
Meta Essence CYOA 94

Essence of Combination

•Your may combine any Race/Species you have, either from Essences or others. You will become a perfectly merged being, with all of the benefits and racial abilities of all the different races/species you have combined, with none of the weaknesses.

•Your may combine any form of Energy you have gained, either from Essences or others, into one energy of choice (Magic/Ki/etc). This will grant the energy the capabilities of all the other combined energies.

•You may combine any Armor/suit you own or have received from any of your Essences, granting you a single armor/suit with the abilities of all the different ones that have been merged together. It may then take a new appearance of your choice.

•You may combine any Weapon/artifact/Device you own or have received from any of your Essences, granting you a single weapon/artifact/device with the abilities of all the different ones that have been merged together. It may then take a new appearance of your choice.

•Any of these combinations are done exactly how you want them to be.

Essence of Daniel Black

•You may remake your body however you want, even becoming one of the species from the world of Daniel Black.

•You are able to make the negatives of a medieval world, such as Hygiene, smell, sanitation and etc. not exist for you and everyone around you. This is an effect you can toggle at will. This will work in a way you prefer, even retroactively. People will have white, clean teeth, it won't smell like a shithole unless the place is known for it, people will be clean and not smell like they haven't bathed in a month, etc. Or you can make the effect only around you and those close to you, making people around you slowly become cleaner with better hygiene while near you, while bad smell and dirt is still there, but lessened in your surroundings. Or maybe some other way.

•You receive your very own Sorceries. A 'sorcery' is an instinctive command of any one thing that you can conceptualize as an element, which allows you to manipulate, conjure, vanish, and sense your element, limited only by your creativity and your raw magical power, though the more you understand about your element the easier it is to wield. Any sorcery you get will be at maximum power, being greater then Mara's fire element and Daniel Black's Earth sorcery. You may take as many sorceries you want, but no matter what you pick, you will get two no matter what.

•Mana Sorcery.◦Mana Sorcery is the ability to manipulate the energy of magic itself. This allows you to not only turn matter into mana like Daniel Black, granting you near endless amounts of magic, but also absorb the Magic from spells and control magic in your surroundings.

•Flesh Sorcery.◦Flesh magic lets you manipulate the biology of anything, whether for healing, reshaping flesh, alter biology and more. You already know all the flesh sorcery stuff Daniel Black knows, like how to make Catgirls. But your limits are far beyond Daniel's.

•You have a larger than normal capacity for magic, granting you the ability to cast stronger magic, and use magic for a longer time.

•Your are an incredibly talented enchanter, with an instinctive mastery. This allows you to effortlessly create the enchantments you want in a way that works for you, whether that is similar to programming, weaving, writing, drawing or whatever makes it intuitive. None of these methods is superior to the other, as all of them have the same capabilities and works just as easy, but you get the one which is both the best and easiest method for you to use.

•You may choose to make the Matter to Mana enchantment blackboxed, meaning no one can copy or recreate it aside from you.

•You may choose to make any magic you wield, cast, enchant, use, etc. impossible to copy unless you allow it, and even then, you can take away this knowledge and skill at will.

•You have gained the enchantment the Einherjar's get from becoming a part of Valhalla, which gives you the ability to never stop getting stronger, faster and more skilled. This enhancement is an innate part of you, and not connected to Odin or Valhalla, having no downside or negative effect.

•You can create a Coven Bond with other people. The Bond links your minds, souls and magic together, allowing you to freely share willpower, magical energy, and any mental or soul protections between any or all other members. You can also put several requirements for members in the Coven should you want to, like preventing members from being with anyone other than yourself and the coven, or prevent members from lying to each other. Any requirement you want can be put in. Usually, a Coven Bond is closed once it is first created, but you can add as many members as you want even long after your Coven Bond has been created, without it creating any weakness in the bond. Usually, joining the Bond will erase/break/nullify any and all effects that might be influencing or controlling the new member, but you can control this so that it won't break any effects you have created that you don't want to be broken or nullified.

