
Power And Powers

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party. Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~


"Power is not will, it is the phenomenon of physically making things happen."

-Uchiha Madara


Little A.N.: First of all, thanks for the feedback on the last chapter. I was happy to see that many people like the different types of chapters. This proves that this little community of readers is very open-minded.

And relax, chapters like that will be rare. And I forcefully take the MC out as a test, there various moments that he should do an appearance if I want. But I want to the chapter to be without him to see how it goes.

Now, to the chapter. Enjoy.


Back to the MC, Just a little after defeating Mikhail

"So... Now I'm the leader of these people? Just like that? Don't you have any other requirements?" I ask Callisto to be sure.

Sounds easy... and a little barbaric. But who am I to judge these people's lifestyles, right?

After I defeated Mikhail and stripped him of his power, the guy became unresponsive and I just tied him up and left him there. Now Callisto is taking me on tour all over the underground. Not that there's anything good to see...

Callisto gives me a look before answering. "Yes... Everything that matters here is strength. Now you need to use the strength to protect the others." She says.

Hm... Trying to steer me in the direction you want? hehe. But at least this clumsy form of manipulation is for the good of her people. I don't have much meta-knowledge of her personality, But she doesn't seem like a bad person.

"Doesn't seem like what the big Russian guy was going to do..." I say making her flinch a little.

"That bastard is crazy!" She says with finality.

I nod and speak. "Relax, I have no reason to use you all for any nefarious purpose... I really want to help you." I say sincerely.

She seems to believe it, but she still keeps her guard up against me a little. It must be instinct. Living on the edge of society, one must always be careful...

But I really have zero reasons to use these guys for some hidden agenda. To be honest(rude), they are mostly useless. And I think Callisto realizes that. Why would a strong guy like me go out of my way to help them?

Or am I genuinely nice. Or I'm an asshole. But if I was an asshole, I didn't need to be so subtle... I could just use power to overwhelm them, like Mikhail. So every second I don't do that, the odds that I'm the good guy are increasing. And the guard they have against me is diminishing.

I'm not in a hurry, as I said these guys don't have much use. I have to slowly prepare them. And it's okay for them not to trust me...

...I don't trust them either.

But even if they betray me... So what? What do I lose? I will not reveal my identity, I will reveal the minimum about my powers. The only thing they know about me is my existence... Which is still a secret to the world (And one of my advantages at the moment).

But to whom will they reveal my existence? They don't have anyone. Nobody but me. Huhu. When they are at the lowest point, they have just me. And only I reached out to them. This will have a great weight in the future.

Manipulation 101... If you help someone with no apparent gain, they will always let their guard down to you.

Obviously, I know there are bad apples here. Snakes that will bite me even if I help them... But I have a way to deal with them.

I will give them hope(rope), if they choose to hang themselves with it. It's their problem.

I remain silent for most of the tour. Callisto talks about the situation of the people here in the sewers.

Apparently, the situation is as bad as expected. The people here survive mainly from what they manage to "recover" from the surface. Morlocks are the main "scouts", they're the ones with better powers so they take the risks of going out there.

Sometimes they loot, steal, or even make a deal with gangs. Gangs from the Mutant Ghetto mostly... They exchange things that they "reclaim", which are valuables, for things like food, clothes... Basic necessities.

But apparently, they don't commit any serious crimes, not because they have morals or something like that, the concept of morals is the first thing a human in a despairing situation lets go of, they don't want to attract the wrong type of attention for themselves.

I have to say that I'm a little impressed with how far humans can adapt...

They even have a little farm, apparently, someone here has a sunlight power. Obviously, it's a pitiful plantation, but it's better than nothing...

Callisto also told me a little about the people. Most, as expected, have no other option. The appearance and the mutant status forced them to come down here. Many are too weak to compete on the surface too.

"And you?" I ask "You look totally without… 'extras'. Is reasonably strong, you could pass as a non-meta easily. And even if you don't want to. I'm sure you would have more options in another meta community." I speak looking at her.

She doesn't hesitate before answering me and telling her story.

Callisto was an upper-class woman completely unconcerned with life. She had an easy life and has taken it for granted for most of her life. Until an accident happens...

Literally an accident. She was hit by a car. But she did not die or was seriously injured. She discovered at that moment that her body is a little more resistant than a normal human's and the wounds began to visibly close to the naked eye, albeit slowly.

The problem is that this situation was seen by her "friends" at the time. It didn't take long for everyone to discover that she was a "filthy mutie". Even though she doesn't look different, or her powers aren't as mind-blowing strong, she's still been branded with the stigma.

Friends and family abandoned her, and everyone in her social circle immediately knew what she was. She found herself alone in the world. It must have been a shock, one moment she's a high-class girl living carefree with her parent's money and in another, she was lynched she even loses her tight eye, her minor healing factor doesn't help much with that.

She had, as expected, trouble surviving until she found Caliban and received his help. Looks like she learned a valuable lesson.

With her looks, as long as she got out of the country, and got new papers she could have a normal, carefree life. But she doesn't want to abandon these people now. Huh. From what little I know of her in my meta-knowledge she is surprisingly loyal to the Morlocks and Storm. When Storm defeated her and became the leader of the group...

I think it was in a saga to rescue Warren(Angel) or something. Not that Storm came back to help them, the Morlocks are kept in Callisto's hand anyway. She is the most trusted of these people. I can give her the benefit of doubt for now...

"So you have contacts with people in Mutant Town?" I ask. Mutant Town is the Official name of Mutant Ghetto.

"Yeah. I know some gangs there." she answers. This can be useful... "Sometimes we team up with some mutants from the surface to scare off some bastards like the 'Friends of Humanity'". She continues.

"Oh… are you attacked by these extremists?" I ask curiously. These guys are here in the fucking sewers and there are still people who come looking for trouble. Ugh...

There are several mutant-hate groups in Marvel. And I'm not even talking about things like Weapon X and Project Sentinel. Even normal people form extremist groups even worse than the KKK. Friends of Humanity, Church of Human Potential, and others.

These people range from bored teenagers who come to lynch some mutants to really organized groups with firearms and other equipment.

Hmm... I bet someone finances the bastards. Someone who hates metas and wants to keep their hands clean. An old tactic to get your enemies into trouble. Arm your enemy's enemy, you keep yourself far away enough to not be implicated by the consequences of whatever the pawns do.

Complicated... Enemies from all sides. And if the metas retaliate with violence it only makes the situation worse overall.

