
Conflict Between Two, Frightening Appearance of a Python!

นักแปล: Henyee Translations บรรณาธิการ: Henyee Translations

"Thomas, you're too sensitive. I only got to know Helen…"

"Sensitive? Maybe!" Thomas narrowed his eyes and his lips curled up. "After saying so much, I believe you ought to understand my meaning?"

"Yep!" Xue Yue nodded.

"It's good that you understand!" Thomas patted Xue Yue on the shoulders and said indifferently, "You're not stupid, so you had better stay away from Helen in the future. This is good for both of you. Haha, in fact, you two are from different worlds, two intersecting straight lines, and this deserted island is your intersection!"

"After leaving this island, the both of you will separate and will never see each other again!"

After he said that, Thomas faintly smiled and walked forward with the spear in his hands.

Xue Yue stood on the spot and his grip tightened on the spear while his eyes were flashing with mysterious flames!

"People from two different worlds? Perhaps so! But I have honestly not thought of finding an American wife…"

Gu ji ji ji—

The forest was very lively, with birds singing and insects making noises.

Xue Yue and Thomas continued to shuttle through the jungle, but neither of them spoke and the atmosphere became much silent. After about ten minutes or so, Gaga~~~

A burst of lively noise could be heard from the bushes not far away. Xue Yue roused with spirit, bent over, moved softly and quietly towards that direction.

Looking past the bushes blocking their view, sure enough, he saw several fat dodo birds currently foraging on the ground. They were fanning their short wings and randomly chirping, seeming very cheerful.

"Oh ho, Mauritius Dodo birds, a good prey!" Thomas learned closer to Xue Yue and looked at the dodo bird before them. All of a sudden, his eyes brightened, and licked his licks while laughing in a low voice.

Xue Yue looked at Thomas with surprise. Unexpectedly, this guy was knowledgeable.

Thomas faintly smiled and said proudly, "Dodo birds should be considered extinct in the eyes of you ordinary people. Haha, but that is not the fact. There are many creatures in this world that have been declared extinct but are in fact still around. They are merely living in places you don't know!"

"There are many things not accessible to people at your level. Similar to this dodo bird before you. If I wish to eat them, I can have them for every meal. But for you, it is merely an extinct animal found in books!"

After he said that, Thomas pushed away the shrubs and pounced out with a leap.


Several chubby dodo birds were startled by Thomas who rushed out suddenly and continuously flapped their wings as they staggered to escape in the other direction. Despite this, their speed was indeed not too flattering, much slower compared to domestic chickens. As such, they were even slower when compared against Thomas.


Thomas thrust the spear forward and fiercely stabbed one of the dodo birds that was running slowly. However, he did not stop there. Like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, his spear swung out repeatedly and the remaining dodo birds were either stabbed or hit to death, with fresh blood flowing all over the ground.

"A total of eight dodo birds! Haha, this deserted island is pretty good!" Thomas smiled in satisfaction and flipped his golden long hair as he ordered Xue Yue, "Hey, come out and bring these eight dodo birds back!"

His tone of a superior was just like he had treated Xue Yue as an attendant, a servant!

Xue Yue walked out the bush and furrowed his brows. "Thomas, why did you kill so many dodo birds? There's only three of us and two would be sufficient for us to last two to three days. If you kill so many in one go, the meat cannot be preserved and will go bad in a few days. Isn't this a waste?"

"Are you teaching me a lesson?" The smile on Thomas's face faded away. He then walked to Xue Yue and examined him condescendingly.

"No one knows how many dodo birds there are on this island. If we were to kill excessively like this, perhaps the birds here would be extinct. At that time, what are we supposed to eat? Don't tell me we are to eat fish every single day?" Xue Yue said in a neither overbearing nor servile tone, and looked at Thomas without fear.

Xue Yue was 1.78m tall, which was not considered short among his peers. However, compared to Thomas who was more than 1.85m tall, he had indeed fallen short by a huge chunk. Moreover, Thomas possessed all the advantages of a caucasian. Burly, tall and straight.

In contrast, Xue Yue appeared much thinner!


Thomas laughed and he laughed rather recklessly without a care. He pointed at Xue Yue's eyes and scolded, "Who do you think you are to lecture me? Yellow boy, don't think that you can yell in front of me just because you saved my life by luck. If you were to anger me…"

As he said that, he pointed at the eight dodo birds lying in the pool of blood.


Xue Yue slapped away Thomas' hand and coldly said, "So what if I anger you? Stop talking to me in a tone as if you're superior. You're nothing on this deserted island. Not even dog sh*t!"

"You dare to call me dog sh*t? You son of a b*tch. Your mother sucked my d*ck and gave birth to a bastard like you!" Thomas was instantly enraged and he scolded angrily.


