
Messing With The Anime Multiverse

Previous Title- “Reborn In Naruto With My Girlfriend” —- A ‘modern’ couple with a sadistic and twisted outlook towards life committed suicide after completing their revenge and destroying their home town. The next thing that happened to them was something they never imagined. Chosen by the ROB to live a life in Naruto world with five wishes each? Sweet, right? Things start to change after a while when the ROB states his reason for reincarnating them as they're thrown between the multiverse, messing up various plots and doing as they please. .... Note- This fic is pure nonsense, so don't read it. If you do and trash talk, shove a pole up your ass. It's a Naruto only fic for around 35 chapters. They are psychopaths, so don't expect them to do something normal. Some of you might even find them weird and stuff. They're pure evil, manipulators. They have a tragic backstory, but they know what they are doing. Not like hypocrites who blame everything they did on their past or how life treated them. And no, they don't want redemption. The world they are from is different from ours. It'll be revealed as the story continues. I don’t own any character except the OCs. https://discord.gg/ADpke5DWdF

Pastlives · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
67 Chs


"You had a lot of fun, didn't you?" Sakumo said with a smirk while looking at me.

I just shrugged my shoulders and pointed toward the guy tied up, "What are we gonna do with him?"

" It's not our problem, our mission was to rescue the team and escort them back to the village. This isn't a part of our mission." Sakumo shrugged, but to us, it looked like he was just being lazy.

"Whatever, let's leave the Land of Lightning first and then we'll take a break," Sakumo said and then picked up the traitor like a rag doll. 'Nostalgic.'

After travelling for a day, we reached the border of the Land of Fire so we decided to take a break. While the three of us were fine, the others weren't.

Everyone was having lunch while Mikasa dragged me away from the group. Sakumo didn't bother to ask us where we are going and just said to return before an hour.

After we were far enough from the group, Mikasa turned toward me before giving me a black cloth.

"What's this?" I asked, curious.

"Just drop some of your blood on it," she said.

I bit my finger and before it could even bleed, the wound disappeared. 'Troublesome.' I thought before dropping some of my blood on the cloth.

As my blood touched the cloth, it wrapped around me like a cloak.

[Ding! Assassin's Cloak equipped]

[Assassin's Cloak


(a) Will regenerate automatically when damaged.

(b) Will change in size according to the user's demand.

(c) Can be unequipped with a thought.

(d) Can change colour.

(e) Will clean itself automatically.

(f)Can reduce the user's presence by 10%

(g)Can keep the user's body temperature normal.]

I looked at Mikasa again, she was wearing a similar cloak. I didn't say anything, just went ahead and gave her a deep kiss. 'How long will it take for us to grow up.' I thought as it's getting harder to control myself.

{A/N- Fret not child, it'll be soon}

We returned to the location where everyone was, Sakumo raised an eyebrow looking at both of us, our bodies covered in a black cloak.

"What's with the look?" Sakumo asked.

"It looks cool," I said.

The main reason for the cloak was to hide the fact that we don't use hand seals. Although it's not impossible for people to ignore hand seals, it's certainly impossible for 5-year-old kids. In the previous 'battle', we did use hand seals to make sure no one gets suspicious.

"You guys have weird taste," Sakumo said while shaking his head. Not long after that, we resumed our journey back to Konoha.

It took us a total of nine days to complete the mission. After entering the main gate of the village Sakumo told us to go home while he'll report the mission to the Hokage.

After walking for a while, we reached the Uchiha clan's compound. They went straight to Mikasa's house. The moment they entered, Mikasa was assaulted by Mikoto, she hugged her while rubbing her face with Mikasa's.

Misaka appeared before separating her two daughters, which wasn't easy. Mikasa looked bothered but I knew she wasn't bothered by Mikoto now.

"Why are you wearing a cloak?" Misaka asked as she looked at us, we were both still wearing our cloaks.

"We are matching," Mikasa said with a smug smile. 'Excuse me? What about the we can't show anyone about our no hand seal trick and all?'

"Mom, Tatsuya will be staying with us for a while," Mikasa continued.

"Should I prepare a room for you or would you like to stay in Mikasa's room?" Misaka asked while looking at me. She was probably thinking that I'll be flustered by something like this and decided to tease me.