A bunch of bastards who repeat the same mistake from the past. Chasing a minority group. With so many examples, one might think that we would learn something, right? They think we're not a fragile group because we have powers... Heh. Most of us don't have strong powers and even the ones that may have doesn't necessarily know how to fight.

They are still shameless enough to spout bullshit like "God Hate Mutants" or that we are "against the natural order". Bunch of self-righteous scum...

Aah~ I'm starting to understand Magneto more and more.

But calm down, Hector. Let's try everything before moving on to the more... Drastic measures.

Let's give the people of Earth a chance. If they disappoint...

Better not have these negative thoughts for now.

Continuing my tour with Callisto I come across a very large and empty room, the size of the P.E. Gymnasium at Midtown High.

It has to be noted that despite having narrow corridors here in the underground, there are also places that open into incredibly large spaces.

"Is this place used for something?" I ask pointing to the big room.

"Nothing really" She replies "There are several places like this, we can use it in the future if we change locations."

Oh. It seems that they constantly migrate so as not to be detected easily. The underground is reaaally big.

"Then I will take this room for myself. I will not live here with you all, but I will leave some of my things here." I say.

She just nods.

"I will bring some of my things here now and..." I start to speak when I am interrupted by the arrival of two men, Caliban and Masque.

Masque looks like an old man with gray skin, and red eyes and is all withered like a tree. He is using a hat and old clothes like a hobo.

And Caliban is a skinny gray man who has protrusions on his face that adorn his jaw. If I'm not mistaken he has the power to detect mutants. But I also remember that he will be strong in the future... A second mutation? An awakening? Let's see in the future.

The two approach, Caliban limping and Masque opens his mouth and hoarsely says "Hey, you! The Russian wants to talk with you."

Does Mikhail want to tell me something? Does he want his power back? He will be very disappointed...

I ignore the disrespectful and rude tone I was addressed, after all, most of these people have no formal education. And I don't need everyone to prostrate themselves at my feet either.

But even though I ignored it... Callisto took offense.

"Masque…" She says slowly and a little menacingly. But I think that's how she normally talks. "He is our leader now. Don't be disrespectful."

Masque only snorts.

Seeing me ignore Masque's attitude, Callisto decides to put it aside too and introduce me both officially. She doesn't say anything I didn't know. But my Genius brain reminds me of something I read in my other life.

Masque is an asshole.

He's the guy who can change people's appearance. He is the one who made Callisto have tentacles Arms at some point in the future, and also he hides an aspect of his power... He can change people's appearance permanently.

He says he can only change for a short time, he says it's his limit. But it's a lie. His only limit is that he cannot change his own appearance.

What's the big problem for the Morlocks? The fact that their appearance easily characterizes them as mutants. And this guy has the power to help everyone easily. But he doesn't because he can't help himself. And he wants everyone to be like him.

Typical human behavior... A little of schadenfreude...

Huhu. I was here thinking about who would have to be the "example", The one to receive the "stick" of the carrot and stick strategy. And you present yourself like that Masque... Tsk tsk What good boy you are.

I'm not going to expose him now. I'll let him prance like a fool for a while, maybe even do something drastic, like a rebellion or something, take some retards with him too, before I do the cleansing.

With the Morlocks, I was almost giving up on using Carrot and Stick tactic. These people are just this pitiful. I would adapt and use the "Carrot and Carrot cake" strategy. My own adaptation... I would give good things to everyone and even better things to the most loyal, like Callisto.

Now there is this guy. Excellent.

While I'm thinking about it, Callisto tells me how Caliban and Masque help this small community. Caliban finds other mutants or detects if someone with powers is invading.

Masque apparently uses his power to "temporarily" alter the appearance of one of the Morlocks so that they can blend with normal people and get needed things more easily and legally. Like going to buy medicine or to a pawn shop...

Nobody sells anything to mutants out there on the surface.

"What does Mikhail want to talk to me about?" I ask after the introductions.

"Who knows." Masque speaks dismissively, but Caliban explains in more detail, "He refuses to speak to anyone but you, Eidolon. He looks…different…" Caliban concludes far more respectfully than Masque.

"Um… Okay. I'll go get some things. Bring him to this room here and keep an eye on him. I'll be back in a little while." I say and disappear after seeing that Callisto and Caliban nod.


Carvalho Residence

Appearing in the kitchen of my house because I know that's where Isabella usually stays, I pull my hood down and look around and come face to face with a very interesting sight.

Shego is on all fours grabbing snacks from the cupboard, probably trying to get as much food as possible to make one trip before she settles herself on the couch.

She is in Yoga Pants. Jack Kirby bless whoever created yoga pants.

"Are you stuck?" I can't help but ask

Shego turns and looks at me. "Huh? Eh... No..." She replies confused.

"Too bad" I turn to Isabella and say "Isabella, open a door to a big room, please."

I hear Shego mutter "Why do I feel like I just lose a good opportunity or something?"

Isabella says "At once, Master Hector." Before carrying out my orders.

On the kitchen wall, a door appears along with the black and white mist that characterizes Isabella.

I walk in the door without hesitation.

"Have you finished everything you had to do?" Shego asks as she follows me through the door, Isabella close behind.

"Almost… If I explain now, I'll have to update you later. So wait for me to finish everything so I can say it just once, okay?" I say while looking at a Character ard in my Unused Cards tab.

"Isabella, please bring all the technological devices that are in Lab 4." I say and she starts to open another door and does as I asked.

Shego now just stays silent without interrupting me anymore.

'Summon' I think and reject the options to make a background for this character, after all it's unnecessary. Because is Gigantomachia...

The motes of light are condensed in the figure of a four-meter-tall (his minimum height) Gigantomachia.

He looks confused for a moment before he sees me and bows his head. "Master..."


Bond Relationship: (10/10)

Assimilation Slot:


"Machia…" I say. What good boy.

The "Bond Relationship" of almost everyone is stuck in three, only Helena is still in the two. She is just that suspicious. Well, she lived in the DC universe and suffered world-ending crises apparently, I can't blame her...

Machia surpasses everyone by a large margin. Machia best girl.

"What is this... thing?!" Shego asks with wide eyes. Hey, don't be rude. But I realize that she doesn't don't feel disgusted or anything, it's just a surprise.

I and Machia ignored her. "How do you feel Machia? What's the last thing you remember?" I ask.

