
Metal Universe

Nano metal organism embedded warriors ruling in the metal universe searching for power. And they unlocked a secret. In this novel, Everyone has fair chance, but that lead to unfair. MC could get Cheat Code, so as all other too. Everyone is fighting to get it. So, all cultivators are not innocent and all innocent cultivators don't exit.

Zmp · ตะวันออก
116 Chs

Alliance And Friends!

(Disclaimer: All characters, organizations, places, cases and incidents in this novel are fictitious.)


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When they all arrived at temporary resident of Cloud Field sect,

Elder Mioh let many other from her sect go, Because she know some of them did not like Blood Cliff sect.


In the room only ten people left,

Cha Yuu, a disciple with elder Miho who got injured from assassination attacked before and,

Hee Mon, poor first year girl who had good impression on Blood Demon,

Two girls served everyone with tea and they stood behind two elders.


Hee Mon was helping Areum while on the way back to Blood Cliff sect. She did not have a friend in her class, because most of the students in her class followed a rich and top girl, Choe Yong.

Choe Yong hated Hee Mon because Hee Mon did not follow her and she felt that, Hee Mon is against her, so Choe Yong made Hee Mon to became alone in the class.


Elder Park and Areum sat down, and only two more chairs left. So, Moesat let Lee Seo Min, who was really weak, sat on one chair and Soyeon and Da Hae sat together on another.

Moesat is a boy and he did not want to sit together like girls. So he stand behind Areum.


They were talking about good things and bad things that happened in recent years, and how they should push young students to become stronger.

There were not serious discussion so they were talking in front of young children. And most of the children in the room were getting bore.


But for a while after listening, Lu Lu found a gap that they all need a better technique and energy source for everyone to improve faster.

Even in the big sect, they only got a few legend grade cultivation skills. And most of these techniques were not fit to everyone because of the Sun energy vein in human bodies were different to each other.


The Myth grade cultivation technique in the Royal family has a same problem with it. Not everyone could not cultivated it.

Try to sort that problem, the king made love with many woman and gave birth many children. Actually The King only like one man and one wife system. :D


Thus, Moesat went out and gave Trinity Solar Cultivation Technique in front of Cloud Field sect elders.

Everyone eyes were nearly pop out when Moesat took out a legend rank cultivation technique and gave it out like a low rank book.


A legend book could make a small storm in the country if it was appear and many people would die for it.

The room was quiet for a while and elders could control back their agitated mind to clam.


"Where did you get it?" Elder Park ask,

"I made it."

"Could you really make a legend rank cultivation?" Elder Mioh asked before Elder Park.


Moesat turned and looked back toward Elder Mioh and he scratched his head and,

"I just did it!!? did I?." he answered in confuse.


Experience people know that techniques were made by intelligent living things, and it is not just came out from a thin air.

But they also knew that, it is not easy to make one.


Both Elders from Cloud Field wanted to check it but they could not read other sect cultivation technique.


"Could you tell me how you created a legend rank cultivation skill?" elder Eun could not control herself and asked.

Normally one could not ask other about it, but.


"Hmm… actually I did not create it, I just upgrade a sliver rank cultivation skill to legend rank." Moesat answers it like a stupid.

If someone created a skill mean they were genius but upgrade is lower, so Moesat answer was he jump down back from higher place.

For normal people, if they got a wrong impression from other and they would pretend like that. They would hide the truth.


"Ohh this was a silver rank skill, how did you do it." Elder Park recognized it.

Even if it was not created it, it was not easy to upgrade.

"I read many books and I tested this and that, and I finally made one like that!!!" Moesat did not answer the all truth.

He was aiming for something.


"So, if you read many books and you could make one?" Elder Mioh asked,

"Not sure I could make one or not, because I tested other gold rank skills and not success. I could only upgrade just one skill." This time Moesat told them the truth.

Lying everything is easy to figure it out by other, but lying inside of the reality is not easy to figure it out.


"You just borrowed many books from library? Are you trying to make it again?" elder Park asked him.

"Yes, that why I took all books."

Elder Park eyes were shinning and looking at Moesat likes a duck which laid a golden egg.


All become quiet and they were calculation in their mind and thinking how to take advantage from Moesat.


Moesat was in middle of them and he turn toward two elders from Cloud Field.

He took out some fruits juice bottles and placed on the table near two elders.


"I heard that some of the Cloud Field disciples dead on assassination attacked, I could not compensate for the lives as lives could not determined with any price. But I will definitely revenge for them later. Now these are for my gratitude to Cloud Field sect."


And again, Moesat took out some more bottle and gave these to Soyeon group and elder Park, finally he went toward Cha Yuu and gave her some.


He turn back to his place but he saw an only girl left who did not get his energy drink.

And that girl did not say a word but her eyes betray her, still she did not ask for it.

