
Meta Gacha Essence In DC

I wake up in a new world with an emo man wearing a bat costume, a man flying with a tight blue spandex and his underwear on the outside, a woman wearing leather and metal bikini saving people and other crazy people roaming around and my intrusive thoughts are telling me to drink a bottle of liquid LGBTQ essence. . . . . It was a futile battle and my intrusive thoughts won. Well, thanks to that I have a Gacha system but with how I died I doubt I have enough luck to get any good pulls. Inspired by Meta Gacha Essence In Marvel.

_TheGodFather · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
8 Chs

Therapy Session

Waking up on the shower floor while it still ran was quite a novel experience. Though my mind was muddled about how I ended up here, a fog covering my memories like my brain was trying to prevent me from remembering something.

Though the next second everything came crashing like a tide, far more fierce than the little drizzle I felt on my back from the running shower. 

"So it wasn't a dream and Mum still died," I muttered in a voice that was among the few things in me that were broken.

"Damn it"

I let myself simmer in depression for a few minutes before getting up and drying myself with a towel.

Looking at the mirror and then sighing I walked to my bed and then lied on it. I opened my character sheet to see if there have been any changes


Name: Vernon Ambrose Vince Astrea

Race: Human

Age: 16

-{Character Assimilation}-

· Fully Assimilated:

· None

· In Progress:

- [ Task Master - 11% ]

- {Powers}-


Seeing the increase would have made me happy, but I don't know what to feel honestly. It is like I know my mom died but it feels like a dream, like my brain knows it is too much for my mind to take so it tries to hide that fact unfortunately, the rational part of my mind won't let it.

I need to clear my head... I think. 

Walking out of my room with my running clothes, gloves, a mask I bought for Halloween, and a bag pack, I passed by Aileen's room.

Taking a moment to collect my thoughts, I hesitated before raising my hand to knock on the door. However, as my knuckles hovered inches away, uncertainty clouded my mind, leaving me at a loss for words. I found myself standing there, fixated on the door, a silent plea echoing within me, wishing to unravel the mysteries concealed behind the door, particularly Aileen's thoughts. Unsure of whether she was even awake at this early hour, I retreated, my fists clenched so tightly that they began to bleed.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the door, a poignant scene unfolded. A curled figure lay nestled against the door, their back pressed firmly against it while cradling a photograph close to their chest. In the image captured within the frame, a radiant, mature woman adorned with laughter stood by the side of a boy struggling to disentangle himself from a playful embrace, his expression caught in a mixture of surprise and amusement while a little girl sat on his shoulder playfully dragging his face and hair.

"Mom... please come back." A crushed voice sounded from the curled figure in the dark room.


Vernon oblivious to this entered the streets after leaving the mansion and informing the maids he was going for a run.

Walking to the streets, the smell of soot and the sound of police sirens filled my senses. 

I started my jog while looking for a clothing store in a vicinity with no CCTV cameras.

Finding one isn't hard in Gotham Just seek and you shall find. After jogging for a while I found one and immediately went in.

Looking at the boy at the counter from the side of my eyes who looked like he was so focused on his phone that he didn't even notice me coming in, but I knew that wasn't the case. Even though it was subtle I could still feel his gaze. 

Ignoring him I walked and selected a baggy hoodie, baggy pants and a pair of sandals smaller than my size. 

Walking up to the front and placing them on the counter, the counter boy raised his eyes from his phone and eyed my selection then looked at me.

"150 bucks."

An absurdly expensive price for these items and looking at his eyes I know why.

Saying nothing I bring out my wallet and and remove my card to swipe. After paying I walked out of the shop with the clothes in my bag towards another street with no cameras.

For such a terrible city I'm not surprised that there is no CCTV in many places. Batman must have placed some but maybe they got taken down by some crooks or by some of his villains from his rogue gallery.

Entering an ally, I acted like I was checking my bag while I waited for the expected arrivals.

And just like I thought a few minutes later, 3 men walked into the alley and immediately locked eyes on me like they found what they wanted.

"Hey bro you know the drill, give us all you got and you may not get hurt."

"Why did you say 'You know the drill' like we've met him before?" one of the men who walked into the alley asked his companion who spoke.

