
Meta Gacha Essence In DC

I wake up in a new world with an emo man wearing a bat costume, a man flying with a tight blue spandex and his underwear on the outside, a woman wearing leather and metal bikini saving people and other crazy people roaming around and my intrusive thoughts are telling me to drink a bottle of liquid LGBTQ essence. . . . . It was a futile battle and my intrusive thoughts won. Well, thanks to that I have a Gacha system but with how I died I doubt I have enough luck to get any good pulls. Inspired by Meta Gacha Essence In Marvel.

_TheGodFather · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
7 Chs

Lost The Battle But Won The War But At What Cost

I feel weird. Not weird but somehow uncomfortable. Yes, uncomfortable that's the word. As if my own body was foreign to me. My head felt like they put my brain in a jar.

And considering this is still my room .... or it appears to be. It's my room but it feels so foreign, something was wrong but I just couldn't put my finger on what it was.

Should I scream? I feel like that is what normal people would do but I'm messed up in the head so I shouldn't follow their example.

I feel like getting up but my motor skills are in shambles, all I can do is turn my neck to try and localize my discomfort. I hope I wasn't poisoned by that filth.

Bed? feels the same. Computer? Different. Instrument? The same. Books? None. Vintage records? None.



Wait a minute, my books and my records, where are they?

And why is the sky so cloudy like smoke covers the sky?

Oh, I can feel my body now. Well now to cross something off my bucket list.

"An unfamiliar ceiling". An immature voice said.

I am fulfilled. One of the things on the top of my bucket list is now crossed off.

Looked at the clock at my side, it read 12:20 p.m. I had taken a nap and I slept for the entire day, but my alarm should have woken me up to do my morning workout.

I guess this is what not taking sweets before sleeping can do.

I feel like I'm forgetting something. 

There is something strange going on.

Okay, focus and think. My name is Vernon Vince Astrea. Dual Nationality. African-American bastard and American mother. I currently live in Massachus... wait... or is it Gotham? Why did I even start asking myself those weird questions I'm... so... confused ARGH.

A sharp pain goes through my head and everything starts falling into place.

Now I see, Now I get it. Everything makes more sense. The room is so similar yet different, the cloudy skies, things seem older.

I was transmigrated. I was transmigrated into myself, so self-insert is the correct term. So I entered myself, shit goes hard not gonna lie.

Okay terrible phrasing but I went 13 years in the past and got 1 year younger in the process. A good deal if you ask me.

But why? Why me? if the current world I am in is to be taken into account, it's probably the whim of someone powerful or I am a chess piece in their plans.

I don't care what they want as long they don't touch my family I won't do anything, but if they dare touch I WILL SLAUGHTER THEM.




Okay, that was edgy, cringe and stupid. Like I'm iceblock level and they at the very least multiversal complex. How do fuck do I slaughter them.

Oh well, we can negotiate over some sweets I guess.

This self-insert is kind of weird. 'I' don't have a secret stash of sweets which is hearsay, I am some sort of prodigy, I don't have that bastard's eye colour and look a male version of my mom and sister and... wait, wait.




 Mom is alive.

Don't cry you idiot and calm down. Why is mom alive? What is so different is that my mom is alive with my sister at the same time.

How the fuck did that happen calm down and think you fool, emotions won't get you anywhere.

[A/N: He is speaking from experiences from his first life. He has trauma so things like this might occur but it won't be much.]

Screening through my memories but not going in depth, nothing much changed except that bastard tried killing my mom but was unsuccessful and for some reason got away with with it. Looks like he still has connections but that makes him many times more dangerous than in my previous life.

The case went to global news and not only was he able to prove himself innocent after it was traced back to him, but he did it while in Batman's turf.

That means he is either smarter than Batman which is nigh-impossible cause with plot armour and prep time batman is invincible or the other option is that he can't confront the people who support him now.

But it's been 8 years what the fuck has he been doing? That doesn't matter, let's call Mom.

Unlike my last birthday, I won't mess up this time but where is my phone?

Took me 7 minutes to find this phone and it was on the bed staring at me.

My wallpaper was me playing dress-up with my sister and I had makeup and polish on. Looks like in any life I have it tough. I chuckled as I remembered I had been through the same thing in my past life or is it past world since I technically didn't die?

My password was the same in this life and you never guess.

Just tap the spacebar twice and you are in. So simple but yet hard to think about.

Looking at my mom's number I had to calm myself again before I pressed the call button.

It rang for a while before it got answered.

"Good afternoon Birthday Boy, you just woke up your sleepy head. I hope you weren't till late in the night or else I will have to spank when I get home.

Shit, I can't stop now. Trying to control the tears rolling down my face like a broken tap but failing miserably, I at least tried to control my voice so she wouldn't sense anything wrong.

"Honey, are you okay?"

Looks like she still sensed something, as expected of my mother. Hearing the worry in her voice I quickly wiped the tears in my eyes and tried to compose as much as possible.

"Nothing mommy just tired."

"I wasn't born yesterday, if you want to lie do it properly. If you can't then shut up or gaslight the other party. That's what I taught you."

I don't think that's what you should teach a child, wait how does she know what gaslighting is? I don't think it was used in 2010.

"I'm okay, just had a terrible nightmare."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"No it's okay, it was just a dream."

"Okay then, If you want to talk about it I'm always here for you."

"I know."

"Me and your sister are coming back home with your presents so you better have taken a bath and be properly and--" Before she could continue she was interrupted.

"Oaktree, better be okay 'cause when I get back we will play dress-up."

"Brat who are you calling Oak Tree, but let's play when you get back."