My voice tone and posture switch to the "Evil Overlord Template" to talk to Machia. I need to treat my subordinates differently in certain aspects, after all, I will have all kinds of people under me.

"I feel nothing different, Master. And we just talked." Machia responds respectfully.

Hm.. When I moved between multiverses I felt discomfort, I thought it would be the same with Machia. But apparently becoming a card changed that, after all, none of the cards had the same problem as me.

I wonder if the process makes them adapt to this universe, or any universe I summon them in. If I summon someone while in Naruto's world will they naturally have Chakra? Did Machia's powers adapt to become X-gene here? Mental note to the future...

And it looks like they're not conscious while they're cards. To Machia, I just explain to him about coming with me.

And it's really "my Machia", I had a little concern that he will become just any random Machia from the Omniverse. But it seems my fears were unfounded.

"Good…" I continue to say "I will bring you to a certain community of pitiful people, you will protect them and my possessions until they grow and become useful." I say.

The right job for the right person. Machia is no hero material, so it's fitting to leave him with the Morlocks. As protector and... watchman.

Machia knows All For One's Modus Operandi... About helping people and making them owe you favors to use them later. To Machia, it will look like I'm doing the same. And I do not intend to correct the misunderstanding.

Because I'm doing something similar anyway, I'm just not going to treat Morlocks as disposable tools. I have limits...

Machia nods.

I start to explain the situation in general to Machia while sending some images to his mind with my telepathy, it's good practice.

From the corner of my eye, I see Isabella bringing the equipment. I was prepared to help with telekinesis but Isabella improvised. She made Lab 4 tilt and the equipment is simply sliding in this room. A door also opens in the ceiling and I see the Lab upside down, and the toughest material falling.

Hmm. She is finally getting creative. She is a genius after all. Not everyone is good at using powers, but intelligent people are usually good at it. It is not necessary for a person to be intelligent to be good with powers though. Machia is a simpleton, but he is very instinctively good and takes good decisions, although very direct.

"Machia, you know that this world is much more dangerous... Time to an upgrade." I say and reach out to touch Machia's arm.

First I take some useless and superfluous power, and replace it with better powers. Like the [Gigantification] of Mt. Lady that is better than Machia's earlier power that increases his height. Kirishima Hardening, Search, Shock Absorption, some enhancements, and finally...

...Luke Cage Power.

One of the two copies of Luke Cage power that I have at the moment. Now Machia won't lose easily even to a mild-angry Hulk. He won't win against the Hulk, and the Hulk can get infinitely strong, but... Machia is the Ultimate Shield (Meatbag) now. And I will improve him even more in the future.

"That's Gingantomachia, but you can call him Machia." I say to Shego and Isabella. I introduce them both to the big guy too. "In truth, he is my first follower, but because of logistical reasons I didn't bring him until now." I explain.

I had intended to leave Machia at the farm I was going to acquire, but I changed my mind when the plan with the Morlocks went better than expected and after my conversation with Callisto.

Shego waves with her hand to Machia, and Isabella bows her head.

"You can listen to them if I'm not around, Machia." I say, passing some authority to Shego and Isabella. Machia is a follower, he doesn't think much for himself, let's avoid problems in the future by creating a small hierarchy now.

"And where is Helena?" I ask and Isabella prompt responds.

"She is training in another room, do you want me to bring her here?" Isabella speaks.

"Unnecessary." I say simply and go back to explain things to Machia.

"That's everything, Master Hector." Isabella speaks after a while calling my attention to a large amount of tech in the corner of the room.

"Hmm. Thank you for your hard work, Isabella. I'm going now. Gigantomachia, follow me. Remember, there's no need for you to involve yourself too much with the people we're going to meet. Just defend them from intruders and don't let them touch my stuff while I'm not around." I speak, still using my "Overlord" tone of voice.

As I speak I remove a Palantír (LOTR) from my inventory. And I use a giant chain to make a necklace and put it on Gigantomachia's neck voice. Palantír are Crystal balls that serve for long-distance communication. With this, I can talk to Gigantomachia whenever I want, without fear of being intercepted by normal means. Much better than his previous radio.

As I make final preparations to head back underground, I notice the way Isabella and Shego are standing. Backs straights and looks a little... tense. I can understand Isabella acting professionally, but Shego? Hmm... Oh, it's my way of talking and acting.

Are they affected a little? Well, When a laidback/chill guy like me became serious tends to make people tense. And I also have respect-inducing templates of people like Valentine, Katakuri, and Batman.

I have to be a little careful with this. A man needs several faces and it is necessary to know how to use these faces. I can't go around acting like everyone is my subordinate, if I can't separate this I'm going to be a failure.

"I'm going now. I will come back soon if nothing happens." I say to both of them as I open a portal to the position where I was previously.

I lift my tech with telekinesis and move saying to Gigantomachia follow me.

As I cross the portal I hear Shego comment to Isabella.

"He is so hot when he acts like that..."

Okay. Forget everything about what I said about separating things.

Shego is probably an M. Noted.


Back to the "Eidolon's Room" with the Morlocks

When I go through my portal I see that Callisto, Caliban, and Masque are here with the addition of one more person: Mikhail. That is chained while sitting on the floor.

They turn their faces in my direction as they see me walking through the portal, relaxing a little after seeing it's me. After that, I bring my equipment and put it in the empty big room, which is now mine. Then the portal expands even more and Gigantomachia appears carrying the last things.

They become wide-eyed when they see Machia and I even notice Callisto reflexively putting up a fighting stance.

"He is my subordinate Gigantomachia." I say placating everyone. "He will live with you all here, he is very strong." Is all that I say.

Callisto and Caliban nod but still with their mouths a little agape. Is Machia so strange? Is it because he is big? Colossal-size things always awes people, right?

"How Much This Thing Eats?" Masque speaks and unlike Shego who was only surprised, I perceive hostility and fear in Masque.

" 'HE' will be sustained entirely by me, so you don't have to worry." I answer coldly. This guy make it easy to dislike him. I just give your guys plenty of food, bastard.

After I've more or less sorted my things out, I turn to talk to Mikhail. Later I'll plug everything in and put a safety system in place when I'm away from prying eyes.

"So...Speak." I say simply as I approach the kneeling Russian.

Once again putting an intimidating posture, after all, everyone present is my subordinates or opponent.

To my surprise, Mikhail looks at me calmly, even though he is so helpless and he must have realized by now that he no longer has access to his own powers, I expected this guy to be a little more desperate.