•You have your very own Matter to Mana necklace, which grants you an endless amount of mana by turning matter into mana. The output is larger than normal when it comes to a necklace of this size, and unlike normal matter to mana necklaces, you will find the necklace will never run out of matter to turn into mana. The necklace also comes with a semi-Intelligent healing and shielding enchantment, which are able to heal and shield you in ways you want them to. This means the necklace will heal mortal wounds before less important wounds, and it will shield you from arrows but not a hug from your beloved. Each of these enchantments are constantly at full power without affecting the output from which you can draw from. This effect also works on any additional personal enchantments you put on the necklace.

•Optionally, you may receive the main power of any Harem Protagonist. This is the ability to seduce any being you interact with and would be interested in, merely by being yourself. You will also find yourself surrounded by beautiful people of the opposite sex, often incredibly competent people. Slaves, heroes, royalty, gods, and more fall for you.

•Optionally, You may receive a Dryad which creates the Golden Apples of Idun as your companion. These golden apples grant whomever eats them immortality in the form of eternal youth, as long as they keep eating the apples over time. The apples may also grant divinity over time if one consume enough of them, starting with simply granting them a divine aspect for anything they are good at, before eventually granting them full godhood. The personality and appearance of the dryad is up to you, the relationship between you and them is whatever you want it to be, and they will be irrevocably loyal to you. You can also choose exactly how romantically and sexually experienced they are.

•Optionally, you may receive an entire Dryad Grove as your companions. You can choose what sort of dryads they are and how many they are. Their individual personalities and appearance is up to you, the relationship between you and them is whatever you want it to be, and they will be irrevocably loyal to you. You can also choose exactly how romantically and sexually experienced they are.

•Optionally, you may receive your very own enslaved goddess. This may be any known goddess like Aphrodite, or it may simply be someone you create yourself, in which case you can choose their appearance, personality and divinity yourself. Her power is suppressed via an indestructible, yet quite comfortable and attractive choker, meaning she cannot wield her divine powers. All she can do is stay eternally young and beautiful, and she has to obey any order of the one wearing her control ring cares to give. You have the control ring, and it won't work for anyone else unless you allow it to work for them. The choker also has an enchantment which makes anyone (except for you) who touches her temporarily impotent while their sexual desire disappears. This effect will last for an hour after they stop touching her, and will affect anyone unless they have been allowed by you to touch her. You may choose whether she is truly enslaved, "enslaved" due to a kink, is simply using it as a ruse to protect herself from being kidnapped or worse, or any other reason you can conceive. The relationship between you and them is whatever you want it to be, and while they may not be irrevocably loyal to you, they won't try to to stir up trouble or do anything malicious towards you, unless you treat her horribly, in which case I would advise you never to release her. You can also choose exactly how romantically and sexually experienced they are.

•Optionally, you may choose to receive any of the following people as your companions. You can pick as many as you want. The relationship between you and them is whatever you want it to be, and you can choose exactly how romantically and sexually experienced they are. This can be different for each of the characters but they will all be irrevocably loyal to you.◦Avilla.








◦Adept Tova.

◦Tova's twin daughters.

◦Any other character from the Daniel Black universe.

•Optionally, you may at any time choose to take a one way trip into the world of Daniel Black, or a variation of it. This can be any alternate universe, like a fanfic or a universe made perfectly for yourself. You can either simply be dropped in or reincarnated into the body of an existing character or someone new.

Essence of Kate Daniels

○You may remake yourself however you want. Pick something that you want to embody, and you will become the living physical definition. Handsome, Smoldering, Dangerous, Beautiful, Sex-on-legs, Sharp, Seductive, Powerful, or anything else.