"Ehh, who are you and what have you done with my brother?"

"You tiny shrimp I am your brother."

"Mom,.... I think Vernon takes drugs."

"What are talking about you little shit. You wanna fight brat."

"Come on then you simp. I get more girls than you and I'm 8."

Before we could continue our fight we were interrupted.

"Hahaha, that's enough and vernon before we reach the estate I hope you will be ready. So take a bath and dress up. Love you."

"Okay, mom. Love you and be safe."

"I know."

Hahhh, talking with Mom was relaxing, but I can't just relax yet especially since I am in the DC universe and right in the centre of madness AKA Gotham.

As I was thinking something caught my eye. A transparent bottle with a rotating multicoloured liquid inside of it like a roulette wheel.

And my first thought was,

"That's gay."

Okay, that might be homophobic but if you see a bottle of liquid LGBTQ that should be the first thought that comes to mind.

Wait is that my Goldfinger? looks like all those Chinese web novels finally got to me.

So should I drink it? It definitely wasn't here when I first woke up so it must be the being that sent me here that put it there.

Okay, pros and cons.

If I drink it I might obtain a massive cheat that I really need in this crazy world or if I drink and the higher being, let's call him BOB. If he is a troll then I either become gay, trans or an LGBTQ activist and that will be a ticket to an early grave.

Or maybe, hear me out for a second. I could just make a cult that is viewed as the LGBTQ messiah, the one that enlightened and awakened their true gender.

Have powerful people become converted under me and take over the world and we would take over the world starting with the media. It happened in my past world could work here but there are many mad geniuses so doesn't sound feasible. 

How sad, I always wanted to be a cult leader.

[A/N: This is a joke so if you are offended calm yourself. It wasn't meant to offend anyone.]

Now if I don't take it I won't turn gay on the mere chance I am trolled or if I'm not I don't get a cheat and I don't know much about DC so I'm fucked.

Rational thought says to investigate the bottle first and what it is.

Impulsive thought says to drink it, if I am trolled I turn trans and it has been scientifically proven that trans people are tier 0 so are boundless. If I'm not trolled I get a cheat.

[A/N: I saw a debunk in trans people on TikTok by officialdivine. Check him out if you want to see characters debunked.]

Decisions, decisions.

Impulsive thoughts it is. But before I could drink the bottle I finally noticed the folded paper by the bottle. Didn't even notice it till now.

Paper: '-_-'

Unfolding the paper I read what was on it.

"Hello boy, BOB here, you must be wondering why you are here and what the glowing multicoloured bottle is. Well, you are here because of your sister's wish, Let me explain from the very beginning. When your 'father' poisoned your mother when she was pregnant, your sister, Aileen survived of course with a consequence. That's why during her early years she was mostly in pain and weak but later on got better. Not actually, she saw how much she worried you so she hid that she was still sick."

"She formulated incriminating evidence against the doctor and made him tell you that she was getting better. Made you let her be homeschooled, and when you told her that her father was a bad man she investigated him and found out that he killed your mother. Made the doctor start the company called Golden Leaf and had the company grow to a multi-million dollar company and let it gather evidence on all parties who had a hand in your mother's murder and submit it to the press and also kill and torture all parties involved after she died which was supposed to be the day you transmigrated before you got home but she had terminal lucidity so she didn't die before you got home and fought with you and played like usual and cried when you gave the watch cause she knew was going to die and would never be able to use it and was the reason she told you sorry but you didn't understand."

"And when you dropped her in bed she took her last breath and like any good BOB(Bored Omnipotent Being) I appeared after she died with a chance to go to another world with a cheat in the form of a roulette. It was supposed to be for your mother but she denied it and told me to give it to her children. It was meant to be for one person and your sister got it cause she died first, but also refused but insisted on turning the roulette for you and she got DC and Meta Gacha Essence which is the bottle with multicoloured liquid in it."

"Can't believe your sister is actually 8 which if you think about is fucking scary even for me and she did all that in 2.5 years. So she technically started when she was 5 years old. I don't think that's normal but hey not my problem. She kinda reminds me of a certain fictional character."

[A/N: He talking of Mariabell Rosso from Tensura. The possessor of one of The Seven Deadly Sins, Greed.]

"I bothered to tell you this 'cause I won't interfere anymore and I looked into your future. The beginning isn't pretty so be prepared I will you give a guarantee to get some items you would need to cope. And if you dare mistreat your sister I will kill you."

PS: Your Mom and Sister are the same as the ones from your previous world just without their memories.

Immediately as I read it ran to the bathroom and vomited in the toilet. I have never been so disgusted with someone as much as I was disgusted with myself.

How couldn't I see it? Am I such a terrible brother? Am I even human at all?

Took me about an hour to get up from the ground and look in the mirror to see the face of the weakest and the most disgusting human.

Walking back into the room, to the table, I looked at the bottle and closed my eyes.

With trembling hands, I picked up the bottle and drank it. It tasted like nothing and tasted like everything as well. The information then appeared in my mind explaining the rules of the Gacha.


Author here,

Long chapter. Wanted to explain the reasons behind a lot of his actions In the future. Wanted to explain the reason why the MC is the way he will be in the future.

I have seen a lot of Webnovels where the MC just kills people for the first time and they feel nothing and they aren't even psychopaths and trust me killing for the first time no matter the reason is not funny or as easy as it sounds. If the MCs were psychopaths or had mental problems then I would understand but they are just normal people like students or white-collar workers. Well, there are obviously exceptions.

Please comment on where I can improve and support with some stones. Shows me that my story is actually enjoyed by others

2400 words.