"I want to thank you." Mikhail says with a heavy Russian accent.


I tilt my head a little. Did I hit his head too hard?

"I.. I have done so many horrible things... I even hurt my little brother. My head is clear now... What have I done? My love... Tra... Would you hate me now?" he starts talking until he starts crying and bends over, his forehead touching the floor as he subs.

Oooooookay. Something is weird here. A big Russian guy is crying like a little girl.

Still keeping some of my posture cold I straighten him out with telekinesis and speak.

"Speak clearly, man."

He sobs a little before starts talking.

His name is Mikhail Rasputin, he was a cosmonaut from the USSR. During a mission, he and his entire crew were caught by a dimensional rift and sent to another reality. Only he survived because of his powers that were awakened at that moment.

There, in this new world, he met his future wife, Tra-Mai-A-Zath who was also the princess of the locals. He got into some political troubles because his father-in-law that was a tyrant but overall he lived very well.

Then disaster stuck again. It seems the reality he found himself in was constantly plagued with dimensional rifts and dimensional storms, like earthquakes and hurricanes that often happen here on Earth.

These are natural calamities, but people have learned to live with them.

But one, in particular, was a disaster that threatened many people in the place where he lived. He then clumsily tried to close the dimensional rift with his spatial powers.

He partially succeeded, but in the end a few hundred people died in the backslash, including Tra-Mai-A-Zath. He got scarred and hurt too and decided to go into exile. One day he managed to return to Earth, and even met his brother, Piotr the Colossus, but they had a fight over the difference in ideals. He almost loved killed his own brother.

"I was so hurt... In soul... And in body..." Mikhail speaks with grief. "My power is hard to use, and my flesh has been torn. I was in constant pain... Pain that becomes rage... And I... And I..." And he can't go on and starts crying again.

Hmm. This guy is not lying. My powers can tell.

So this guy is fucking traumatized. He lost his friends and colleagues, lost his wife, and nearly killed his own brother.

He is crazy because of circumstances... It seems that he was in constant physical pain from the injuries he had received. Physical pain can influence someone's mind. Like Dr. House, he is grumpy because he is in constant pain.

So when I used [Overhaul] to give him a shock and win the fight undamaged, I resolved to "fix" him and now that he is no longer being tortured by pain, he can see things more clearly.

This is unexpected...

"Do you want us to believe you and pity you just because you have lost?!" Callisto speaks angrily from my side.

Even though she says that, I feel like Mikhail's story has affected everyone a little. She just doesn't trust him... With reason, I could say.

Mikhail in his suicidal rage almost dragged all the Morlocks with him.

"He is not lying. I can tell." I say placating Callisto. "Now I understand... You never want a Revolution. You just want to die. But you want your death to have at least a little meaning." I say.

He looks down ashamed.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry, Tra...I'm sorry, Piotr... I'm sorry Illyana... I'm sorry, my friends..." He says.

Hmm. Now, what to do?

"So... Besides apologizing and thanking me, what's your point in telling me this?" I ask, he specifically wanted to talk to me. If he just wanted to apologize, he would have already done so.

I'm not even a victim of him.

Maybe he wants his power back.

He looks at me and starts talking as calmly as he can.

"My crimes and sin can't be erased... I can just atone. I want to go and meet my little brother and sister proudly of myself... I can't do this as I am now..." He starts looking at me directly and then lowers his head a little further trying to maintain eye contact...

"We both came here to do the same things, but obviously you have the best intentions. You really want to do something good with these people... You even healed me, even though I'm your enemy. Let me help you. Take me as an underling or whatever. I want to do some good too. Like my brother does... Like Tra would want me to." He finishes with determination in his eye.

Oh~ Interesting.

Before I even give my answer, Callisto and Masque are already talking.

"Are you crazy?!" "We can't trust him!"

I raise my hand to shut them both up.

Caliban and Machia just stay silent. Caliban just seems to be the type who knows his place, not a conflict-guy. And Machia just looks at me in awe.

If it were possible I would probably see the "Bond Relationship" go up to 11/10.

"I believe you." I say finally. I see Mikhail's face light up and the outrage on Callisto and Masque's faces. "But…" I continue before anyone interrupts me.

"...is not enough. To the people that you already hurt." I speak and see his expression darken.

"But I believe in second chances and I also believe that everyone has the potential for great things, so I will help you tap your potential by giving you two options." I say raising my hand and showing two fingers.

"These options are mainly to the benefit of these people and for you too to have your chance of redemption." I speak seriously.

He nods his head gravely.

"Option One: Let me enter your mind" I say darkly "You will allow me to read your mind and memories to really know how sincere you are. Don't worry I won't be looking at very personal things. This is the fastest method to you gain everyone's trust." I say and let him digest what I said.

"The second Option is: I will keep the 'restriction' that I have placed on your power, but I will give you the freedom to live here, under surveillance, so that you can help this community into your own hands and gain their trust little by little and achieve your redemption. That's the long option." I say.

"If you choose option 1 and it proves true I will release your power, but if you find out in your memories that you're lying to me..." I threaten.

I know he's not lying, I'm just saying this so the listeners know I'm serious.

Sincerely, I want to help Mikhail. First I present a horrible and outrageous option and then I present the best way.

If I just let him live here, no one would like it. But presenting this option after another makes it easier for people to swallow the outcome.

Manipulation 101, words are like gemstones, it's all about how you deliver them to the person. If you gift it throwing at high speed it will hurt regardless if it is precious. But if you put it in a fancy box, even if the gemstone is not that valuable, it will please the person.

But to my surprise, Mikhail responds differently than I expected.

"The first option" he says without hesitation.

"..." As someone who hates the idea of ​​someone looking at my memories I find his response strange. "Are you sure?"

"Yes... I have nothing to hide."

"Alright." I say and place my hand on top of his head. Unnecessary, but I need to do a show and it's good to downplay my powers. "Don't worry, I'll stay away from your intimate moments..." I say.

Entering his mind I confirm what I already knew. He is telling the truth, everything is like he says. I stay away from his "happy" memories, I don't want to see him naked with his wife. Finishing seeing the most recent memories and feeling the emotions he felt after his fight with me I confirm again.

He really does have a moment of realization and a pang of overwhelming guilt after he regained his sanity. He really was in constant pain, the world that he sees and feels is torture 24/7. *Sigh*

Withdrawing my hand I get out of his mind.

