
Chapter 1 : Awaken & sudden War

Part 1 awaken


My body and breath feels cold like I'm naked and sleepy in winter .

Can't move my arms, it seems like something ties my hand and hangs up to the ceiling.

This sleep position is very uncomfortable

As i tried to my hands chain sound appear

I definitely in somewhere not my home

As the strong wind sounds from stone vent up the ceiling.

パタパタ pata pata

Nonstop for 1 minutes straight

Had enough ,I start slowly open my eyes

Indeed this is not my home

Around me is stone wall , little bit musty , seems this place seems abandoned for quite long time

For some reasons i am not panic at all

As I inspected around , I noticed chain locks around both of my hands. The chains are rusty ,I sit on a circle stone platform in middle of the stone room , I look like the warrior chained up by the gods in the Greek games I've played in the past.

The chain locked around my hands size is 2 times bigger than those chain use to lock a lion , tiger

The chain connects to the stone ceiling above me about 50 meters high.

"Why I'm here? , where am i , why is this place?"

Not panic but confused at situations I'm in.

"Let's checking

Ok my name is Kagerou Aiden , still renember"

"I'm 21 , good !"

And before i wake up in this place i was-!!"

When finished saying what words

Memories appear out of no where

It's rush into my head like huge rocks throwing into grass window

It's hurts

The pain is unbearable

As is scream in agony , those memories start showing.

I'm in the room

Blood !

Blood everywhere!!

Guts, human parts all over the place!

While i standing in middle of those pile of blood , my hand holding a someone hearts

When memories show me that part , rage , can't control it.

I scream from pain to full rage my hand start grab those chain at my hands and start drag down , since the chain are rusty it's quiet easy to broke it

The moment i broke the chain , chain part which connect to stone ceiling start fell down on my head

But suprisely it didn't hurt at all

In fact it feels like cotton candy falling on my head and breaking those stones like breaking a cookie.

As I escape easily I move those rocks that fall from the ceiling like moving cotton , since when did I get this super strength ??

My rage cool down.

Amazed at my new power , seems even without rage the strength is still there , seems when rage i only lost control of my actions.

When I successfully escaped from a pile of stone the rage cooldown , what were those memories? I don't know but in the meantime I shouldn't think about it, thinking about it only makes me become mindless beast outrage.

When I walked down the platform which "imprisoned" me I saw the 4 bed stone which is used for sacrifice in maya empire?

On the bed i saw corpses on each bed , seems they're summoning me? No i got locked up , then must be some kind of prison barrier , seems they are fail , since i got out little effort



Tremendous excitement appears clearly on my face even though I haven't seen my own face yet!

Because normally when I get isekai to wake up in a different world I am usually in someone else's body. That's maybe it since I woke up like this.

Perhaps I am a demon or some deity that was imprisoned?

If so they do a sloppy job.

Too many Manga and novel cliche

So there are high chances that I've transferred to other worlds like those isekai manga I've always read about.

"Need more informations"

"But first I need to get out of here"

Luckily before me there's a path lead to outside ,

I think?

But it is!

At the end of long musty stone corridor I can see light source

As I walk and inspect a the corridor , it is made by stone , all of it , and some how two side corridor wall written weird language but I noticed some flame symbol , it's make me uneasy , so hurry run toward the extit

The light's getting brighter and brighter , when I just walk outside the air is clear seems I am in some forest, and behind me is some kind of tomb , when I look back the tomb , it collapse

Leaves only big rocks block the entrance I don't mind much since even if it's fall on me , with my super human strength I can sure easily get out

I take a quick to look around

"It's beautiful!"

I'm shock and full of surprise since how beautiful the forest is , it's even more beautiful when sun light shining the forest before me

It's very refreshing

And I just realized that

I'm almost naked

Only things that cover my Excalibur is old almost torn cloth

I took a bath at clear beautiful at small river on left side of the tomb .

Truly from forest , to river so beautiful

Looks like from those fantasy games

Really back in the days I've .... No, till now fantasy , isekai genre are always my favorites since how boring my old world is.

And my dream is to fall in love again with and elf!

But in reality there isn't such a thing...

Hold on


If it's true that elves exist in this world , then I'm luckiest jackpot ever , many thoughts about married one and having small cute family with elf's wife

"Truly sweet dream right there"

"Wait, wake up in a strange place , my physical bodies are inhumans , fantasy forest ..."


"This is truly isekai!"

Happy i jump around like 4 years old boy finding good toys

As i jump around in the river i tripped by stone in river and fall down

Thanks to my super body so it didn't hurt at all

And finally see my face


"This face…!?"

"Is my character from my design!"

Black hair , sharp eyes , 2 bangs , and long hair almost cover my ears.

Seems only faces are different. My body still looks the same as my old appearance.

"But why?? , i just draw him for fun , i didn't use him in any games nor story , just imagine in my head and draw it and leave it there!"

"Anyways thanks whatever god is for using this character design as my new body"

I hold my hands and pray for Gratitude.

"Now i can confirm I'm 100 percent in different world"

But strangely, usually I have meet gods to explain how I died and let me choose cheat skills and drop me.