○You are able to introduce Magic into any world you are in or about the enter. This will work the same way it does in the Kate Daniels universe, where you will have a time of several centuries where the world Shifts between Technology working and Magic working. It comes in waves, without warning, and vanishes as suddenly as it appears. When magic is up, planes drop out of the sky, cars stall, electricity dies. When magic is down, guns work and spells fail. It's a volatile, screwed-up world. Magic feeds on technology, gnawing down on skyscrappers until most of them topple and fall, leaving only skeletal husks behind. Monsters prowl the ruined streets, werebears and werehyenas stalk their prey; and the Masters of the Dead, necromancers driven by their thirst of knowledge and wealth, pilot blood-crazed vampires with their minds. You will also have Flares, which are periods where Magic comes in incredible amounts close to what will happen when magic finally settles. Unlike in the Kate Daniels universe, when magic finally settles in, one can still use and develop technology. It will just be unusable during the period of Shifts.

○You are able to use both magic and technology no matter what world you are in, and no matter what period in the Shifts it is. You are also able to combine technology and magic.

○You have been trained form birth by Voron, in one of two ways. You are either a better, more skilled version of Kate Daniels, or a better, more skilled version of Hugh d'Ambray. One trained to be capable of fighting and slaughtering their way through an entire army just to kill the leader, the other trained to lead an army from the front. One a one-man army and the ultimate weapon, the other the ultimate general tactician and strategist. Your skill and ability will never grow worse, only ever improve.

■Optionally, you may also be as good a sharpshooter as Andrea Nash, a virtuoso with any long range weaponry.

■Optionally, you become able to toggle your sense of pain and discomfort. This comes with none of the Downsides of not feeling pain or discomfort.

■Optionally, you may choose to receive your very own Slayer/Sarrat sword, only made specifically for you so that it feels like an extension of yourself. It doesn't need to be fed anything, nor does it need any other maintenance.

○You never have to fear godhood, as Faith will never alter you in any negative way. Any negative effects and consequences won't happen to you. Your thoughts and actions will still be your own. While you can still exist in reality permanently, you won't have Godly power if magic is low.

○Optionally, you may choose to become an Heir of Shinar, a Sharrum/Sharratum, giving you all of the abilities of Kate Daniels, Roland/Nimrod and Eahrratim. You may choose if you are related to them and in which way.

■You have an immense amount of magic at your disposal, but you can hide it at will so that not even the greatest of magical senses can find it, your cloak impenetrable. You are akin to an Elder Power, without the need for strong magic to exist.

■You may choose to have the magical ingenuity of Roland, his sheer genius and talent when it comes to magic.

■You may choose to have the physical capabilities of Erra, though her impressive stature is optional.

■Your lifespan is infinite, being semi-immortal. In time you will learn to choose what physical age your body appears as.

■You are able to solidify and control your blood in a variety of different ways, from an indestructible yet flexible skin-tight armor, to weapons. You can even forge items out of your blood, infusing them with your magic to give them certain abilities and capabilities. Your magic fuels your blood, meaning you never will find yourself bleeding out unless you have run out of magic. Your blood is also a powerful magical resource, capable of creating powerful wards and be used for incredible magic. You have intuitive mastery over this power, so you don't struggle with it like Kate Daniels did, and you are able to bleed at will without any pain or discomfort.

■You are able to bond people by blood to you. They will gain eternal youth for as long as you live, alongside increased physical and magical abilities, though you may choose if they receive this or not, and in how great of a degree. In turn, those that are blood bonded to you become unable to betray you and cannot disobey a direct order.

■You are able to turn others into Vampires, mindless and rabid undead beasts of incredible physical capabilities and a never-ending thirst for blood. Vampires you turn don't suffer from any weakness of the sun. You are able to control hundreds of them at a time with absolute control and precision, even able to set them on auto-pilot while you do your own thing.