Xue Yue had tolerated Thomas for a long time, so how could he possibly endure getting scolded? He then gave Thomas a big slap across his face as he wanted to teach that irritating brat a good lesson!

And how powerful was Xue Yue right now?

He was someone who could cause a hole on a shark's back with a single punch!


Accompanied by a loud, tight slap, Thomas flew out upside down. He flew for at least five to six meters before crashing against a tree and falling to the ground.

A single slap from Xue Yue caused Thomas to see stars and the corner of his lips bled.

Xue Yue walked over and looked down at Thomas as he said coldly, "No matter what status you have outside, be it a wealthy second generation, a second generation of an official, or even the son of the president, you are nothing on this deserted island. You don't even understand the meaning of planning on a long-term basis. Trash."


Thomas flipped his head, held his swollen face and glared at Xue Yue. "B*stard, how dare you hit me? You will regret this!"

"So what if I hit you? Hmph! A useless scoundrel!" With a snort of disdain, Xue Yue ignored the self-proclaimed playboy and walked towards the dodo birds.

Thomas had killed eight in one go and each weighed around 20kg. There were at least a total of 160kg for a total of eight dodo birds and it was impossible for them to finish so much meat.

It was inveitable for there to be waste!

"B*stard!" Xue Yue scolded deep down and carried three birds as he made his way back.

"Stupid b*stard, I must kill you. I will definitely do so!!"

Thomas stood up and wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth and stared unwaveringly at Xue Yue's back view as a fierce glint flickered within his eyes.

However, just as he was about to walk back, his legs seem to have been tripped by something and he fell to the ground. "F*ck—" Thomas softly mumbled and got up, only to hear a hissing sound. When he turned over, a triangular head had suddenly filled his field of vision.

"Oh my god!" Thomas's eyes widened in shock!

"Ahh! Save me! Xue Yue, save me! Ahhh~~"

"Save me?"

Even though Xue Yue had already walked quite some distance, the cry for help was still clearly audible. Moreover, that type of heartbreaking scream did not seem to be fake. His expression could not help but change as he threw away the dodo birds in his hands, turned around and ran back.

"Ah! Save… save me!"


When Xue Yue returned to the original location, he saw a shocking scene and his mouth could not help but open wide while his scalp turned numb. He saw Thomas entangled by a terrifying, large python.

A huge python as thick as an adult's waist had completely wrapped Thomas within its embrace and appeared to be a huge meatball when seen from the outside. It was only through a slight crack which allowed Xue Yue to see a human inside.

"Save… save me… help!"

Thomas screamed out loud, but his voice was getting softer and softer. Xue Yue was shocked and rooted on the spot, slightly trembling. As he looked at the scene before him, a layer of sweat surfaced on his forehead.

"Should I save him, or not?"

Admittedly, Thomas was a hateful guy and Xue Yue loathed him very much. However, Xue Yue absolutely did not have the thought of killing him. Even though he found him unpleasant, it was not to the extent he would watch him get killed!

"B*stard! Let him go!"

Xue Yue roared, grabbed onto the long spear and rushed up immediately.

Chi chi—

Unexpectedly, the sharp wooden spear could not pierce through the python's skin and instead, it slipped away. Xue Yue could not help but be frightened. Just then, a strong breeze went past his ears and the tail of the python slapped down from the sky.


Xue Yue was directly slapped away and he flew out upside down.

"Save… save me! Xue Yue, save me! Help!"

When the python attacked Xue Yue, it's body that entangled Thomas had loosened considerably. When Thomas heard Xue Yue cursing at the python, he could not help but cry out in a heart-wrenching scream.


Xue Yue got up and spat out the dirt in his mouth. He then gritted his teeth and punched over once again!

As the python was tightly holding onto Thomas, it could only stay rooted and passively defend. Xue Yue had carefully avoided the python's tail and appeared on the other side.


With both legs kicking the ground, Xue Yue jumped onto the python like a vigorous leopard in the blink of an eye. His ten fingers were like a pair of claws that tightly grasped onto its scales!

But despite this, his fists that could easily pierce through the shark were unable to pierce through the python's scales. He only managed to leave scratches on it. Xue Yue was both surprised and angry. That python's skin was too hard and he could not get past it!

In desperation, Xue Yue could only back off. He found a trunk the thickness of his arm that was two meters long, then smashed it down against the python's head.


Xue Yue's strength was so great that the trunk cut through the air and struck down hard. It accurately struck on the python's head and with a clunk, the trunk was split into half.


The huge python shook it's triangular head and its pair of red eyes was glued onto Xue Yue as it continuously hissed.

Xue Yue felt his heart turning cold when stared down by the python and his palms could not help but sweat. His grip on the trunk had also tightened.

"BIstard, bite me if you can!" Xue Yue pointed the trunk at the python and scolded provocatively.