To her surprise, I said, "It's alright, I'll stay in Mikasa's room." Leaving her dumbfounded. While Mikoto was looking at me like I just looted her treasury or something.

Just as we were about to leave, the gate opened and Akito entered with a kid who looked around 14 years old wearing a Konoha headband.

This kid was Uchiha Fugaku, Fukame's son and the next head of the Uchiha clan. He looked at me with curiosity and some dissatisfaction which probably came from the fact that Mikasa was holding my hand.

"How was your mission?" Akito asked while looking at the two of us. He didn't even bother to ask about us holding hands, he probably gave up. Mikoto and Fugaku were surprised by this but didn't dare say anything since Akito ignored it.

"It was fun, we killed a bunch of clowns and traumatized a nig- another clown," I said while Mikasa nodded.

"What kind of detail is that?" Akito wasn't sure but he felt like they just created a big mess.

"You will understand in a week or so, father," Mikasa said with a mischievous smile, which again gave Akito a bad feeling.

"So why are you here?" Fugaku finally decided to speak up.

"I will be staying here for a while," I replied casually which made him frown.

Fugaku was getting more annoyed the longer he stayed here. He has known Mikoto since childhood but was never able to close the gap between them and although he didn't have any ideas about Mikasa, it still hurts his pride that the girl who treated him like a fly was so close to another guy.

'Male insecurity is a bitch, I know kid, don't worry.' I thought as I was enjoying the situation.

While I was getting ready to face slap the young master of the Uchiha clan, Akito said, "Did you tell your father before coming here?"

"He probably knows about it even without me telling him," I said as Akito nodded. There's no way the Anbu commander wouldn't be able to find out his son's whereabouts.

"Well, enjoy your stay here," Akito said as Mikasa was already dragging me towards her room while giving a 'Don't disturb me' glare to the sulking Mikoto.

We did nothing but cuddle the whole time before Misaka called us for dinner. While eating, Mikoto was continuously sending me resentful glares.

As we were about to leave, Akito said "A message arrived for you guys, go and visit Tsunade tomorrow for your test."

"Okay" I replied as I was getting dragged by Mikasa again. 'I won't run away, you know.'

We left the Uchiha compound the next morning, arriving at the place where the Senju clan stayed, though Tsunade is the only survivor so whatever. It was close to where the Uzumaki clan stayed, I noticed a bunch of people keeping tabs on the place. Must be the Anbu appointed to protect the Jinchuriki.

As we enter the gates, a big garden came into our view. There was a beautiful, blonde woman with a man who had light blue hair reaching his waist.

'Senju Tsunade and Dan Kato'

3rd person Pov-

Tsunade and Dan looked at the two kids approaching them, and they had to admit that when these kids grow up, they'll look extraordinary. But they were confused as to why they were wearing black cloaks like they are on some secret mission.

They thought it was some kind of way to look cool so they ignore it while Dan asked with a smile, "You guys are?"

"Uchiha Mikasa"

"Shiba Tatsuya"

Tsunade understood why they were here but before she could say anything she noticed that something weird was happening.

Tatsuya looked at Tsunade's bust, then turned towards Mikasa's 5-year-old chopping board. This process repeated for some time but stopped when Tatsuya noticed Dan's expression.

Dan's expression was between that of pity and worry. His eyebrows twitched, sending a message to Tatsuya, but alas, it was too late.

A punch straight in the stomach, before Tatsuya could even react, Mikasa had done what she wanted to and returned to her normal behaviour.

Although she didn't mind him wanting to have other girls, she hated being compared to someone. Be it their past life or this, it'll never change.

Tatsuya held his stomach, thinking, 'I forgot that in this world, her punches will actually hurt.'

Dan tried to help Tatsuya out but stopped after getting a 'move and you die' expression from Tsunade while thinking, 'Sorry young man, I tried.' As he prayed for Tatsuya to reach the afterlife safely.

"So you're here to become my disciple?" Tsunade asked, looking at Mikasa.

"We both are," Mikasa replied as she looked at Tatsuya who was ready back in his usual appearance.

"I see, then let's go," Tsunade said as she started moving towards the big house with Dan following her.

Arriving in a room, Tsunade placed two fish on the table and said, "Use the mystic palm technique on this fish." Dan knew kids this young couldn't have such fine chakra control, he understood that Tsunade was pushing the kids away, and he couldn't help but feel bad for them.