■You are able to claim any magically unclaimed land. This is done through a ritual you know, in which you creates a spear of blood suffused with magic. As you release the magic, a crimson light is released in which claims all the land that the light touches, a claiming pulse. The farther the light touches, the more land you claim, so it's best done from a high vantage point. Whenever you claim land, you become more powerful by its magic, increasing your capabilities. It also allows you to both feed and drain energy, life and magic to and from the Land and it's inhabitants. You can use this for many different purposes, the most basic being to invigorate or heal the land. You don't suffer from the Shar, a compulsion that drives one that has claimed land to claim more and more land. You are able to claim in smaller quantities without the need for the ritual.

■You can give others the ability to control Vampires, turning them into Masters of the Dead. They will however never reach your level of power and control, but can come very close.

■If you are an Heir of Shinar and has the power of something else, like the Wild of a Shapeshifter or something from outside the world of Kate Daniels or something else, then your magic will entwine and empower each other, turning you from a magical nuke in power to a supernova of magical power and ability. All your powers and abilities are enhanced and empowered, amplified due to your nature and blood intertwined with your magic. This also allows you to still use true magic even though you are a were-shapeshifter or something else. You gain all the benefits of being a hybrid, and none of the potential downsides.

■You also have any other abilities not mentioned here.

○Optionally, you may choose to be a Shapeshifter of whatever kind of Wereanimal you want. You have already mastered the third form, also known as the Warrior Form, being as skilled in using it in combat as the greatest Render.

■You may choose to become a First like Curran, making you stronger, faster and more powerful, alongside giving you complete intuitive and natural control over yourself and your shapeshifting, without the need for the iron-willed control of other shapeshifters. You will never go Loup, and neither will any you turn, though they won't be Firsts. As a First, you have a true connection to the Land, surpassing any others and making nature work alongside you instead of against you. It also makes it so that your claim takes precedence over any others. Not only that, it makes other shapeshifters instinctively see you as their leader, being drawn to you. They won't obey your orders unless you show them you are able enough, but once you show yourself the strongest then you can lead even the largest pack.

■You also get any other benefits and powers of a First not mentioned above, like their connection to the Wild.

○You know how to make Panacea, a substance that helps shapeshifters from going Loup and most other problems that comes from the Lyc-V. The Panacea you can create is 100% pure and removes all risks in their entirety.

○Optionally, you may choose to become a natural and immensely talented healer like Hugh D'Ambray, with the skill and knowledge needed to use it, but without the downsides like the compulsion to heal. This allows you to heal anything except death, as long as you have enough magic. It also gives you an inherent regeneration factor of incredible ability, as your magic will begin to heal you by itself. It also has a side effect of granting you even more inherent magical power, which you can use to increase the power and effect of any spells or magic you wield by spending more magic than necessary.

○Optionally, you may choose to be a descendant of Loki and Aesir, granting you the powers of Saiman, though you may choose if your Jotun side or your Aesir side is strongest. If your Jotun side is strongest, you will gain the form of an Ice Giant, while if your Aesir side is strongest, then you will gain the form of a Demigod essentially.

■Ice Giant base form:

■A Jotun, an eight and a half feet tall ice Giant. Your enormous back knotted with hard clumps of muscle beneath skin so white and smooth, it seems completely bloodless. Coarse hair falls down your back in a long blue-green mane. A fringe of hair trails the vertebrae of your spine, disappearing into ragged pants of wolf fur. Piercing eyes, a distant pale blue, yet lit from within with power like two chunks of ice that somehow stole the fire of a diamond. You have the face of a fighter carved with exacting precision by a master sculptor: terrifying, forceful, arrogant, and touched with cruelty. You eyes sit sunken deep into their orbits, guarded by a thick ridge of blue eyebrows. Your cheekbones pronounced, your nose wide, and the line of your jaw so strong you can bite through bones with little effort.

■Demigod base form:

■You become tall, perfectly proportioned, and muscled like a God/curved like a Goddess.

■Golden radiance seems to illuminate your skin from within. Your hair, a deep gold streaked with either hints of red, hints of silver or hints of white, falls without a trace of a curl. Your face becomes angular, yet masculine/feminine, and your grin has a mordant edge sharp enough to draw blood, yet being mouthwateringly attractive.