"Well he lives in Gotham so he should how things work when guys pull up to you in an alleyway." The third companion spoke.

"Not gonna lie that's pretty fucking genius."

"Yeah I know, If I hadn't dropped out of school I would've been the next Einstein but you know, Gotham reality entered my brain more than my textbooks."

"Well, not gonna blame for that." Thug No. 3 joined in their conversation.

And while they talked I wore the clothes I bought from the store over my running clothes, changed my shoes to the sandals I purchased, wore my mask and put on my gloves.

'Not enough protection from Bats but it will do for now.' I thought after putting my backpack in my inventory

Wearing my clothes finally caught their attention and they turned to me.

"Are you cosplaying when you are about to get robbed? bruh" One of the thugs quipped.

"Well it doesn't matter, You picked the wrong alley to wander into, kid." He said as he pulled out a gun with a silencer pointing it towards me.

'Finally some NPC thug line.' I thought as I looked at them.

I made no movement at all but my eyes looked them dead in the eyes.

"Well, we tried to be nice but suit yourself, kid." He finally got impatient as he was about to pull the trigger.

Using this advent as an opportunity, I ducked and ran with lightning speed, springing into action, my body moving like a shadow as I dodged the barrage of bullets flying towards me. I weaved and ducked, narrowly avoiding each lethal projectile.

"Although unable to see the speed of the bullets, anticipating their trajectory from the direction of the muzzle and the assailant's gaze made it easier to dodge them."

Closing the distance between us, I punched him squarely on the wrist at an angle just above the joint disarming him and also causing a sweet crunch sound due to the fracture caused by the punch and sending the gun clattering to the ground.

With a swift, well-placed kick, I sent the thug tumbling to the ground. In one fluid motion, I seized the weapon and trained it on my attackers, my aim steady and unwavering.

The scuffle with their comrade had rattled them, causing them to halt their gunfire out of concern for hitting their ally

They hesitated and that was their biggest mistake.

Before they could react, I opened fire on them, my shots ringing out in the silence of the alley with deadly accuracy. Though it was not a one-hit kill all the bullets landed on their body so it still counts as a win.

Walking past the first thug I beat up towards his fallen comrades, I put their bodies and one of their guns in my inventory still making sure to keep my guard in case the fallen thug tried to do something stupid or they had companions lying in hiding. 

But he didn't, fear clouded his mind as he chose not to make the rational decision of running into the alley as he wasn't injured in his legs neither was I fast enough to catch up to him if he decided to run away. Well him seeing me make his friend's dead bodies disappear probably amplified his fear.

"Hey dude relax, it was just a harmless joke I won't do it again just let me go, man. Please, I have a family and people to look after. I swear I will change if you let me go." He said as he backed up into the alley, while still on the floor scrambling with his legs and using his one functioning hand to move.

Finally backing up to a trash bin which stopped any further movement. His face showed a look of despair while his eyes held a plea for his life and a longing to be out of this situation.

I walked up to him and bent down to his face.

"Well, I have a sister. I wonder how she would have felt if you killed me tonight." I said as I looked at him straight in the eye through my mask.

Without waiting for him to answer I shot him in the head and put his body in my inventory.

Breathing out a long sigh I didn't know I held in and swallowed the bile threatening to come out of my throat I walked out of the alley.

Though this wasn't my first time killing someone I still felt my stomach churn at the act. It wasn't as bad as my first time so I took it as a sign of me growing stronger.

Now that my adrenaline level has dropped, I started to feel a searing pain in my right from the recoil of having shot a gun multiple times with such a weak body. I felt like someone took a hammer and started hitting the muscles in my arm.

Trying to take my mind off the pain I walked towards the store I bought my clothes from. 

Entering and seeing the boy behind the counter, I took a gun from the inventory and pointed it at him.

"If you say or make a noise unless I allow you to I will shoot. Now put your hands on the table and nod if you understand me." I said to him before he started speaking and making useless pleas for his life.

He complied and nodded in compliance to my demands as his face was smeared with fear.

