
Metal Gear: Shadows of Legacy

TheYoutubeAcolyte · วิดีโอเกม
8 Chs

Chapter 4: Bonds of Outer Heaven

On a rare day of respite at Outer Heaven, the soldiers found themselves free from the relentless demands of their training and missions. The base, usually bustling with intensity, now hummed with an air of tranquility. It was a brief lull in the storm of malevolence—a momentary reprieve from the shadows that haunted them.

Once a month, Big Boss kept the tradition where he and his former friend Kazuhira Miller would throw a party to celebrate the soldiers' birthdays for that month. It was a time when camaraderie and laughter took precedence over the weight of their responsibilities.

As the sun rose over the horizon, casting a warm glow across the base, Kyle ventured outside, greeted by the gentle breeze that carried the scent of nature. He spotted his comrades scattered across the courtyard, each engaged in their own activities.

Natalia, the medic of the group, was tending to a small herb garden she had carefully nurtured. Her nurturing nature extended beyond the wounded soldiers, as she lovingly tended to the fragile plants, finding solace in their growth.

Nearby, Carlos, the quiet but observant sniper, was perched atop a crate, cleaning his trusty sniper rifle with meticulous care. The precision he displayed in maintaining his weapon mirrored the same dedication he showed in each shot he took.

Kyle walked towards them, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Hey, Nat, Carlos," he greeted warmly. "Beautiful day, isn't it?"

Natalia looked up from her plants, a soft smile gracing her features. "It really is," she replied. "It's nice to have a moment of peace."

Carlos merely nodded in agreement, his focus returning to his rifle. Though he was not one to indulge in lengthy conversations, his companionship spoke volumes.

As Kyle moved on, he noticed Roy and Isabella, the inseparable duo, engaged in a friendly boxing match. Their playful banter, the shade they threw at each other was always in good fun. If they could rope someone else into their little game, then it adds to their fun. Their laughter filled the air, a rare symphony of mirth amidst the shadows.

As he continued his stroll, Kyle encountered Sasha, her responsibility is to train dogs to assist in field missions. Currently, she is busy training a German Shepherd on obeying verbal commands. Sasha noticed Kyle and waved him over. "How's the day treating you, Kyle?" she asked with a glint in her eyes.

Kyle replied nonchalantly, "Can't complain."

His gaze then fell to the dog beside her.

"And who is this good boy?" Kyle asked while petting the dog, enjoying the attention and scratches it was receiving.

"This unruly boy is Riley. He's still a puppy so he doesn't listen. If you want, you can participate in his training sessions, he certainly seems to like you more than he does me." That certainly rang true since Riley was rubbing himself against Kyle's leg.

Later on, the soldiers gathered in the courtyard, the scent of sizzling steaks filling the air as the grills sputtered with flames. Big Boss oddly enough, was manning one of the grills, flipping patties and steaks.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the base, the party came alive with laughter and cheer. The soldiers shared stories of their past, their lives before becoming members of Outer Heaven, and the dreams they had prior to joining.

Under the watchful eyes of their mentors, the soldiers indulged in the simple pleasures of life. They played a few games of soccer, poker, dice, and basket ball. Amidst the revelry, dirty jokes were exchanged with raucous laughter, momentarily breaking the tension that had been building within them. The weight of their duties seemed to dissipate, replaced by the bonds of brotherhood that they had forged.

In the midst of the festivities, Kyle found himself surrounded by friends, feeling a sense of belonging. He laughed at some of the soldiers humorous anecdotes whilst devouring his steak. As the night wore on, the soldiers gathered around a makeshift bonfire, the crackling flames illuminating their faces. Cigars were passed around, and puffs of smoke drifted upward like silent prayers offered to the heavens.

Big Boss shared stories of battles fought and won, imparting wisdom that extended beyond the battlefield. His words were a reminder that they were not just soldiers; they were warriors with souls and hearts, capable of feeling and caring amidst the darkness.

In those moments, the soldiers felt like a family.

Had a case of serious writer's block coupled with work. Left me little time to write.

TheYoutubeAcolytecreators' thoughts