■Your eyes become either orange, blue or green:

■Radiant, blazing orange, streaked with pale green that almost looks like the crystals of ice growing on a window during a freeze.


■Piercing blue eyes, pale blue, yet lit from within with power like two chunks of ice that somehow stole the fire of a diamond.


■Radiant, brilliant green, streaked with pale blue that almost looks like the crystals of ice growing on a lake during a freeze.


■A combination of the options above.


■You receive the powers of Saiman, shapeshifting, allowing you to shape yourself like clay, just like Saiman, though more fluid.

■Another power you gain is the power over frost, cold and ice, alongside incredible physical might, thanks to your Jotun heritage.

■You also have the powers of an Aesir, granting you immense magical powers, the ability to use runes and other types of Norse magic, alongside an inherent mastery over smithing and sailing. Your divinity will never have any negative effects on you like they usually have in the world of Kate Daniels.

■Your blood is incredibly magically potent, and your regeneration almost were-shapeshifter fast.

○Optionally, you may become a Theophage, without the fear of having to lose yourself should people begin to worship you, or any other negative consequence of divinity.

○This happens in one of two ways:


■You are merged with a Low-ranked deity, like Deimos or Eshu or something else. Your humanity and the Divinity of the god/goddess has merged inside you, with the Human part being in control. This grants you the abilities and powers of the god/goddess, alongside superhuman physical capabilities. It also grants you transformation, in which you take on the Divine form of your god.


■You have somehow managed to gain divinity yourself, either by consuming divine beasts, being worshipped by a large amount of people or some other way.

■This has changed you in a number of ways.

■You have become physically perfect, in a way you would except from divinity yet in a way you would find appealing.

■Your power has increased greatly, from your physical capabilities to your magical abilities.

■A shapeshifter might find their animal form gaining wings or antlers or some other changes, like a size increase, color change or all of them together, alongside vastly increased power.

■If you use a Miracle, then you lose your divinity. You will keep certain advantages and certain physical changes you received, but lose every shred of divinity you have, as you are not a true God, but a Theophage.

■You also get any other benefits and powers of a Theophage not mentioned above.

○You have mastered ten Power Words, which are magical commands that are ancient, potent, and dangerous. To use a single word takes a lot of magic, yet their results are nigh absolute, as long as your will is strong enough or your magic powerful enough. To know a Word is to own that word completely, and once you make them yours, they belong to you forever. You don't suffer any drawbacks from making a Word yours, never having to fear dying from acquiring a new word should you come across one. These are the words you know:

■Aarh: Stop.

■Ahissa: Flee.

■Amehe: Obey.

■Dair: Release.

■Hesaad/Hessaad/Hessad: Mine.

■Karsaran: Break/Shatter.

■Osanda: Kneel.

■Senehe: Protect.

■Tervan: Kill.

■Ud: Die.

○Optionally, you may receive your very own Lair like Neig, a pocket reality inside a fold in space and time, though with all the benefits with none of the drawbacks. Inside here, you have omnipotent power, and can enter and exit it at will without fear. You may modify this power however you like, from if you must bind others to your realm for them to be their physically, or if you can just bring them in as you want.

○Optionally, you may receive ten ancient vampires to control. These have no minds, unlike ordinary vampires, so unless they are piloted, they won't do anything. Due to their age, they are far stronger and faster than ordinary vampires, yet due to their unique mindlessness, they are incredibly easy to control. They are also sunlight proof, unlike normal ancient vampires.

○Optionally, you may receive your very own Pack, similar to Curran's. Thousands of shapeshifters of many different animal clans all now follow you, irrevocably loyal. You may design this pack however you want.

○Optionally, you may choose to receive any of the following people as your companions. You can pick as many as you want. The relationship between you and them is whatever you want it to be, and you can even choose exactly how romantically and sexually experienced they are. This can be different for each of the characters but they will all be irrevocably loyal to you.

■Kate Daniels.

■Andrea Nash.