"I confirmed that he is 100% telling the truth. I've already released your power, you're free to go. No need to stay here. You have several other means of redemption. Go find your family, if you want. They can help you." I say giving him the last way out and releasing him from the chains.

He gets up but makes no move to attack or walk away.

He's really tall and I notice the Morlocks feeling intimidated by him now that he's free, I just stand my ground calmly.

"No... I want to repay you. Let me help." He is serious.

"Fine. From this day forward you're my subordinate, like Machia here." I say, not rejecting the proposal. He might be helpful. And I feel like he's loyal, after all, he can just walk away, but he's decided to stick with me.

I turn to the Morlocks. "Go tell everyone what happened here. Callisto, you're in charge when I'm not here. Mikhail, you listen to her too." I say.

He doesn't seem very happy, but he accepts. Callisto is glaring at him.

Heh. Masque is downright rebellious, Caliban is neutral to the point that he doesn't care and my "most loyal" people: Callisto and Mikhail, don't like each other. Being a leader is hard...


After dismissing everyone except Machia I start organizing my new personal hideout. I think there is a saying that "a smart bird has several nests" or something like that. I have no strings with this place, if I am discovered it won't be a big loss.

I won't be doing anything important here either.

"Machia, this is just the beginning. These poor people need guidance. I'm different from All For One, even with all the methods he still made himself an enemy of the world and lived only in the shadows. I won't be satisfied with just the shadows, Machia. I want the whole world." I indoctrinate Machia as I work.

I'll probably use Machia for some "heroic Jobs", but it doesn't mean I'll put spandex on him and make him a hero. But I might, for example, send him on a rescue mission, but that might go against Machia's beliefs of "Lord of Evil" so it's better to make some things clear right now.

Finally finishing everything I turn around and speak. "Contact me if anything happens. I will come here constantly. Don't let anyone near my things."

After seeing him nodding I disappear.


Carvalho Residence

Reappearing back at my house I make my way to the living room, which is where Shego is watching TV while lying on the couch and eating snacks.

"Eating so late will make you fat." I say before stealing some to me too.

Removing my cloak and lowering my half-mask I sit in an armchair. My hair and eyes start to return to normal and I'm just in my U.M.F. suit and I watch a reality show where people do survival tests.

"..." Shego is staring at me. "What?" I ask.

"...Nothing, I didn't realize you had all these muscles... Hm~Hm~ Mama likes it very much. You should always dress like that at home." She speaks slowly as she looks me up and down blatantly as she bites her lip.

I roll my eyes... Damn, dark upper lips, my weakness. To change the subject I start to tell her about what I just did.

"So you are grooming some pawns?" Shego asks after I explain the Morlocks.

"Well, I really want to help them. If they're useful I use them but is not a great loss to put some effort into helping these poor people. Is good for PR in the future, when I launch my ideas to the world. When you make a good deed without expecting recognition, people tend to believe you mean it. I know that the things I have done will come to light one day, but no one else does." I say lightly while watching TV.

"They also have little connections to the criminal world, little connections, but it's a start." I finish and get up to leave.

After dodging an attempt from Shego to make me sleep in her room I go up to my own room. This Woman... If I give to temptation I lose. This little game that we are playing is dangerous, but I think about the long-term benefit... Let's meditate.


I really almost don't need to sleep.

Now in my room, after a good bath and a change of clothes, I am in a meditation pose as I reflect on my power.

Today I managed to make a copy of Mikhail's power. A very good power, by the way, I can blend, hide, merge and move into the space like I'm moving in four-dimensional space. Or is the 5th dimension? I think the 4th dimension is time. And the 5th dimension is in the extra dimension of space. Oskar Klein and Theodor Kaluza made a theory about it.

In DC, the 5th dimension is where the imps like Mr. Mxyptlk live. In this multiverse, I'm not really sure about these things.

This power is dangerous too. One mishap and I'm turning to shreds. No wonder Mikhail is scarred.

After meditating a lot about my Power Manipulation and getting in touch with several other powers I've come to the conclusion that powers in general... are strange.

It is impossible to qualify powers in a set of rules. There are no rules to them. I remember in my other life watching videos of people showing what 'powers would look like in real life', showing simulations that Superman would cut Lois Lane into three pieces if he saved her from falling off a building. That it is impossible to move forward and fly without applying a counterforce. That it is not possible to lift a plane flying since there is no leverage. And how a body can't generate energy or mass out of nothing.

But honestly... applying known physics from my past universe here is simply stupid. Things are different here, and powers have their own rules.

Some rules are even weird, like Masque who can't use his power on himself. I suffer from something similar, but not as restrictive.

I think I read about it in Worm, the fictional story about capes and their powers. There is something in that universe called the "Manton effect", which speaks of the restrictions of powers. Some powers only work on living things, and others only work on inanimate objects, like Eri [Rewind], others work on other people but not on yourself, and even those powers that work only on yourself but not on others.

I think this is a defense mechanism for our body, or is it simply some mental block. If I'm not mistaken, Masque may change his appearance in the future. And there are some cases in the Worm universe where this restriction is bypassed too.

Hmm. I have a little restriction in Power Manipulation too. Each time I copy a power from the same person, the copying time increases. It's not as overwhelming as "You can't copy the power from the same person two times", but it's a small inconvenience.

I did some tests in BNHA world and I noticed that the time to make copies of a power increases by 20%/30% each time I copy. I assume it's a way to keep me from having infinite copies and ending up having a mental breakdown or imploding. Hmm.... I think the MC of that anime "Charlotte" had a similar problem. BUT... hehe...

There's no one here to apply these rules. This is real life, not a game. I can cheat. hehe. I can cultivate power in other persons, braindead body, give power by other means like serums and then harvest. All For One and the doctor did that.

Hehe. Where are the developers or GMs? No one is gonna nerf me? I like this patch very, very much.

After that, I focus on a little experiment... After half an hour of carefully meditating and using Power Manipulation, I finally got to do something I had wanted for a long time.

Create a nerfed version of a power. I just made [Minor Telepathy].

"Perfect..." I can't help but talk out loud.

For a long time, I tried to make weaker copies of a power, but whenever I interrupted the copying process, to try to create a weaker version, the new power simply dissipated into nothingness. Now I got the gist of it.

Now I can give more powers, without worrying about not being able to control my subordinates. I need to be crazy to give someone Omega-level powers like that.. This is a problem for several reasons.