Or truck kun sent me

Whatever, I didn't want to think about it since it may trigger some rage memories again.

After done bath I wear back the only clothes I got as soon i wearing "clothes"

I notice a foot mark and a ring stuck on the brush since the ring has a dark purple color and platinum texture.

Seems someone is running away from something or someone since there's no way some sone could' or drop something like this

"What is this , what is this??"

"Some kind of story plot??"

"A guy rescued a girl in danger???"

"Then let's hurry!!!"

Since there's no place to put the ring , I'll wear it in the meantime.

And start running deep into Fantasy forest.

Part 2 Sudden War

As I run, follow the trace mark.

"Horse foot mark"

As I run to the open area of the forest road path, the more horse foot marks .

I stopped at broken cart seems it've been attacked , since there's broken arrow stuck to the wheels

Bandit? Maybe not since this many horse marks look like a group of small troops.

As I walk around the cart….

The image before my eyes shiver down my spine

I couldn't spoke any words at image before my eyes

2 women dead bodies laying down right behind the cart , and 3 dead horses.

One horse got chopped head off and the other 2 got shot by a few arrows .

And 2 women , they're elves.

"so they do exist in this world…"

Their clothes are torn apart

"**** huh…."

The sign before my eyes makes rage boil up again but this time I manage to control it with all my will.

As I inspect 2 poor souls I notice one of the elves' leather pockets got ripped , so that's why the ring fell off.

Can't take it anymore of the curse scene before my eyes

I dug 2 hole's give them proper burial.

After that i checked the cart to find any clothes left in there.

Surprisingly seems those attacked these women are not bandit's since all of stuffs in cart remain untouched , but few got shot by arrow.

I take black coat with yellow flame details around the coat , 1 black tank top , black silver boots , black baggy pants with dark green leather pocket on the left side , black silver belt , 1 black beaded gold fire heart shaped in the middle of all beads , 1 black , yellow beaded.

I put a fallen elves ring in my pocket.

Now I am ready , must hurry since some invasion might begin , and I won't allow that image to appear in my eyes , not on my watch , as I dash forward following the traces.

With my speed I easily run 3 times faster than sport car.

This forest is big , with such speed I soon saw the big smoke and combat sound , explosive sound , sword clashing in long distance.

"I have to hurry"

Soon I caught myself on a cliff below me. About 10 to 12 meters below me is a combat field .

Human and elves are fighting , from my view , the elves on defends their place , and human are winning , archer shooting strange blue light arrow , that's no doubt magic , but human mages in red robe about 30 , and 1 yellow red robe mages seems is their captain of mages squad they fire big flame magic which burn all magic arrows elves shoot , those elves can't escape in team they're shoot down one by one , on ground even elves are disadvantage too , as elves warriors using also blue magic on their swords but seems can't break through human knights armor and shield while their swords easily slice those elves like butter , the elves are really skilled but out class damage dealt heavily , those knights about 50 ,

And there's one guy in red black armor different from other dark gray armor knights , it seems he's the leader , carrying a big claymore , 1 swing he took out 3 elves in heavy armor at the same time , and impact cuts 4 elves behind it .

"That's also magic i see"

But here's bugging me from my view the elves in fantasy stories are famous about their archery and magics , as i see here they're skilled at those too but the human magics are too strong, those knight moves are rather normal for troop standards , but problems is their armor and weaponry are heavily outclass the elves.

The intense battle didn't last long as the elves abandoned their home base and retreated to the forest .

As a result , humans capture a lot of elves, but strangely soldiers are all dead , since battle those humans didn't leave any soldier alive but only female alive .

"Should i go ? Can I do it ??"

"There's chances to save them is stealth "

As I am about to plan a stealth option plan.

But something feels offs

The feeling that my nature is never stealth, just fighting enemies head on.

As I was confused , I saw their human leader in some kind of town hall. I see inside they capture all of the elves which total 14 females in there and the human in black armor and other 4 knights too .

Before them is one elves in the front who' s wearing different clothes , silver hair. I can't see her face.

Seeing one of those knight drag the elves female to front of their leader

"don't tell me…..'

The knights rip her clothes off while other females are in despair as their turn soon after the girl before them.

The moment they start ping her down

A memories appear again

The pain start again as showing me the memories

Same scene as last one but this time is further

That bloody room in the left corner of the room , there's a sofa , a girl laying on it , it seems she's dead , lifeless eyes and dry tears , her clothes are ripped .

Reach that part of memories rage boiling up to the points i lost control , view in my eyes are red life fire in my eyes

As i jump straight to the house , i charge with speed like incoming missile , i flew through and break the window and stop at the knight who's about to do some nasty things , whole room in shocked , the black armor guy in surprise , as i stand , head to spine of the knight ping down the girl are now in my right hand.


As other knight shout and about to pull his sword , i throw the spine like throwing spear which smashed his head like mash potato , the black leader pull of his sword , and start charge at me at inhuman speed , but even with that inhuman speed it's looks like a video i watch on internet at 0.25 speed , i easily grab his sword with left arm , other 2 knight still not pull their sword out completely , while the black armor in shock , even though he's wearing black helmet covered is face but i can sense his shock and fear behind it , using right hand i punch him with incredible power , send him flying at other 2 knights just finished pull their sword out , and send 3 of them out the front door leave the boom sound , and i walk outside the house front he smoke.

