
Metallic Rogue

How will you feel if your parents never believed in you? How will you feel if they never wanted you? How will you feel if the society trampled upon you? How will you feel when the world was against you? Jayden Nova, a student of the Science Sage School, who has struggled through all this setbacks, strives to achieve something in his life to prove to his parents that he isn't a worthless child, they, and everyone thinks. He fights back, but is pushed down, literally... ...and as fate will have it, he stumbles upon an orb, filled with a superior unknown energy and an AI, that came from the far future, where technology has become magic and helps him achieve what he always wanted.... ...to be the ruler of his own fate. [Loading...] [Loading completed] [Rogue System Activated]

JJ_Smart · แฟนตาซี
117 Chs

Intelligent Magma Golem

'Finally, another Sovereign to serve my master.' Draven smiled, his fangs glinting under the sunlight.

"Rise and take on your humanoid form, we have work to do." Draven waved his hands at Crimson. He had sensed the new changes in Crimson's body due to the bond they now shared after Draven turned him.

Just like any other demon, Draven could use his Demonic Energy to turn any living creature into his Demonic Surbodinate, and with the bond they now had, Draven could sense even the tiniest details in Crimson's body.

Jayden spoke of True Sovereigns having the ability to achieve their humanoid form when they become Sovereign Tier Beasts, and Crimson seemed to almost have as much potential as Draven which pleased him.

Crimson responded instantly and slowly began to shrink in size, he turned bipedal and transformed into scary a Minotaur.

His red eyes glowed like embers of a crackling fire, and his pitch black horns, hooves and claws would strike terror in the hearts of the bravest men.

His body was extremely muscular, leaving no room for any fat, just raw muscles. He stood at an imposing height of three and a half meters, and on his red skin were black mystical tattoos, swirling in a mesmerizing pattern.

Just like Draven had a skirt like covering in his nether region made of shadows, Crimson also had solid red flames, forming knee-length tight shorts on him.

Draven didn't waste time scrutinizing his new follower, and pulled them both into the cold embrace of shadows, disappearing and reappearing outside the crater the earlier explosion of Crimson's turning had created.

Then without further ado, they took off into the distance.

Draven led the way as if he knew where to go, he passed by several gatherings of Basic and Intermediate Tier Beasts, but he ignored their existence and continued onward.

He filled in Crimson on his plan and told him what to do when they got to their destination.

Soon, the air began to become hotter as they approached an area riddled with volcanoes of different sizes and strength of heatwaves emitted.

The dormant volcanoes released searing heat and rapidly burned the oxygen around, Draven cloaked himself in shadows which protected him from the heatwaves, while Crimson with his high affinity to fire, bathed in their warmth.

'There are several lower tier beasts camping ahead of us, our task is to defeat them and bring them under your command.' Draven spoke telepathically with Crimson. 'Understood?'

Crimson let out a low bellow of understanding that sent tremors through the ground, then he got on all fours and charged ahead.

The ground trembled as he approached what looked like a pool of magma, but he knew that it wasn't just that, as he could sense several energy signatures from the magma pool.

As he got closer to the pool, it began to stir and undulate, and ripple of energy exploded outward.

Crimson tugged at his energy core, and a flood of energy began to flow out of his being, before setting on fire.

The red flames danced around him in readiness for the clash about to unfold, and crimson didn't fail to deliver.

He jumped high into the air and all the fierce red flames around his body began to coalesce into the palms of his hands.

Red solid balls began to take shape, their heat so intense that the air around became unstable and began to shift, twist and turn.

When Crimson felt gravity begin to do its work, the two tennis ball sized solid red flames were thrown at the pool of magma that had turned into a four armed Magma Golem with all his strength.

Draven who was watching from a distance was perplexed at the development of the situation.

'How did the creatures turn into a giant creature suddenly? The fluidity and speed at which it was done was remarkable and they seemed to have been doing it for a very long time.' Draven stroked his chin in thought, a habit he learnt from Jayden.

'And that begs the question, how did they pull it off? Golem type beasts are not usually intelligent, and I don't think they would have done multiple trial and error sessions before finally getting it right.'

'Something isn't right.' Draven concluded as his ears perked up. 'I need to be more vigilant of this area.'

A loud explosion rocked the area, and the once towering and imposing four armed Magma Golem was now destroyed. A Sovereign Tier Beast really could not be compared to beasts of a lower tier.

Crimson landed with clenched fists and let out a low bellow. He gathered the fifty or so orange crystals and walked towards Draven.

'It's done master.' He said with his head bowed.

The Magma Golems weren't dead, but had just temporarily lost their physical forms, and all they needed was to place them in an area filled with their element, and they would recover.

'Good, let's leave this place.' Draven uttered and began to walk away.

'But master, there are still more Magma Golems of a higher rank further.' Crimson's deep voice boomed in Draven's mind.

'This place is more dangerous than you think, and we need to be smart if we want to survive. So let's go!'

Crimson didn't dare disobey a second time and followed immediately.

No sooner had they decided to go when a tremor swept through the ground and a loud exolosion resounded in their ears.

Draven snapped his head around and saw the volcanoes erupting with a shit load of lava and magma, but instead of them spilling over and causing destruction in their wake like all erupting volcanoes did, they instead began to gather in a ball, high above, in the sky.

Draven didn't dare stay to see what would happen, he stepped through the shadows with Crimson in tow, and emerged in a desolate area filled with nothing but boulders and dried grounds.

They were so far away from the volcanoes, that the gathering magma in the sky was just a tiny dot, and considering Draven's good eyesight, it showed just how far they were teleported, but at the expense of his whole reserves of energy.

"I knew something was wrong... but who would have thought that the Golem King had gained sentience." Draven spoke with bathed breaths.

"This would be a huge problem for this planet."

Sorry for the lack of chapters, but I've been working on my other book, My Godkiller System, check it out.

JJ_Smartcreators' thoughts