
Mervin's Miracle Adventure


Mervin, a teen along with his seven other friends Lolita, Prash, Gautam, Banu, Suma, Marlin and Owen. 


While they were discussing about something Mervin's head struck with an amusing idea which was going out all together somewhere, Banu, Lolita, Prash, had agreed but worried whether or not their parents would allow. As the last time when they went mystery solving, it did not end well thus they were hesitant at first, later decided that nothing like that will happen this time. The last time when they had gone mystery solving, they decided to enter an abandoned mansion where once lived the mighty king and queen of Lang-glinggom. They were so excited to go in, that Prash and Lolita just rushed in without knowing that there were traps in the mansion which were still ready to be triggered by someone, while Lolita got trapped in an under ground bunker, Prash got his leg stuck in a bear trap, to save him went Marlin, he was about to be shot by a bow an arrow set on top. Owen came in running and pushed Marlin and hit the bear trap so had that it broke into 3 pieces. They were scared and worried about Lolita so they found the chute through which she was abducted and dropped in, they sent in a rope along with Banu to help her get out. Every one with the same flashbacks shouted for absolutely no reason. Though this scared them they were ready to go on an other adventure without any hesitation as they had only one week of holidays and wanted to use it in the best way possible. 

So they wanted to start discussing were to go how to convince parents and things to take with them.

Chapter One: Convincing Parents and Planning the Adventure

Though Banu, Lolita, Prash, had agreed, their parents were the main target as they had the most strict parents. Prash's idea was the silliest, as he suggested writing letters to their parents. Banu's idea was just to sneak out without their parents knowing about it, everyone disagreed as that would be very bad and if their parents find out they will definitely be punished. Lolita's idea was the best as she suggested they go and ask them, it might not work but a try will not hurt. So they all agreed and set out, starting with Mervin, as he had given the idea. It actually turned out perfect as they agreed to it as he had finished all his work, second was Gautum's turn they asked, pleaded but it didn't work so they decided to ask them again at last and moved on to Suma's house it was not what they were thinking but the answer was that they were going to their native which ended up asking them to cancel the trip to native which at first seemed dumb, and did not agree, but after a lot of pleading her parents agreed to postpone the trip to their native.

"So can we tick Mervin and Suma on the list?" Asked Lolita. "Sure" went everyone celebrating their small victory in a somewhat similar synchronizing manner. Day-1 passed, and only two of three parents had agreed which led to a bad ending of day one.


The following day was a successful day with a bad start, as Owen had stomach pain, and it abruptly started raining cats and dogs after almost a year which casted a shadow on their plans. 

While half of the day went in caring for Owen, Marlin seemed to have gotten lost in thoughts on where to go and how to go. Banu came in running after hearing what was happening he suggested going to the cinemas or some mall or solve a myst...."Yes that's right lets solve a mystery L..llikke something very scary", added Owen. As if on cue, his stomach ache disappeared without a trace. "Lets hold off on making a decision now", Said Suma.

The rest of the day unfolded with success as each parent gave their approval for the adventure, except Gautam's. They were eager to include him, but Gautam suggested staying behind while they went ahead. However, they refused to leave him out and hurried to his house. The sound of their enthusiastic knocking echoed through the neighborhood as they eagerly awaited for the response.. His mom and dad opened the door, and before anyone could say a word, his mom chimed in, 'Yes, yes, you can go. We just had a word about it and we're okay with it.' Silence fell over the group as they exchanged surprised glances, amazed at how quickly his parents seemed to have guessed their purpose of visiting. As day two ended, they had all they needed to start the discussion on the next day on where to go. 


This was the most fun day as they had secret and moody spot to discuss where to go, they had a list of ideas like mall, mystery solving, cinemas, trip to somewhere far, etc. Out of all these the most suggested one was the mystery solving.

It was set they had made their mind for the holidays and started packing their bags, with the required cloths, and not the things for they adventure as they were yet to discuss where to go.

While they were packing their bags at home everyone's parents asked them where they were going to go, they were shocked as they did not tell them where they were going.

Silence embarked on, stuttering they replied we are going on to solve a mystery, what mystery asked the parents. They had no idea as they were yet to find what mystery to solve. They told not yet decided, 'fine just let me know' said their parents.

The third day was the most tense day as every one breaking their head's to find out where to go which lead to flash backs of what happened last time and every one started feeling out of sorts.

Day three was about to end but at the last minute,

"The Ominous Station!!" exclaimed Marlin.

"Ahhh finally", sighed Owen, "lets go inform our parents" said Prash.