
Merlin's Heiress.

Reincarnated in a new world for some purpose, what is it? She doesn't know, but she knows she will save anyone who doesn't deserve their fate. Do you think she made it? Find out by reading this story. + Reverse Harem - Harry Potter - TVD/TO - Teen Wolf - Twilight - Avengers - Percy Jackson - ..... This story does not belong to me. @YeniseGonzlez It's a translation.

Azeneth2523 · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
6 Chs

Chapter Two - Announcement

It's been a year since I was born, so by now Voldy must be about to kill the Potters, (This guy hasn't paid any attention to me!!! I feel annoyed) in this time I have found that these people are crazy, except Cissy, I don't know why, but I like her.

And I have ended up proving that my "mother" is crazy, that woman throws the crucios and tortures people in my face, I believe she is Bellatrix's sister, one more reason why I am not going to save her, insane.

Right now we are sitting in the living room all of us from the day of my birth, and there is also Wormtail and Snape, yes I met him, and I like the guy too, I don't know if it's his sarcasm or sincerity when offending, but I like him, too bad when he starts annoying Harry it's over.

Right now they are arguing about how they will defeat the Potters and Dumbledore. Pff, as if they can do anything against that lord because come on, Albus Dumbledore is not that he is a saint of my devotion, but I don't dislike him either.

I couldn't help and a giggle came out, luckily being a baby they didn't take me seriously, and I slowly started to say several words, too bad I can't do magic without a wand, otherwise, I would have sent them a few crucio's to the Voldy or even an Avada to get out of it fast.

Barty came over to my little chair and laughed at me. I just frowned and pouted is he making fun of me?

- "What are you laughing at, midget?" - He said.

- "Barty leave my princess alone if you don't want me to throw a crucio at you" - Said Lina.

- "Ja princess? She looks more like a troll with a frown on her face" - He said laughing.

'Stupid! How dare you laugh at me, even if I can't throw it, I'll say it to get even.'

- "Ucio! Ucio!!!" - I shouted, although in my mind it was crucio, but what can you do?

What everyone in the room did not expect, including the baby, was for Barty to fall to the floor writhing in pain and for the little girl with her blue eyes sparkling like lightning.

After a few seconds he recovered from the pain and to add fuel to the fire I started to laugh.

- "Lina, did your daughter just throw a crucio at me" - Said Barty, astonished and annoyed.

- "Well, at least we know she's your daughter, a fan of that curse" - Said Snape, smiling sideways.

- "What an... interesting girl" - Said Voldy and everyone looked at him in amazement, he never mentioned anything about the girl, in fact, he hadn't even held her.

- "Thank you, dear, she will be a very powerful wizard, just like her ancestors" - Said Lina.

'Yes, she dreams about that crazy thing with the crucios'.

- "Tell me who her godfather is, Lina" - He said looking at me.

'I don't like the way he is looking at me, I feel like I am an experiment'.

- "I was going to choose Lucius master" - She said and I looked at the blond. 'No, no, no, no, if the blond raises me I will have to live with the younger blond and listen to them talking garbage'.

- "It's not necessary, MY daughter doesn't need one" - He said and if it hadn't been because everyone was sitting down they would have fallen.

'Don't lie, the reptile face doesn't want me to have a godfather? He's going to die. WHO WILL PERMIT ME TO GO TO HOGSMEADE IN THE THIRD YEAR!!!?!?'

- "It's a good thing dear, our daughter doesn't need that, everyone will be her servants" - She said and I looked at her with a poker face, if I didn't have to hold myself not to fall I would have given myself a facepalm.

He came up to me and carried me.

Oops I see his eyes, they are red, I never noticed that before, he walked to a place and sat me on the floor near his snake.


- "Look Nagini, this is my daughter, come closer" - He said and the snake came closer.

- "It's little master"

It's obvious that I'm little, I'm a baby, - Answered the baby to the snake...wait, the snake? Do I speak Parseltongue? I stared at the snake and suddenly hugged it.

Everyone's eyes widened, Lina tried to get up, but Voldemort stopped her and to everyone's surprise, he burst out laughing.

- "She's like me, she speaks Parseltongue, the first woman in history to speak it" - He said cheerfully.

- "Are you sure, Master?" - Said Bella.

- "Are you calling me a liar, Bellatrix?" - He said seriously.

- "Not at all, master, it's just that I'm surprised" - She said, frightened.

- "Master, but the little one is not only a descendant of Salazar Slytherin"- She said, surprising him.

- "What do you mean Nagini?" - He said.

- "We snakes recognize the heirs, their power is even older than that" - She said confidently.

- "You are an impressive little girl, you will be a great wizard, perhaps even greater than me" - Said the dark wizard to himself.

The days passed and Voldy was nowhere to be seen, he must have gone with the Potters and disappeared, so the first act of the saga is about to begin.

Everything was relatively quiet until we started to hear screams and explosions, I sat in the middle of the crib and waited for someone to come in and get me.

But when the door opened I saw the two people I least thought would be there, it was the Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge, and Albus Dumbledore himself.

When they saw me they opened their eyes as if they did not expect to see me, they approached slowly and carefully until they were in front of me.

- "And this child Albus?" - Said the minister.

- "I don't know Cornelius, I didn't know she was here" - He said in surprise.

- "Whose daughter is she?" - Asked the other.

- "Let's see, here's her name, Cara Riddle Grindelwald" - He said astonished and looking at me. 'Believe me, Albus, when I found out, I felt the same way'.

- "Oh by Merlin, she's the heiress of the two richest families in the magical world!!! and family of the two most dangerous dark wizards" - Exclaimed Cornelius, frightened and impressed.

- "And the poor thing was left without parents, who will be her godfather? Maybe he'll take care of her" - Said Albus.

'Yeah... I don't think my godfather could, since well... I don't have one'.

- "There must be... aha, there are presents here" - Said Fudge.

- "Let me see, 'To the greatest wizard that ever lived and the princess of the purebloods, with love your father....'" - He didn't finish speaking.

- "You-Know-Who wrote that? And who's the godfather?" - He shouted.

- "Apparently, she doesn't have one" - He said in astonishment.

- "So what are we going to do with her now?" - He asked.

- "I know what I will do, leave it in my hands, and don't worry" - He said and took me in his arms.

- "I hope so my friend, good luck" - He said and left.

- "Now you and I will take a trip to your next home" - He said.

We disappeared from there to appear in a street very familiar to me.