"Good, now you sent those thugs after me, right? Nod for yes and shake your head for no and please remember I have a loaded gun. So you lie you die." I said to him

His face deepened in despair as he looked at the gun in my hand and nodded in affirmation of my question.

"Wonderful, do you work for a gang? Nod for yes, shake your head for no and if yes take me to your gang and if no... well that answer is for the future me. So what is your answer?" I asked again.

"I...Arrghhh." I interrupted him with a shot to his shoulder.

 "I told you to nod and shake your head not talk, so are you in a gang or not? Also, scream and I shoot" I asked again making him nod his head quickly while tears streamed down his face as he bit his lips to stifle his screams and cries of anguish.

"See that wasn't so bad. Now take me to them, waste my time and I'll shoot." I said in impatience as I wanted to end this therapeutic session as my hand was killing me. 

"Also do you have gasoline?" I interrupted the boy as he tried to scramble to his feet.


Do you know that feeling you have after you've cleaned your room and you're about to sleep on your newly made bed?

Well, that's how I feel as I watch the warehouse in front of me burn. There weren't that many gangsters in the warehouse, about 7 or eight excluding the counter boy and they were easy to take since they were scattered and I had a gun with a silencer. Obviously, I killed the counter boy quickly as thank you for bringing me here. I kept his body in my inventory though while the rest of the gangsters were in the burning warehouse.

Walking away with an aching arm. I removed the clothes I bought keeping them in my inventory and was left with my running clothes.

Jogging back to the mansion I called up my status to look at the changes present


Name: Vernon Ambrose Vince Astrea

Race: Human

Age: 16

-{Character Assimilation}-

· Fully Assimilated:

· None

· In Progress:

- [ Task Master - 27% ]

- {Powers}-


Looking at the immense change that occurred after just fighting some thugs I was satisfied.

Closing my status my mind was filled with plans I had for the future I aspired to. 

Feeling peace as the first ray of light broke through the dawn as if celebrating the man will become.

One week later

A boy was seen focusing on some pair of documents sitting in front of a desk in a luxurious office with a clear view of the city.

A knock sound through the office interrupted the boy's focus.

"Come in," The boy said not bothering to look up from the documents.

"Thank you master" a voice sounded as the door opened and a woman walked in.

She possessed an aura of refined elegance, with long, flowing silver hair that cascaded in gentle waves around her slender frame. Her hair, a striking contrast against her fair complexion, frames a face of timeless beauty marked by sharp, angular features. Her eyes, a piercing shade of azure, hold a depth of wisdom and strength, reflecting her unwavering resolve and noble lineage.

Tall and statuesque, she carries herself with an air of regal poise, her every movement exuding grace and confidence. Her figure is sleek and well-proportioned, accentuated by the impeccably tailored maid uniform she wore.

"I have finished the task you have asked of me, master." The woman said as she bowed to the boy sitting in front of her with a stoic and cold expression.

"You have finished collecting all the share transfer documents and cleaned all traces?" The boy asked while still looking at the documents in front of him.

"Yes master, all parties involved have been dealt with."

"Well done Grayfia." The boy expressed to the now-identified woman, Grayfia.

"It is my job, Master Vernon." As she still bowed to vernon

"What about upper management of the company and the maids and servants in the house?"

"All spies have been weeded out master with no traces left. I also questioned the driver."

"We will talk about that matter later Grayfia."

"Of course master, also Miss Babara came looking for you again."

"Ignore her, she isn't useful for now. How is Aileen?" He asked with his voice laced with concern.

"She is doing well master. She is now coming out to eat but is still not too responsive. On another note, it is almost time for Madam's burial."

As soon as the last sentence was said a tense silence filled the office as if it was lacking oxygen and any hint of life.

"Haah, Let's get this over with," Vernon said breaking the silence as he got up from the chair and walked to the door.

"After you master" Grayfia said as she bowed and opened the door, letting him pass before closing it behind them.


Well, that's it for this chapter. Continuing the story since a lot of you said I should.

My first fighting scene was written. How was it??

Please note there will be similarities between this novel and other novels. I can't do anything about the fact that me and other authors had similar ideas but they made their works faster.

Please comment on where I can improve and support me with some stones and add the story to your collection.

2650 words.