This was indeed Tsunade's plan, the only reason she even bothered to test these kids was that her sensei asked her to. But what happened next shocked both her and Dan.

Both fishes started to flutter around, and they succeeded. Tsunade could feel that she lived her life in vain as Dan was looking at the two as if they were monsters. While Tsunade wasn't paying attention to the kids, he noticed that their chakra control ability even surpasses Tsunade's, one of the best medical ninja in the world.

{A/N- She became more famous after being named as a legendary sanin by Hanzo}

"Do we pass?" Tatsuya asked with a smile on his face which for some reason annoyed Tsunade. Dan looked at this exchange as he thought, 'Looks like the next few years will be interesting.'

"You both pass," Tsunade said after calming down. As she said that, Mikasa got a notification from the system.

[Ding! Quest Complete]

[Reward- Medical Ninjutsu Talent]

[Extra Rewards- 35 Points]

The extra points were because they both got accepted as Tsunade's disciples rather than just Mikasa.

"By the way, who are you?" Mikasa asked, looking at Dan.

"I am Dan Kato. It's nice to meet you both." Dan said with a smile.

"Nice to meet you too," Mikasa said while Tatsuya nodded.

"Tsunade-sensei, when can we take our test for Fuinjutsu?" Tatsuya asked as he wanted to get his talent as soon as possible. There were a lot of things he wanted to try.

"You guys plan on learning Fuinjutsu as well?" Dan was surprised, as it's very rare for people to learn different skills rather than just mastering one.

"My original goal was to learn Fuinjutsu, the reason I ended up learning Mystical Palm Technique was to keep her company," 'And extra rewards.' Tatsuya said while pointing towards Mikasa, who was staring at empty air.

Tsunade tried her best to ignore the fact that his reason for becoming her disciple was to accompany Mikasa and said, "Grandma is busy with the process of selecting her successor. She'll be free after a week or so." Tsunade said.

'Successor, huh?' Both Tatsuya and Mikasa understood what she meant.

"Tsunade-sensei, when can we start our training?" Mikasa asked, she was very curious about her new talent.

"I'll first teach you chakra enhanced strength. With your chakra control, you'll be able to learn it within a few weeks or so."Tsunade said to the excited Mikasa, she always wanted to punch down walls but didn't have much time to learn it on her own. Although they both can do basic enhancement without trouble, increasing their strength enough to destroy houses with a punch was difficult.

It's been a week since they started training, while Mikasa was already at a level where she could destroy boulders with a single punch, Tatsuya gave up on the chakra enhanced strength after learning the basics to improve his control somewhat. He had a better idea.

While Tsunade and Mikasa were exchanging punches in a not so womanly manner, which neither Dan nor Tatsuya pointed out. Dan was giving taijutsu lessons to Tatsuya, and he had to admit that Tatsuya is a genius no matter the field. He asked Dan to help him with an experiment but he ended up training Tatsuya in taijutsu.

Dan was about to hit Tatsuya's chest but as the punch landed, he noticed that it didn't do any damage. He was surprised and Tatsuya used this chance to grab his hand and pin him down. Dan could've resisted but this was just a sparring session so he didn't bother.

After a while, all four of them were having lunch when Dan suddenly asked, "How did you negate my punch before?"

Tatsuya didn't plan on hiding it so he just said, "It's the same principle which Tsunade-sensei use for her chakra enhanced strength, just more complicated. You just have to release chakra out of your body at the place where the attack is going to land, but the catch is that if you use too much chakra, your body will be damaged and if you use too little, it's useless. It's like a convenient version of Hyuga's revolving heaven. As long as one can do it, they are immune to any taijutsu." 'As long as it's not Guy with Eight gates, hahaha'

"That's like having a double-edged sword," Tsunade said as she nodded. The difficult part was to guess your enemy's strength.

"And I have another way to make use of this technique," Tatsuya said as he moved away from the three.

After arriving at a distance, he activated the 'Eye of Insight' which he borrowed from Mikasa and disappeared. It wasn't a body flicker technique, but normal speed. He appeared before the three of them.

"This is another application of 'Chakra Enhanced Strength' as I call it 'Chakra Enhanced Speed'. It's also based on collecting chakra in your feet, but unlike with strength, you have to release amounts of it in a timely manner. And it's highly difficult to maintain such speed without great reflexes. If I were to say, the best thing that goes along with it is the Sharingan." Tatsuya explained as he knew even if he told them, they can at best replicate a lower version of both his techniques.