■Alice Lennart.

■Keira Shrapshire.

■Lorelei Wilson

■Desandra Kral.

■Aurellia Sunny.




■Rene Benoit.


■Janice (were-jackal).

■Any other character from the Kate Daniels universe.

○Optionally, you may at any time choose to take a one way trip into the Kate Daniels Universe, or a variation of it. This can be any alternate universe, like a fanfic or a universe made perfectly for yourself. You can either simply be dropped in or reincarnated into the body of an existing character or someone new.

Essence of Hidden Legacy

•You may remake your body however you want.

•You have an ability taken straight from a romance novel. You are able to focus on someone as if the rest of the world doesn't even exist. When you look at someone like that, you can make them feel like they are the most important person in the universe. Every word they said matters to you. Every gesture the make is vital. The effect is devastating. They'll want to to keep talking and doing things to keep you focused on them just like that.

•You are a Prime, the highest rank a Mage can be, giving you not only an immense amount of magic but also the ability to use your powers a lot easier and stronger. You can choose any of the following choices to be a mage of, even choosing more than one if you want. You may also choose any other power in the Hidden Legacy world not mentioned below.

•Inorganic Telekinetic.◦You are an inorganic telekinetic, allowing you to telekinetically manipulate anything not alive. You may also be tactile with a weak empath/telepath ability.

•Elenchus:◦A truthseeker. This is an incredibly rare power. At its most basic, it allows you to sense whenever someone is lying. At a higher level, you can use your power to crush minds and tear through them to make them spill their every secret.

•Siren.◦You become able to make anyone love you. This is an incredibly dangerous power. During a war in the past, a lady went out in a lake on a lone island, before activating her power. She killed two armies, who drowned trying to reach her. Those that did reach her, ended up tearing her apart because they wanted more of her, loving her so strongly.

•Magus Metamorph.◦You are able to transform into a beast of immense physical power and literal indestructibility. Unlike other users of this power, you have full control while transformed, and can choose what shape your shape takes. You have access to various traits of your transformation (strength, olfactory sense etc) in human form.

•Magus Sagittarius.◦You never miss. You are able to shoot, throw and anything else long range with impeccable accuracy. Leon, a young prime Sagittarius who never trained his power was able to kill ten people in a instant, all with a perfect T-box kill. He can shoot across corners and in impossible angles, his only limitation on of being a one man army is his ammunition.

◦This may also be a different specialization, like blades.

•Antistasi.◦An antistasi is able to nullify any form of magic. Most believe they can only nullify mental magic, and it is a well kept secret. The only problem is range. You have to be within ten meters to affect someone.

•Element focus.◦You become able to manipulate and conjure any element of your choice. Can be chosen numerous times for more than one element.

•Hephaestus:◦You become a creator, your magic ability making you able to create. It has been said that a prime Hephaestus mage can create "lethal firearms out of discarded paperclips and duct tape" and "an antitank grenade launcher out of scrap metal in seconds", which is nothing compared to the drones, iron-man esq suits and other weaponry that mage has created.

•Illusionist.◦You become able to create lifelike illusions. This is a highly skilled focused ability.

•Summoner:◦You are able to summon beasts and monsters from the Arcane Realm, then control them.

•Animator:◦You are able to create constructs, which you can then control and "animate".

•Aegis Mage:◦You are able to create barriers of magical energy, which nothing can penetrate. Any hit it takes, drains magic energy however.

•Swarmer:◦You have been bonded to an arcane swarm, granting you the ability to process visual information at superhuman speed.

•Optionally, you may receive the magical education, skill, experience and knowledge expected from a Prime with your power/s.

•Optionally, you may receive your very own Family Key, a pseudo ritual only those of your bloodline can use properly and instinctively. This allows you not only to regenerate any spent magic, but also grant you a temporary increase in both magical energy and control.

