
Chapter 38 - Tournament, Part 4

"Alright, everyone! I know your all excited for this next round! It's the sibling rivalry of the century, The famous twins with similar quirks! Give it up for the Older twin of The Yaoyorozu Family, Daisuke Yaoyorozu! But let's not forget Daisuke's Other half, The Younger twin of the Yaoyorozu Family, Momo Yaoyorozu!" Mic announced as Daisuke and Momo stood in the arena, with Momo holding a bo staff and Daisuke with rabbit-like attribute, Both of them were on guard as Daisuke threw a coin up and asked Momo "Heads or Tails?"

"Heads" Momo answered as she knew what he really meant by that as Daisuke caught the coin and showed it to Momo "Guess you make the first move"

"Gladly" Momo rushed at Daisuke as he stood there, Momo swung her bo staff at Daisuke but Daisuke dodged and kicked Momo to the side but Momo predicted this and made a shield just in time, Daisuke jumped up and was about to land on Momo but Momo dodged, Momo quickly made a stun gun and shot it at Daisuke as Daisuke said "Resistance" a book appeared and engulfed Daisuke in a blue aura as the gun hit him, sending volts of electricity to his body but Daisuke stood up with no problem and jumped up as Momo clicked her toung and made small iron spikes and threw them all around the arena as Daisuke saw he quickly said "Animal Attribute, Shift, Bat"

"It seems Momo Yaoyorozu made the arena impossible for Daisuke to land without giving Momo the chance to retaliate! What is he going to do now? Any thoughts Eraser?" Mic said as Aizawa sighed and said "It's near impossible for Daisuke to land safely without giving Momo a chance to attack but it's also impossible for Momo to attack Daisuke since he's up high so their in a stalemate"

The audience were curious on what Daisuke and Momo would do now as they watched and sees Daisuke diving down towards Momo as Daisuke yelled out, sending a shriek towards Momo then headbutting her as she was able to go out of bounds she made a grappling hook and shot it towards the stands, preventing her from going out as Daisuke said "Animal Attribute, Shift, Bear"

Daisuke landed infront of Momo as he picked her up and threw her out of bounds, Midnight saw this and said "Momo is out of bounds, Daisuke moves on to the next round!"

The crowd cheered as Daisuke went to Momo and help her up as he scanned her body for any injuries "I'm fine Daisuke, I promise"

Daisuke silently stared at Momo then patted her head as He picked her up and carried her away as Momo protested "Put me down!! Just because you have bear-like features right now doesn't mean you have to act like one!!"

Daisuke ignored his sister and brought him to that stands as he sat down and placed Momo on his lap then hugged her then went to sleep while Momo kept trying to get Daisuke to let go and release her but failed just as Iida returned to see Everyone trying to help Momo get out of Daisuke's grip

"..." Iida walked over to Daisuke then woke him up, Once Daisuke's saw Iida he let's go of Momo then pulled Iida to his lap, Hugging him as Iida smiled "That was easy"

"I think only you can do that-" Everyone said as Kirishima and Bakugo's match started as everyone sat down to watch

After a bit Daisuke woke up just as Mic announced that the next match would Begin shortly as Midnight showed the brackets

One-on-OneTournament Semi-Finals

Shoto Todoroki vs Tenya Iida

Daisuke Yaoyorozu vs Katsuki Bakugo

Everyone was excited as Daisuke got up with Iida in his arms as he carried Iida to the waiting rooms, Waiting for the match to begin

Daisuke and Iida were alone in the room as Daisuke said "Animal Attribute, Shift, Dog"

Once Daisuke was more comfortable he sat next to Iida and kissed his cheek, noticing something was bothering him "Something wrong?"

Iida turned to Daisuke then shook his head "It's nothing, just.. nervous about the fight and all.. I just have a lot on my mind right now.." Iida said as he got up and started pacing back and forth around the room, Daisuke stood up and said "Then how about we just sit down and-"

"I can't! I just! Need to beat Todoroki fast then go somewhere and right now I need to be alone without any distractions" Iida said in a loud voice as Daisuke's ears and tail went down

"..sorry.. I can go if I'm being a bother.." Daisuke said as he opened the door, Iida realizing that he accidentally hurt his boyfriend's feeling without even realizing he was just trying to help "No, Wait-!"

"No, No.. I'm fine, I get it, You have a lot on your mind right now and need space, It's fine babe, Goodluck on your match, I'll be rooting for you!" Daisuke said as he looked back with a smile then walked out as Iida stood there feeling awful as he hears his name being called out, He walked out and looked around, hoping he'd see Daisuke waiting for him but he was gone, Iida felt bad for what he had done but needed to focus as the went out to fight

Daisuke was speedily walking down the hallway with his head down as he accidentally bumped into someone, He heard their voice and instantly knew who it was "Are you alright, Young Daisuke?"

Daisuke got up, not taking All Might's hand who was trying to help, Not looking up at him "Yeah, Thanks All Might-sensei, I'm just.. Uh.. trying to get some water before my match starts"

All Might could tell something was wrong and decided to ask as he placed his hand on Daisuke's shoulder "Young Daisuke, I can tell something is bothering you, Could you tell me what happened?"

"Oh.. just a little misunderstanding between me and Tenya, Nothing that big at all, I'm sorry to bother you about it All Might-sensei, I have to go now, wouldn't want to be thirsty during the match after all!" Daisuke said as he stepped back then left as All Might sighed, Not sure what to do to help since he's never been in a relationship before

Iida looked towards the class stands and didn't see Daisuke there which made him feel worse as He stood infront of Todoroki as he ran to him wanting to end this immediately, Pushing him out of bounds but his engines were frozen over by Todoroki's ice, But Iida didn't give up and tried to push Todoroki out of bounds and failed as Todoroki froze him in place