And by giving weaker powers, I can give more powers too.

Time to make more nerfed versions.


Next day.

Midtown High.

Ugh. I did not sleep. I waso engrossed in making several "Minor" versions that night turned to the day before I knew it.

While it's not a problem, because I'm not feeling sleepy, I can't let it become a habit. It starts like this, soon I'll be holed up in a lab for days and create something that will destroy humanity.

Let's go survive one more day in High School.


Peter Parker P.O.V.

*Huff* I got there in time this time, who steal convenience stores so early in the morning?

Greeted Ned with our special handshake I then turn to Gwen and give my greetings too. Looking at her I can't help but think about the conversation I had with Ned yesterday about how Gwen is so "into me" and that I should ask her out.

"Oh! Hector, Good morning!" Ned exclaims excitedly beside me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

Ned took the initiative to greet the always unapproachable Hector on his own and to my surprise, Gwen also spoke to him. Hm... Eh... What did I miss?

Hector just nods his head to the three of us, including myself and I greet him back. And then he just goes his way and I notice Ned following Hector with his eyes.

"Would he agree to have lunch with us if I ask?" Ned speaks after turning to us again.

My confusion must have shown on my face because Gwen laughs, a very beautiful laugh... And she says.

"Don't mind Ned. He has a man-crush on Hector." She says silencing teasingly.

Ned looks offended but joins in on the fun.

"It's not a 'man-crush' is a 'Bromance'!" He says.

"Yeah, yeah... You two had such a cliché encounter... bumped into each other and he held you in his strong arms." Gwen still doesn't contain the smile.

"Woman... You wouldn't understand..." Ned shakes his head.

"What's happening?" I ask even more confused.

"Hector is a bro..." Ned says and drags us into the classroom while giving me Gwen-signaling looks, for me to probably take the initiative.

After all, I promised Ned I'd ask her out today. But not now... Later... During lunchtime, yes... It will be better at this time.


Later, Still Peter P.O.V.

Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.

She accepted!!! If I wasn't in school I would probably be screaming and dancing. Ned is also very happy.

Aaaah. This went better than expected. Saturday... Saturday we are going out. Okay Peter, you need to do research, about better places, and what girls expect on first dates. Don't.Mess.This.Up.

Now is P.E. and the teacher says that it will be a simple dodgeball game since it's the first week of school.

A part of me wants to show off my powers and easily win this dodge ball game. But I know that is not right. But at the same time, I don't want to embarrass myself, even more so now that Gwen has agreed to go out with me... maybe I should show off a little.

While I think this, the teams are formed. It's not a fair matchup. Most of the athletic guys are on the other side, and Ned and Hector are on the same team as me.

Hm... Looks like Hector is going to be targeted by Flash and his friends, I see them glaring at him. Looking at my side I see Hector totally unbothered and with a bored expression on his face, like he wants to be anywhere but here.

"If I break my own leg, can I be excused of these things?" I hear Hector mutter to himself. Damn, how much he hates this.

The game begins, and it's no surprise that we're being destroyed. The best ones on our team are me and Hector. Hector has good moves, but he dodges clumsily and his throw is very bad, hasn't hit anyone so far.

(A.N.: Just to be clear... He is acting. Don't take other people impressions of Hector as the truth.)

The game progress, I'm doing a good job as far as human limits go and Hector seems to have given up on throwing the balls and is just reflecting what the enemy throws at him with a ball he has in his hands.

He's doing a good job, but it doesn't seem to be that complicated as the other team is just aiming in his face and crotch.

And then it happens...

A ball thrown by Flash with full force flies towards Hector and he reflects, but the ball changes direction very strongly. For the audience, to the girls, to Gwen...

My spider-sense flare and I move super fast to catch the ball before it hits Gwen, but... I slipped. I slipped and the ball goes unhindered and hits Gwen square in the head.

My heart sank.

Before I even get up Gwen is already being helped by Hector who is holding her head higher than the rest of her body. Moving fast I crouch down by Gwen's side. She is still unconscious.

Before I can act Hector lifts Gwen.

"Help me maintain her head still. Let's take her to the infirmary" He says to me.

Helping him, we move Gwen slowly and carefully to the infirmary where we deposit Gwen on a bed.

After dispersing the rest of the onlookers, only Hector and I were left with the nurse along with Gwen.

"You moved very well." I hear someone speak.

I take my eyes off Gwen and see Hector looking at me.

"Uh... Er... Okay, thanks I guess..." I reply and he continues.

"I mean, the moment the ball flew towards Gwen... You had such a burst of speed... Incredible." He says calmly.

I just keep silent.

"Do you like her?" Hector continues.

"Wha-aa? Er... Ho- I mean.." I find myself surprised.

"It's ok... This Much is obvious." Hector continues nonchalantly. "I was just impressed with how fast you went to protect her... Very heroic..."

"Yeah..." I say, keeping my eyes on Gwen. "It's a pity that wasn't enough." Hector continues to speak and I turn to him again. "You went in. It would be a good save... Too bad. Accidents happen... luckily she'll be fine. After all, is just a ball." Hector speaks nonchalantly, but his words hit me like a truck.


"Well, I have an appointment... And it will be nice to leave the two of you alone." Hector says getting up, I get up too and give him a handshake.

"Thanks for helping her, dude." He looks at me and my hand. After a few seconds that becomes awkward, and he smirks.

I don't understand.

"Heh. You're welcome. It's my fault anyway. I'll leave the two lovebirds alone. It will be nice if the first person she sees after waking up is you." Hector speaks with a rare smile.

"Bye Bye. And good luck on your date." He talks as he walks through the door.

"Ah...Thanks..." Wait, how does he know that?

I shake my head and focus on Gwen now.

So many things are going through my mind. I can't help but think on what Hector has said.


Hector P.O.V.

And that will be my good deed of the day.

I reflect the ball in Gwen's direction on purpose and make Peter slip too.

Is a crude method to give a little wake-up call to Peter and...

Ugh... I'm such a busybody.

During my contact with Gwen, I give her a little boon... [Minor Shock Absorption]. Even though I said I wasn't going to be Peter's babysitter, I can't help but want to protect and prevent a future disaster that might happen.

And it was a minimal effort, barely worth notice.

I got this idea during my conversation with Callisto about how she survived a car accident with only weak powers.

[Minor Shock Absorption] is hard to be noticed and will not save Gwen entirely. If she is hit by a truck she will be hurt, be deformed, but will live. People will call it a miracle and will not suspect that she has powers.

