

In Harem


Working Towards

Immortal Xue Fa - she was nice

Chu Feng's Mother - Can't stand Chu Feng father imma take her.Think her name is Xe Ziyun but am not sure.

Eggy- Best Girl

Nangong Lian - Had a Husband and a Daughter who were killed by Evildoer Tie essentially on a whim. Because of this she has an extreme hatred for Tie. Since their deaths she has lived a solitary life.

Bai Ruochen - When she first met Chu Feng in Ascension Sect she was quite arrogant but after she was defeated by him despite having weaker cultivation her opinion on him changed.They become friend and together went to Cyanwood Mountain.

Bai Liluo - is a Natural Oddity and She has the appearance of a little white haired girl.

Camlet - Chu Feng 3rd Asura World Spirit. In order to find her family miss, Xue Ji , she became Chu Feng's World Spirit. She has cultivation of level 1 Exalted.

Chun Wu - Youngest of the Four Seasons Disciples of Misty Peak.She was the first person among the Four Seasons to truly befriend and trust Chu Feng.

Chu Yue - Is Chu Feng cousin

Chu Xue - Chu Feng other cousin

Chu Lingxi - is the daughter of the Chu Heavenly Clan's Law Enforcement Hall's Vice Hall Master.

Chili Pepper - Although she did not possess an outstanding appearance, her figure is extremely hot. She could cause others to drool just by looking at her body.

Jiang Yini - she is a princess

Ma Yue - Divine Body (Purple Flame)

Moon Immortal - she ain't pulling any of that bullshit this time

Murong Wan - She is Murong Xun's sister. She is Chu Feng's enemy, she is the third girl who was raped by Chu Feng.

Murong Xinyu - Why not

Nie Wan'er - She is one of the two strongest disciples in the Ten Thousand Flowers Garden. Obtained first place with her sister in the last Nine Powers Hunt.

Nie Xi'er - She is one of the two strongest disciples in the Ten Thousand Flowers Garden. Obtained first place with her sister in the last Nine Powers Hunt. She defeated Qin Wentian in the last hunt

Maybe not sure yet

Su Mei and Su Rou...not sure don't really like them

Liangqiu Lanyue and Grandmaster Liangqiu's- sixteenth and seventeenth disciples and the last two personal disciples being taught by Grandmaster Liangqiu.

Leng Yue

Sima Ying

Little Red

All Four Seasons disciples

Nangong Moli - She had large, sparkling, translucent eyes and white and rosy cheeks. She was clearly a small child, yet she possessed an outstanding appearance.

Nangong Baihe- she initially looks down on Chu Feng due to his lower cultivation. Ends up begging Chu Feng for assistance in crossing the sea with Moli by hugging onto his thigh.

A Cai - Maid of the Tang Family and friend Tang Ying.

Chen Wanxi - Because why not

Chu Yue (CHC) - author fucked up her character in the canon maybe she'll be added we'll see.

Chu Shuangshuang - can't remeber who she is

Maybe Steal/NTR

Bai Suyan - Mother of Bai Ruochen and wife of Nangong Longjian

Chu Ruoshi - Maybe kill her fiance

Qiushui Fuyan - Huangfu Haoyue isn't good enough for her

List of other girls i was too lazy to check over

Tang Ying

Tantai Xing'er

Tantai Xue

Tao Xiangyu

Wang Lin

Wang Wei

World Spiritist Saintess

Wuma Shengjie

Xia Yu

Xia Yun'er

Xian Lingyue

Xian Miaomiao

Xian Yun

Xianhai Yu

Xu Yiyi

Xue Ji

Ya Fei

Yan Ru

Yan Ruyu


Yaojiao Tingyu

Zhan Lingling

Zhang Shirui

Zhang Tingzi

Zhao Hong

Zhou Feng

Zi Ling

Zi Xunyi

(Note I may have forgotten some girls and this is not the final Harem list. Also if you are wondering why was this list is so half assed I just can't remember most of the girls. While I just dropped the Novel because of how shitty it became.Think I was like at 2122)

Any of you remember which were the best girls?

AFatelessTalecreators' thoughts