
Metallic Rogue

How will you feel if your parents never believed in you? How will you feel if they never wanted you? How will you feel if the society trampled upon you? How will you feel when the world was against you? Jayden Nova, a student of the Science Sage School, who has struggled through all this setbacks, strives to achieve something in his life to prove to his parents that he isn't a worthless child, they, and everyone thinks. He fights back, but is pushed down, literally... ...and as fate will have it, he stumbles upon an orb, filled with a superior unknown energy and an AI, that came from the far future, where technology has become magic and helps him achieve what he always wanted.... ...to be the ruler of his own fate. [Loading...] [Loading completed] [Rogue System Activated]

JJ_Smart · แฟนตาซี
117 Chs


Whirlpool of Destruction, the first gate out of the eight gates of Knell's Territorial Expansion Technique, Broken Waves.

The technique caused the waves to flow in opposite directions, then making the targets reach a certain speed inside one of the waves, it threw them out into the next wave that spun in reverse, this situation made the targets get hit so fast, the compressed water went through their defences and shredded them just like a blender did to tomatoes.

Knell who was standing casually on a compressed water platform suddenly grabbed his stomach and coughed out thick black blood, a mind splitting headache assaulted him and he fell to his knees. His Territorial Expanse collapsed in on itself and was sucked back into Knell's body.

The destroyed crates, ground, walls and buildings around him wasn't seen by him at the moment, he was clutching his stomach tightly and desperately gasping for air.

Standing around him were people holding weapons, some had parts of their body replaced with mechanical technology, while some were fully covered from their head to toes in a Mech Suit.

This group of people had gotten there a few moments ago and were surprised to see a sphere encompassing a twenty meter radius. They instantly knew what it was, and just as they were about to strike it, it shattered and released chilling blue mist into the surroundings.

Knell still had his body releasing the blue mist, so they didn't immediately see him, he was in agony, the awful pain originated from his stomach where the boost was beginning to do its works.

It seemed like the boost was beginning to take effect, Knell's hair which was like that of an old hag was regaining it's previous black luster, his face was reverting to its previous features with more beauty even added.

His black eyes glowed with vigor, his hunched back straightened with cracking sounds echoing in the silent alley, startling the group and making them wary of any form of danger.

Knell swiftly jumped back to his feets with no stress at all, he stared at his figure with a smile and touched himself as a bead of tear streamed down his face.

"I'm back." Knell's voice carried a deep baritone, it had been a long time since he had spoken like this without feeling pain. It wasn't just his physical looks that were affected, but internally, he was just as deformed.

When he still had the Miryan Deficiency disease, his voice was low and hoarse sometimes, but he forced himself to speak clearly to hide it and not worry anyone, he found it hard to eat, sleep, pee, poop and fight like any other normal human. He had endured pain all through his life and now, all he had to do was handle the Reversal and all will be well.

The Reversal, the second stage of using boost, was what knell had to handle now that the first was over, he had no qualms about the Reversal because the Reversal, in a way, just gave him back what his disease had taken away from him.

The Miryan Deficiency was like the opposite of growing, if he ate too much, he'll get more hungry, if he drank too much, he'll get more thirsty, if he exercised too much, he'll get more weaker and if he slept too much, he'll be drowsy when he wakes.

The Reversal had already given him back his basic needs, the only thing left was for it to give him back all the rewards of the exercising and training he had gone through.

Knell smiled as he began to feel his body swelling, his muscles undulated and squirmed in place, the sight was grotesque, it looked like thousands of worms were moving under his skin and trying to crawl out. But even with the revolting look, Knell was in cloud nine.

His strength was soaring and his body was swelling more, soon he was reaching three and a half meters in height and his shoulders were already as wide as two meters. His biceps and triceps were so big, it could rival a body builders thighs in size, his legs were looking like two thick tree trunks and his pants were struggling to contain them, his hoodie and shirt underneath ripped off and fell to the ground like a piece of rag.

Knell revelled in the power coursing through his body, suddenly, his body began to shrink back, though his muscles reduced in size, the strength behind them was retained and compressed down. This new occurrence made his body more durable and less penetrative by tiny projectiles.

Knell who was in his own world, totally forgot about the three Energy Orbs in his hood the were now lying some meters away from his transforming figure.

The Orbs began to vibrate, they were shaking as if there was an earthquake were they layed, they rolled on the spot and began to revolve on their axis. They spun so fast they didn't look like they were spinning, until they began to float in the air and suddenly shoot towards the ignorant Knell.

As soon as the Orbs reached Knell, he noticed them too late, the Orbs broke apart into light particles and turned into three large mystical and beautiful beasts.

The first light particles coalesced and turned into an insect, the insect had a pair of large multifaceted compound eyes, two pairs of strong intricately veined transparent wings, and an elongated body.

The insect had a brilliant metallic colours, and as it flapped its wings, beautiful mesmerizing blue dusts were falling off it. The beast was a dragonfly, that reached a breathtaking height of two meters.

The Dragonfly turned into a streak of light and entered through Knell's orifices.

The second beast was a Shark, it had cross shaped sharp eyes, a row of razor sharp blood red teeths that glinted under the night sky, smooth curved fins that aided it in its under water movements and a thick scaled skin that was ardorned with blue and white intricate beautiful lines.

The beast swam around him as if it was under water, and drifted towards him, as it was about to crash into his figure, it burst into light particles and entered through his orifices.

The third beast wasn't seen, only a black blur cut through the air as it dove into Knell speedily.

All this while, since the first beast had invaded his body, he had been motionless, not because he chose to, but because an unseen force was holding him in place and preventing him from have any influence on what was happening.

As soon as the third beast was successfully absorbed, Knell felt tremendous power coursing through him and his body once again began to swell as his muscles increased in size while not reducing in mass.

Knell smiled at the people surrounding him, they also looked at him with shock and fear written all over faces, however, seeing that he was just one person, they all assaulted him at the same time. If they couldn't deal with him individually, then they'll deal with him with numbers. Quantity over Quality.

"Come one come all, whatever you do, I'll end your worthless lives." Knell's voice that became even more deeper and more menacing boomed in their ears.

As Knell took a step forward to begin his massacre, he suddenly grew stiff and powerful pulse was sent out of his body, blowing the mist aside and revealing his petrified figure.

The third stage of using boost had begun.