Even Mikasa can't do what he did even with her talent. Speed is doable because of the Sharingan but negating physical damage is very difficult for her. She will prefer to burn her enemies rather than do something troublesome.

"You are like a freak of nature huh," Tsunade said as Dan nodded in agreement.

"Oh, looks like Grandma is here," Tsunade said with a smile. She was close to Mito more than anyone right now.

After a minute, an old woman with maroon hair, some of which were tied in two buns, she was Mito Uzumaki, the Jinchuriki of the Nine tails.

Mito frowned upon seeing Tatsuya and Mikasa, as the Jinchuriki of the Nine tails, she could grasp someone's emotions. As she looked at the two kids in front of her she looked confused, because she couldn't read them in any way.

While she was confused, Kurama was watching the two kids through Mito's eyes, he could tell that something was stopping him from knowing anything about these two brats but he didn't give it much thought, it's not like he can just pop up and ask about it.

"It's been a while, Tsuna." Mito said with a Grandma like smile.

"Hello, Mito-sama." Dan greeted her. Mito greeted him back with a smile.

"Did you accept her as your disciple?" Mito asked while looking at Mikasa.

"Not just her, both of them," Tsunade said, shocking Mito. She knew Tsunade had a picky character, so there's no way she'd just accept anyone as a disciple. She was already interested in the kids when she heard rumours about them being the next Hashirama and Madara.

A similar scene happened as Mito was shocked when Tatsuya and Mikasa both created basic seals like they were playing. She knew that no one taught them anything, everything they learned was through reading scrolls. In the end, she accepted them as her disciples.

[Ding! Quest Complete]

[Reward: Fuinjutsu]

[Extra rewards: 35 points]

While they were having a chat, an Anbu appeared.

"What's up?" Asked Tsunade. With her status, she didn't need to be polite to anyone in the village, let alone a single Anbu.

"Tsunade-sama, the Hokage has summoned Shiba Tatsuya and Uchiha Mikasa to his office." The Anbu said before disappearing.

"I guess this is it for today," Mito said with a smile as Tatsuya and Mikasa were about to leave.

"We'll tag along," Tsunade said while dragging Dan away. Mito who saw this scene chuckled and she also left.

The four of them reached the Hokage's office and were greeted by the sight of Hiruzen, Nara Shikado, Sakumo, Fukame and Akito along with Hayate.

"If it isn't the pride of our village," Shikado said with a smile, but the veins on his forehead betrayed him.

"What happened?" Tsunade asked, it was rare to see Shikado losing his cool.

"Just look at this and you'll understand," Hayate said as he tossed a black book toward Tsunade.

Tsunade and Dan both looked at the bingo book and upon opening it, their eyes widened in surprise.

"What the heck did you two do?" Akito asked as he remembered what Mikasa said after returning from her mission.

Mikasa snatched the bingo book from Tsunade. Both Tatsuya and Mikasa simultaneously thought after reading what was written in the bingo book 'We can finally become pirates.'

<Left Page>

Name: Shiba Tatsuya

Age: 5

Affiliation: Konoha

Threat: Jonin

Rank: A

Goal: Elimination

Abilities: Lightning release, an extinct Dojutsu called Ketsuryūgan- only known ability is that it can control blood. Expert torturer.

Reward: 25 Million Ryo.

<Right Page>

Name: Uchiha Mikasa

Age: 5

Affiliation: Konoha

Threat: Jonin

Rank: A

Goal: Elimination

Abilities: Fire release, wind release, Sharingan.

Reward: 25 Million Ryo.

Summary- The two were able to dispose of a team with 5 Chunin and 2 Jonin without trouble within an hour.

"Would you like to explain how you ended up with a bounty on your head the moment you stepped out of the village?" Fukame asked, clearly irritated.

"It's not that big of a deal," Mikasa said. From her perspective, the bounty was too low.

Akito almost cursed after hearing this, but still managed to say, "Be careful when you leave the village next time, there are a lot of bounty hunters these days."

'A bounty of 25 million on our first mission, I wonder how much it'll increase after the war and when we go rogue.' Tatsuya thought.