•Optionally, you may receive your very own Family Spell, a spell only those of your bloodline can use properly and instinctively. This is a powerful spell, but what it does depends on your Mage Power. A truthseeker might get a family spell that can break through any mind no matter how controlled, focused, protected and iron willed. An antistasi might be able to absorb any magic in the surrounding area, leaving no magic left, then using that magic to increase their physical capabilities and to create magical blades that can cut through most mundane things. A pyrokinetic might create fire tornado that burns down buildings. You may create your own focused on whatever power you have, and can create as many as you want.

•Optionally, you may receive an increase in power, putting you are the level of Mad Rogan. This not only grants you a vast increase in magical power, but also gives you unparalleled control over your powers. This gives you the same level of skill and experience as Rogan in whatever magic you have. You also get access to a power that was once unique to Connor Rogan, which allows you to create and enter a stage of Power: You can instantly create a pseudo magical circle which creates a barrier of Null-space around you, allowing you to affect the world around you with your power, but allows nothing to enter the barrier from the outside, making you literally untouchable. The magical circle also increases your power exponentially, while also giving you access to nigh-infinite magic, giving you godlike powers. Unlike Rogan, you have full control in this state, and can end it at will.

•Optionally, you may receive an artifact which increases your power immensely. It is strong enough to turn an Average, the second weakest mage Rank, equal to a Prime. Imagine what a Prime can do with this power. The artifact can take any shape you want, from a crown to a sword, is literally indestructible, and will amplify all your magical powers, not just one magical branch. It also cannot be used against you.

•Optionally, you may choose to receive any of the following people as your companions. You can pick as many as you want. The relationship between you and them is whatever you want it to be, and you can choose exactly how romantically and sexually experienced they are. This can be different for each of the characters but they will all be irrevocably loyal to you.◦Nevada Baylor.

◦Catalina Baylor.

◦Arabella Baylor.

◦Any other character from the Hidden Legacy universe.

•Optionally, you may at any time choose to take a one way trip into the world of Hidden Legacy, or a variation of it. This can be any alternate universe, like a fanfic or a universe made perfectly for yourself. You can either simply be dropped in or reincarnated into the body of an existing character or someone new.

Essence of Deathstroke

•You may remake your body however you want.

•You receive the same superhuman abilities Deathstroke has.

•Enhanced intellect:◦Your mind works at incredible speeds. Able to think and perceive 10 times faster and utilize that much more of your mind than average human for information processing and sorting. You are capable of perfectly memorizing anything, you can perfectly remember and instantly recall everything you have ever experienced, encountered or learned in your lifetime without being overwhelmed or pause for thought. You only need to read, hear, see, or observe something once and you will never forget it unless you want to, and you have unlimited storage capacity. Your mind is virtually a supercomputer built for strategy and problem-solving, one that works at optimal ability even when under stress and fatigue. You can work out a battle ahead of time for every possibility and predict enemy movements and tactics after the battle has engaged by instantly recalling and utilizing memorized mannerisms acquired through past experience. You become ingenious in devising solutions against superior aspects of opponents, observing and exploiting, and can instantly make any calculations especially regarding distance, speed, and time; your sense of timing is perfect. You can immediately solve any problem you happen to face and instantly formulates how to overcome any obstacle. You can understand the mechanics behind any issue you face and knows what must be done to solve any problem. You can also dampen your sense of pain should you want to. Because your mind works faster than others, and use more conscious brain power, you are immune to telepathy and other mind manipulation.

•Eidetic Kinesthesia:◦You are able to duplicate any physical act, after seeing it done once, by anyone. You can also perform subtle muscle movements, with flawless accuracy and precision, subsequent to observation. Therefore, you can can perform any physical act without difficulty.

•Enhanced reflexes:◦You possess enhanced reflexes, flawless dexterity and coordination. Your reaction speed allows you to automatically and casually dodge point blank gunfire from multiple assailants. You are able to instantly discern the motivations of people and situations, allowing you to instantly act and react to danger. It is so fast you can even react fast enough to dodge the Flash.