She will also likely survive being whiplashed from being grabbed by a suddenly falling web, for example...

With this, I don't have to keep tabs on every Spider-Man fight and it also makes me feel a little more relaxed. Honestly, nobody deserves a death like that. And knowing that it might happen... I think everyone would want to prevent it.

Parker's luck is a bitch... Any fan would want the guy to be happy for more than 8 hours.

The only risk would be her body rejecting the power. But this is Marvel, and Gwen has various powers in many versions, like Ghost-spider and Gwenpool so I took a chance and believed that she would receive the power without any problems. And bam... goes without a hitch. She received it too well.

Is everyone in this universe like that?

I need to test.


Coming home, I decide to just tinker a little. I've done a lot of things these past few days.

Shego follows me constantly and stays by my side while I work.

She is bugging me to let her have some fun, do something, go out.

I keep her here because it's not the moment, but I think I can speed up my plans a little.

She and Helena need to move out anyway.

"Master Hector, Mr. Nelson called and said your emancipation documents is ready." Isabella speaks after entering my lab.

"Oh~ Nice. Can you go get me, Isabella? I still don't want to meet them in person for now..." I say

"No problem." She bows and starts to retreat.

"Take a gift with you. Take one of the wines and give it to them. A Chateau. And tell them I will pay them when my bank accounts are released." I say.

She bows again and withdraws.

Huh. Another step.

"Hey~ don't ignore meee." Shego talks as she sits on my lap. Calm thoughts Hector. Clean your mind. "You're adult now~ Let's celebrate like adults." She smirks.

Amitabha. Clean your mind.

If you give in, you lose. Remember Hector.


Nelson and Murdock

Feeling Nelson return to the inner room with a smile on his face and holding a bottle of wine, Matt couldn't help but smile at his friend's excitement.

"Cheers! To a successful work!" Nelson speaks excitedly

Karen Page can't help but smile at Nelson's excitement, he's even been doing some weird dance.

"A Château Petrus 1990..." Nelson exaggeratedly sniffs the wine as if he's a great wine connoisseur and the name isn't on the label. "This thing must pay months of my rent..."

"Cheers to a happy client." Matt speaks.

"A happy and rich client!" Nelson corrects. Karen laughs.

"That is the beginning Matt, finally the things are looking good to us." Nelson speaks.

"Don't forget that we don't do that for the money, Foggy." Matt says but still smiles.

"Yes, but money helps. Now... I need to buy some fancy glasses to put this wine in, we can't drink it in disposable cups."

"The Money has gone to your head, Foggy. You are impossible now." Karen says as she smiles.


Next Day, Carvalho Residence. Hector P.O.V.

It's hard for me to get drunk. I just confirmed. So I'm sure nothing much happened, even though I had three drunk women sleeping by my side.

We are in the living and it all started with Shego discovering my father's wine cellar.

Ugh. Even Helena and Isabella got carried away by Shego. Such a bad influence... She must be proud of herself.

Isabella is sleeping on the couch, her hair loose. Helena and Shego are hugging me on either side while I'm in the floor. Staring at the ceiling, I try to get my thoughts and senses out of their bodies that are pressing against mine.

Shego is hugging me like a koala and Helena is with her face dangerously close to my crotch, and her ass is sticking out to me.

If I just move a little and close my fingers, I will realize the dream of all weebs. Just a little movement...

'Do it.' My shoulder devil that eerily looks like a mini Palpatine whisper in my ear.

"Don't do it. One moment is not Worth what you can have in the future' My shoulder angel that looks like... Master Oogway?

Why am I such a weirdo?

'They're expecting that. Do you think they'd get drunk on you if they didn't want you to take action?' Darth Sidious whispers.

'No. You need to come clean and be forefront with them. You can't abuse the feelingtaht are budding because of Essence.' Master Oogway speaks wisely making me reflect.

But then he continues. 'And after this... you do it.' What? So is for me to do this anyway?

'Yes. Do it.' Palpatine whispers and disappears like a Force Ghost.

Master Oogway looks at me as he disappears in a flurry of petals and part leaving me his final words.

'If there's a hole, there's a goal'


My subconscious is strange...

Carefully getting up, I tuck all the girls into bed and let them sleep.

Taking a strand of hair of Shego that is annoying her nose I think this situation.

Is obviously a lie if I say that I'm not attracted to her. And her advances give me a chance to progress. But it feels... wrong.

She doesn't love me. She have the hots for me, I can feel, but is not love. But in the future... I think it may be inevitable for things to progress like that.

Because of this, I'm in no rush.

If I have a one-night stand with her will just complicate things in the future.

Can I even reciprocate these feelings? They are even real?

Ugh. She is stuck with me for life.

Should I take responsibility?

I don't feel like that for Helena and Isabella. At least for now. Maybe because they maintain a respectful distance.

Tch. I will jog.


After doing my normal route I sit on a bench to think.

Hah~ That might not be a problem now. I might consider Shego just being flirty, but I'm sure it will be a problem in the future.

I feel someone approaching to sit on the same bench as me. taking a quick look to see if it's anyone from S.H.I.E.L.D. I see he is just the homeless guy.

He sits and relaxes beside me. I just ignore him until I realize he's familiar.

"Oh. You are the guy who was seeing a ghost a month ago." I talk.

This is the guy I tested D4C on.

He looks at me squinting his eyes until he recognizes me. I've changed quite a lot.

"You are that kid from that day? Damn boy... What have you been eating?" he speaks looking at me up and down.

Despite everything, I laugh at loud.

"Haha. Grandma food." I reply and it's his turn to laugh.

"Hyahya. That's the best there is. Eat a lot." he talks and I just agree.

But it appears that he is not done.

"That day man. I can swear for everything that is sacred that someone grabs my wrist. But nobody believes me." he strikes up a conversation.

"I believe in you." I speak simply.

"You do?"

"Yeah. There's a man spider thing fighting crime. Nothing is impossible now."

"Hyaha. That's true, that's true."

After that, he started talking. And damn he talks.

I feel awkward to just getting up and leave. So I listen to his rant.

He tells me about his life, his problems, and the past.

I just listen.

"And you, kiddo? What's your problem?" He asks

"I need to have a problem?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

"You are here right now. Alone... You must be thinking about something. And there better places to think if is something good." He speaks.

I just shrug my shoulders.