She was not a hypocrite who pretend like, she did not want it.


She did not ask because she did not have a power to ask for it. That kind of thing could usually found in poor people.

So this is where humanity could use in it.


If a poor did not have a power to extend their hand, and a rich could started to extend their strong hand first.


Moesat turned back and took out some more bottles and,

"You help my Noona, I have a gratitude for you too." And he gave it some to Hee Mon before he went back.


Everything, Moesat done, could not miss in the eyes of elders. Elder Eun also noticed that Areum fruits were coming from this little guy.

And Fruit juices were more concentrate energies than fruits, it would be wasted to use just like that.


"It would be waste just to drink it! Let me make it into pills?" Elder Eun could not stand it anymore. It was wasted to just drink like that.

If these were combine with other ingredient and these would be more smooth and more effective. And there could be different kinds of effect too.


Elder Park could easily hand over his bottle but other children were hesitate as they did not want to lose their treasure.


"Elder Eun, could you make these into pills? Could you please teach me?"Moesat asked.

Elder Eun did not answer right away, as they did not want outsider knew their technique. But she was calculating in her head too.


After that,

"OK I will teach you but I have one request from you too."

Even if these two sects were alliance, they calculated their pros and cons too. All people should not do things mindlessly.


"What was it?" Moesat tried to make clear.

"I will tell you before I teach you how to make pill." Elder Eun did not want to say it now.

"Alright, let me knew when you are ready."



Moesat took back fruit juice bottles from his side and give it to elder Eun and they left.

Moesat have many sun fruit juice left but he did not take out anymore.


They went back to Elder Park resident and all tried to make a place to live there. The danger is outside so they have to live where they were safest place.

But Soyeon group faces were clouded like they just lost their treasure. But they could not say a thing to Moesat.


After they cooked and finished their dinner,

"Moesat, do you think the head master Ba Se Wu said was their true intention?" Elder Park asked Moesat in front of their group.

"Nope." Moesat answered in short without even thinking a bit.


Elder Park smiled but did not say anymore. He just wanted to teach him about human.

And he did not ask the question 'WHY'

Because he already knew that there is no answer for that.

They both did not know why, so there is 'no answer' for that question.

But they know that what these people told them was a lie.


Moesat took out another Trinity Solar cultivation technique book and hand it over to Soyeon group.

"Try to train it first, it would be wasted to drink fruit juices without good cultivation technique."


Lu Lu have her calculation in her mind too. She did not just waste her treasures for nothing even if they have gratitude on other.


Now Soyeon group could smile, and they understand why Moesat took back their fruit juices before.

And they even more happy now as they were really wanted this cultivation technique when Moesat gave it to Elder Park.

But they could not ask for it too.


From the Moesat point of view,

If he has something, he would help his friend stronger now before the danger come.


It is different from HEROES,

These heroes were always wait until their friends got into danger, after that they save them, so their friends worship the heroes like a god?


And there were another kind of Heroes,

For example: there were a virus outbreak, and infected become a Zombie.

A hero got a cultivation skill that could prevent to become a Zombie. But down side was, cultivator needed to fight with Zombie.


Other people who were in this hero shoe;

'Would they teaches this cultivation technique to their family and let them fight with zombie? Or Not?'


Other people would chose to teach their family.

But hero did not teach his family.




The Hero reason was, he did not want his family in bloody fight.


The reason is: the hero know the future.

And the hero know that nothing would happen to his family from story line.


Moesat did not know the future,

So he gave a power to his friends and family for fight back to all the danger.


But he also have a clear line draw between them.

For Soyeon group, he could not teach their Angel Dance, or gave their dragon blood or god blood to them.


For Areum and Enna, he could not teach his Sun Moon cultivation technique.

Areum is like a big sister and Enna is like an daughter to them but still he could teach them.

Actually he really wanted to teach them so he got dilemma for it.


In item bag,

Moesat was refining Dragon blood and ESMG blood outside of his body. Dragon blood were for Areum and Enna.

And ESMG blood were too much lust desire inside so he did not want to refining it in his body.

With the help of Lu Lu, he even refined the ESMG curse.


Curse were made from some kind of energy so it could refined too.


And Moesat learn how to refine Metal in a cauldron from elder Park,

But they found a problem,

Problem was the curse inside of learning the Metal refine, every time Moesat learnt it and curse power found in Moesat body.


So they needed to refine and destory it every time after he learnt it and the curse could be only refined in the item bag.

Only after the curse refined and Moesat could teach Lu Lu but Moesat did not know what would happen to Lu Lu when she got out from the bag after she learn.

So he did not dare to teach her, so he took his time to refine Metal.


A week after that Moesat got a call from Elder Eun for making the energy pills.

When Moesat arrived, Elder Eun told him,


"My request for teaching you how to make pill is.."