him faint, for punishment Daisuke was grounded and wasn't allowed to see Iida for the rest of the day as Iida agreed with it but Daisuke protested but failed as they went home while Tamika stayed since she needed to be by Tensei's side

Daisuke tried to sneak away but Iida stopped him by carrying him and giving him to Hayato who carried him away as Momo restrained him with her quirk while Miya was chatting with Tamika for a bit before they went home