•Enhanced Speed:◦You are able to run at speeds greater than the finest human athlete and attack faster than the eyes of a normal human can follow. You can even hit the Flash.

•Enhanced Stamina:◦You can exert yourself at peak capacity for several days, and possesses infinte pain-tolerance, willpower, vitality, virility, vigor, endurance, tenacity and lung capacity.

•Enhanced Strenght:◦Your entire muscular system was hardened and fortified making you many times stronger and durable than humans.

•Enhanced agility:◦You are extraordinarily limber and your tendons and connective tissues are twice as elastic as the average human being's, despite their enhanced strength. You can perform any complicated sequence of gymnastic stunts such as flips, rolls, and springs. You are able to achieve a state of perfect equilibrium in any position. You are able to adjust your position by instinct, allowing you to balance yourself on any object, no matter how small or narrow.

•Enhanced senses:◦All of your senses have been augmented to heightened levels of function. You can perceive things better than a normal human, you possess perfect pitch, and night vision. Your senses allow you to identify small changes in the air. You have a sixth sense; being able to dodge danger even though you haven't seen it or heard it. You can perceive events before they happen as well as understand events as they occur. This will never cause you trouble or discomfort due to hypersensitivity.

•Enhanced Durability:◦Your skin, bone, and muscle tissues are considerably stronger and harder than human and the tissues are impervious to injury to an extraordinary extent.

•Regeneration factor:◦You can regenerate damaged or destroyed bodily tissue with far greater speed and efficiency than an ordinary human. You can regenerate from anything, even injured tissue, brain cells, missing limbs and organs. As such, your body can take a tremendous amount of punishment before succumbing to death. Gunshot and stab wounds, cuts, and broken bones can perfectly heal in a few minutes.

•Enhanced immunity:◦Your body neutralizes all detrimental contaminants making you immune to all poisons, toxins, venom's, viruses, bacteria, diseases, disorders, parasites, allergen, radiations, mind control, body possession, telepathy, etc.

•Decelerated aging:◦Your body will never go beyond your prime, allowing you to retain your physical prowess, health, vitality and youthful appearance indefinitely. This ultimately makes you immune to natural death.

•Immortality:◦Your regenerative capabilities make you virtually immortal.

•Adaption:◦He can automatically adapt to any environment, situation, enemy, etc, and survive anything.

•Limited Precognitive Visions:◦You possess a precognitive sense that lets you see into the immediate future. This allows you to react to any oncoming attacks against you and to counter them accordingly.

•Future Probability Cognition:◦Your mind intuitively catalogs an infinite number of details and information, and assembles those details into flawlessly accurate probability assessments, allowing you to perceive the probability of events happening. Using this ability, you can intuitively plan, analyze, and take action with absolute efficiency without conscious thought or effort, always executing the optimal solution automatically in any situation. Thus allowing you to always intuitively understand what's going to happen and how to deal with it.

•Optionally, you may receive Deathstroke's experience and skill.

•Optionally, you may receive Deathstroke's equipment, including his suit and promethium swords. This does not include the Godkiller.

•Optionally, you may choose to receive any of the following people as your companions. You can pick as many as you want. The relationship between you and them is whatever you want it to be, and you can choose exactly how romantically and sexually experienced they are. This can be different for each of the characters but they will all be irrevocably loyal to you.◦Raven.



◦Selina Kyle/Catwoman.

◦Harleen/Harley Quinn.

◦Pamela Isley/Poison Ivy.



◦Diana/Wonder Woman.

◦Donna Troy.

◦Dinah Laurel Lance/Black Canary.


◦Cassandra Cain.

◦Shayera Hol/Hawkgirl.

◦Talia al'Ghul.


◦Any other character from the DC universe.

•Optionally, you may at any time choose to take a one way trip into the world of DC, or a variation of it. This can be any alternate universe, like a fanfic or a universe made perfectly for yourself. You can either simply be dropped in or reincarnated into the body of an existing character or someone new.