
Metallic Rogue

How will you feel if your parents never believed in you? How will you feel if they never wanted you? How will you feel if the society trampled upon you? How will you feel when the world was against you? Jayden Nova, a student of the Science Sage School, who has struggled through all this setbacks, strives to achieve something in his life to prove to his parents that he isn't a worthless child, they, and everyone thinks. He fights back, but is pushed down, literally... ...and as fate will have it, he stumbles upon an orb, filled with a superior unknown energy and an AI, that came from the far future, where technology has become magic and helps him achieve what he always wanted.... ...to be the ruler of his own fate. [Loading...] [Loading completed] [Rogue System Activated]

JJ_Smart · แฟนตาซี
117 Chs

Team Battles {IV}–{Battle of Curses}

In a separate area of the stage, a showdown ensued between a Naga in her full serpent form, and UnforgovingMenace.

The Naga's form stretched up to fifty meters in length and had a circumference of three meters. The massive snake hissed loudly and slithered across the ground, dodging several projectiles shot at it.

The Ascending Fallen Angel was hovering in the sky with his silver feathered wings, and firing out the bullet shaped Holy Energy.

The Naga –even with her large body that was like an easy target– dodged them with expertise, her movements were chaotic, and her speed was unpredictable, which gave UnforgivingMenance a hard time shooting prescisely.

UnforgivingMenance hadn't used his weapon since the beginning of the fight, instead, he was wantonly burning through his Holy Energy reserves.

'Just a little more.' UnforgivingMenance thought, with sweat crawling down the sides of his face.

The Naga seemed to have had enough, it suddenly had its eyes glow with a dark greenish light, and its green hexagonal scales shimmered brightly, casting eerie shadows that stretched and danced around.

"You're more annoying than a threat to me." A loud whisper echoed in the mind of UnforgivingMenance, leading to him to halt in his useless attacks for a second before he resumed, seemingly uncaring about the Naga's words.

UnforgivingMenance released another bullet of Holy Energy, before finally stopping after his energy had become dangerously low.

"Finally." He said as he stared at the towering serpent from above.

"You wasted all your energy just for nothing." The Naga tilted its snake head to the side lightly like an amused child. "What do you intend to achieve with this?"

"Nothing much." UnforgivingMenance cackled sinisterly. "Just your death."

The Naga had its expression change slightly.

"Since almost everyone seems to have a transformation of some sort, won't mind adding one more." UnforgivingMenance said cooly and snapped his fingers. "DEMON FORM, ACTIVATE."

Almost instantly, the air around UnforgivingMenance thickened, as a visible wave of Demonic/Cursed Energy rippled outward.

UnforgivingMenance felt a change within him occur, and he let his body fall under the influence and control of the change.

His once smooth silver hair that cascaded down his shoulders like a waterfall, began to loose its luster and wither, turning into lifeless strands of tissues.

His smooth silver skin that could be seen through the openings of his now red armour, was pale and sickly, with rough bumps and yellow smelly mucus coming off of it.

His red armour had spikes jutting out of the chest, elbows, shoulders, knuckles, knees, and on the cheekbones of his black mask.

Long red demonic horns with black tips, burst out from his forehead, and his pristine silver feathery wings had the feathers plucked, and were now a tattered leather.

"Get ready, cos I ain't holding back." UnforgivingMenance uttered evilly while unsheathing his katana and landing on the cracked ground. "Or maybe I am, just a little though."

The Naga scoffed unimpressed and replied cockily. "You're not the only one with the power over Curses."

"Go on then, show me your Curse Techniques." UnforgivingMenance said and took a stance.

"Your overconfidence will be your undoing." The Naga gave one more snide remark and slithered at UnforgivingMenance with hee dark green eyes glowing more fiercely.

The Naga opened her mouth as tendrils of darkness emerged and tried to ensnare UnforgivingMenance, but with quick and smooth movements of his sword, he severed them.

The Naga went for a tail swipe, with her tail coated with a layer of darkness, but UnforgivingMenance with his topnotch battle prowess, braced himself as the tail whipped through the air.

It crashed into him and unsurprisingly flung him away, but he did a flip and landed again.

The battle continued for a while with the Naga hitting UnforgivingMenance around like a pingpong ball, utilizing both jee control over Darkness and Spite.

The Spite ability that Naga's had was quite unique in its own way, it was hard to notice when it was activated, but when it was in play, it showed its through scary powers.

Right now, using a Technique made exquisitely for Spite, the Naga had all of its attacks potentness and effectiveness doubled, while UnforgivingMenance had all his attacks strengths reduced by about thirty percent.

Although, the Techniques only worked if the user of the Spite Techniques had enough hatred for the target, it was easy for Nagas to suddenly develop spite for someone or something, after all, it was just their nature.

"How do you feel?" The Naga boomed with its eyes still retaining its dark green color. "Our Spite techniques never fail to deliver."

UnforgivingMenance stopped and stared, he wiped off the blood that trickled down his chin, but his gaze never left the Naga.

"I must say, I'm quite impressed, but that's still not enough to do any harm to me." UnforgivingMenance replied.

"Oh really? We'll see then." The Naga hissed loudly. "DARKNESS JAIL."

The darkness that resided in the darkest corners of the stage where light had not seen in a long while, made their way towards the Naga, rose around it, and began to form something.

The Energy was revolving around The Naga and spreading outward, soon, they were both standing opposite each other within the confines of a black dome.

The Naga didn't spare UnforgivingMenance any words and charged straight at him, slithering with the grace of a jungle predator ready to catch its prey.

"Congratulations, you've just succeeded in accelerating your death." UnforgivingMenance said with a creepy smile that no one could see, and sheathed his sword.

Then he spread his legs widely and held his sheathed sword's hilt with one hand, and the other hovered above the sheath.

"Converge." UnforgivingMenance muttered, and with a brilliant flash of light, all the Holy Energy he had left was sucked from the hands hovering over the sword, into it, causing the sword to rattle in its sheath.

The conflicting energies collided and struggled, the Holy energy trying to purge the Demonic Energy, while the Demonic Energy tried to corrupt the Holy Energy.

The creator of this chaotic energy stood and eyed the movements of the approaching giant snake.

As the Naga drew near and widened its mouth to reveal deadly sharp fangs with tendrils of darkness that reached out to pull UnforgivingMenance into it, UnforgivingMenance unsheathed his sword fluidly, letting out the built up chaotic energy.


A large slash that covered his whole sight was released from the sword, cutting through the air, and leaving behind only a skeleton that belonged to no one else but the Naga.