"Girl?" he asks conspiratorially.

I look at him.

"Girls! I knew it. Always women... We can't live with them, but we can't live without them. Kiddo you are young, don't fret so much about a girl. There are many fishes on the sea." He starts advising me.

Not that I asked.

"It's more complicated than that." I speak.

"Oh. How?"

Against my better judgment, I resolve to speak to this dear.

"There are some girls..." I start.

"Some? Damn! Then you don't have a problem. Hyahya." He laughs at his own joke.

And I just look at him.

"Sorry...go on."

"Let's say a girl like me. But she doesn't have much of an option... And I feel like I'm taking advantage of that..." I say trying to simplify the situation.

"Um... Do you like her?"

"Well... I don't love her. But you can say that I like her."

"Well, problem solved. She likes you, you like her. Just treat her well." He speaks.

"Ugh, it's more complicated than that." There's a chance of mild mind control involved.

"Maybe you're the one complicating things."

"Argh... I don't know why I talked to you. Maybe I thought you were secretly a hermit or something. Full of knowledge and experience in life." I say leaning back on the bench.

"Hyahyahya. Kiddo, you're watching too many movies." he laughs.

"Whatever old man. I'm coming. Thanks." I say as I get up.

"You're welcome. Thanks for listening to my rant too. Let me say kiddo. At the end of life, you regret the things you didn't do more than the things you did."

"..." I just nod before going back home.


Night of the same day

The day followed naturally with the exception of Isabella apologizing for her behavior.

At the beginning of the night, Spider-man had a fight with the Green Goblin. Seeing the fierce fight and knowing that Norman will probably stay away from the public to recover, I decide to advance my plans to invade Oscorp.

I personally used the little E.M.P. attack into the block of Oscorp and prepared the invasion for Sego and Isabella.

The two seem excited to finally be able to act.


Watching the happenings on the camera that I left on both of their uniforms, I remain seated in front of the huge monitor.

Cathulhu in my lap and Isabella collecting everything Shego "Recovered".

Everything goes smoothly until the small confrontation with Black Widow and Hawkeye.

"What unlucky scenario..." I say frowning.

Well, they probably also took advantage of the window I opened with E.M.P. attack.

I don't interfere and don't even give instructions.

In the end, the results are satisfactory.

After the objective is accomplished I bring Shego and Helena with [Warping].

"...gag reflex." I hear Shego speak as she emerges.

She has nothing to complain about, I changed the flavor of the [Warping] liquid to vanilla.

"Good job." I say to both "Almost flawless execution, except you playing with your opponent and being caught off guard, Shego." I say.

Shego snorts. "I need to gain time to download everything and since I can't kill her, on your orders... I went for the second option." She answers petulantly.

But I can't let this slide. I already have an idea of ​​Shego's personality. She is greedy, narcissistic, sassy, and likes to act spoiled. Everything is acceptable, but I can't let her become arrogant and conceited... And ending up hurt or killed because of this.

"It doesn't change the fact that you were careless." I sternly say "I hope it won't happen again." She looks away and says a low "Okay..."

"That said, you also lost control of your emotions very easily, no need to torture Black Widow like that. There are no eternal enemies, Shego. Only interests... One day maybe we could use her." I add

Shego only pouts.

Honestly... I don't care how she acted with Natasha, she doesn't even overdo it. I don't even know Black Widow, she may even become an enemy in the future... Just because I read or watched her in my past life doesn't mean she's someone I'll treat well no matter what.

For me, my Shego is worth more than 10 Natashas...

But Shego doesn't need to know this. She will become spoiled.

Shego is the type of woman that you need to keep on the edge. She has this competitiveness with Helena and for me that's great. So I will not favor her.

"Good job again, Helena. Let's eat now. Rest well afterward." I say to a Helena who waves and a Shego who snorts again.

I will spoil you in the future, relax...



Finally a day off.

Relaxing while reading a book on the couch, Shego is lying next to me with her legs over my own. Then...

I feel the biggest chill I've ever felt in my life, I know right away that [Danger Sense], Spider-sense, the Force, and other powers warning me.

But I don't feel the danger for me specifically... It's as if the danger is spread through the air. All over the place ... All over the... city

l take a tablet out of my inventory and look at the various cameras I've placed around town.


Everything has going to shit. There's panic on the streets, explosions, death...

I get up and open the window for a view of the city.

"Mas que desgraça... (Godammit)" I curse in Portuguese, it's rare for me to lose control like that.

In my view, there's a fucking cliché of "Giant Sky Beam". It is blue and is opening a portal where an army is falling down and wreaking havoc in New York.

The girls have come up behind me and are looking at the prelude to disaster.

This is the plot of the Avengers movie, but this is too much. The sky is dark just by the amount of the Chitauri army, there are dozen of Leviathan-like ships and... What is this cold?

The scale is at least 10 times worst than what I've seen in the movie, and it's just getting started.

"What is that?" I hear Isabella ask.

"Invasion…" It's Helena who answers gravely.

Faster than girls can react I'm already gone. Using Mikhail's teleport powers I already appear high in the sky at a safe distance to not have my location pinpointed.

I've quickly changed into my suit and am already flying at high speed to the center of the confusion.

Tch. The year is still 2004... I knew that the timeline is not reliable and the fact that "Iron Man 2" had already happened, make the chances of the Chitauri invasion happening this year very high.

But that's too fast.

'Act while you think' I practically hear the voice of the previous holders of the [One for All] in my mind.

Going head first into the thick of things and generating sonic booms as I fly, I sink my heel into a Leviathan's head, shattering the half-creature Half-ship thing.

My arrival attracts the attention of everyone involved, Chitauri, civilians... Oh, the Avengers.

Well... The tutorial is over.

It's time for Eidolon's debut.

In the corner of my eye, I see a random couple running around and for some reason, my thoughts go to Gwen and Peter... Wait... Today is their date... And there is a fucking invasion.

Serious universe? Give the guy a break.

Damn Parker's luck.


A.N.: Yeah... Things have gone to 0 - 100 very fast.

Is impossible to Hector cover everything, unfortunately. Shield secrecy backfires.

Some things will be different. I hope you all enjoyed it.

Till next time.

Stay good you all.

Bye bye.

Nothing to add here.

Thanks for reading. Any feedback is appreciated.

Give ideas and suggestions. Anything to make the story better for everyone. Stay good you all.

Till next time.

Evans_The_Writercreators' thoughts