When i walked outside those soldiers are all i shock since all happened too fast

Noted the knights sent flying with their leader are smashed like pancake , but the leader only broke his chest armor , cough in blood , and leave unconscious , when i finished look at their leader , the knights are already in battle position and surround me , the mage are start chant their magic

Damn the magic chant looks beautiful.

But put that aside

I need to finish it quickly before the mage attacks affect those elves in the house.

I dash into the knights shields with my super speed and about to pull my punch , those sword shield buffs yellow charge at me as well , before i realized those blade are swing at me ,

All broke like breaking crackers , shield and armor torn apart like punching chocolate bars , blood , limbs flying all over the place like someone just dropped an uncooked hotpot , while I'm just dashing, not even punching yet while ready to.

Seems the 30 mages are combine their attack create a big fire ball about house 2 floor size , when i dash front of that fireball i punch the fire ball with the punch force i've build when dashing , it change fireball turn into fire wave head back to the mages

As results , burn all of mages into grill pork , surprisingly their mage captain still alive he's protect himself with yellow light magic shield with eagle head in middle

Seems still can't defend all damage , even block the force of that fireball but the heat still remain , the heat burned 2 arms and left lags, body burn a little , only his pants lost left legs are fine but robe are all burned half of his hair are gone

Looks like the immortal dude in red suit from superhero's comics


He speak in weak voice and passed out

The remaining knights are full of fear and panic and start to throw their weapons and start running away.

"Oh no , think I'll let you guys go?"

I speak in evil smirk

With no mage buff magics they're just amateur desperate humans running away.

As I chase and rip apart one by one till no survivor knight left.

After I crushed the last knight skull, my rage it's cooling down.

"Man imma need to learn to control this hothead soon , or else—".


A gentle voice calls for me, as I look back , the elves I just saved are standing before me.

Her looks , angel , back in my old world , elves are already unrival in term of beauty , that's reason why there are often war about those otaku , to fight theirs is more beautiful than others

But seeing in real eyes , this girl beat those in game , novels by miles.

She's tall ,mine is 1m85 and she's a bit taller 1m9? Or maybe more ,Her long silver hair shines like the moon itself , her lips are a little pink , her eyes also silver shine a bit blue , long ears like elf in fantasy story ,a little bit dust but I can see how clean and soft her skin is.

She wearing white dress show shoulder long sleeve with belt have purple blue Jews stone in middle , her top is ehhhh

Got torn by those bastards earlier, but now covered by long cloth.

Her beauty made me stunned

"Are….you... all alright?"

"Yes thanks to you we are all safe"

She speak with relief face

One hand holds her cloth and starts to introduce herself.

"My apologies for this late , my name is Eliza Moonligh and i a—"

Ahhh royalty i see , then this is might be daughter of some duke—

"Daughter of elves King Mani Moonlight"





I quickly fixed my manner

"My apologies your highness i—"

"It's alright , you can not use formal with me"

"As your wish"

"Apologies first but I've lots of question for princess"

"Oh my , mine as well i have few question for you as well"

As we speak one of the elves run to us

"Your highness , the humans group leader are still breathing"

"Good make sure to let them alive to collect information from them"

"As your wish"

Then she walk away.

In that moment


explosion appear in forest

The army of the elves rush into the place and ready for another battle ,the cliff I stand earlier now full of magic archers

But quickly stunned and confused, as seeing all of the enemies are all defeated and their leader are half death

In the army position , there's a tall figure walking toward us.


Ok the king himself

The king is even taller than Eliza , over 2m tall for sure , wearing silver gold armor with plate chest shape of the moon , his coat has feathers at the neck part , and wear a not too big crown .

He quickly ran toward us and hugged Eliza.

"I'm glad you're safe!"

"Me too, father!"

And the king saw me

At first i thought I'd in one of those cliche like

"You human!" Or "you are one of those invaders!?"


"Thanks you for saving my daughter , brave one"

He bowed before me with his daughter.

"It's fine , I do what I feel is right!"

As I'm in embarrassed mode , one of the soldier ran hurried toward us .

"Your highness! The enemy's main forces are starting to move here!"


"And we scout team didn't find any sight of Dark champion and Elge Wizard !"

"Dammit! Are they gonna sneak attack us?? , we can't win those two with our magics are sealed"

What? Magic sealed? Also Black Champion and Eagle wizard ?

Don't tell me…


Eliza call her father

"What's wrong my daughter , don't worries I'll not face theme myself nor put our troops in disadvantage , we'll come with the plan to deal with—"

Me and Eliza points finger behind us


"Is this Black Champion and Eagle Wizard?"

"Is this Black Champion and Eagle Wizard?"

We both speak and points our finger at half grill mage and broken black armor dude , and both are unconscious


When the King looks at those two crippled The king's face is hilarious , his jaw drops ,Looks like thunder gods when meeting some random rubber boy from the sea.