
Merlin's Heiress.

Reincarnated in a new world for some purpose, what is it? She doesn't know, but she knows she will save anyone who doesn't deserve their fate. Do you think she made it? Find out by reading this story. + Reverse Harem - Harry Potter - TVD/TO - Teen Wolf - Twilight - Avengers - Percy Jackson - ..... This story does not belong to me. @YeniseGonzlez It's a translation.

Azeneth2523 · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
6 Chs

Chapter Four - Magic World

Harry and I were asleep in the cupboard, well I was awake waiting for 'Aunt' Petunia to call us for her fat, obnoxious son's birthday, and like heaven hears my calls, there she was.

- "Wake up!" - She shouted.

- "We are," - Said Harry.

- "Hurry up, it's my Dudly's birthday today and everything has to be perfect."

- "Hiy is il bitiday of mi Didli" - I mock her up and Harry covered his mouth so as not to laugh.

- "Did they say something?" - She said annoyed.

- "No, not at all" - We both said at the same time.

- "Well, hurry up," - She said and left.

- "Oh my god I need to get out of this place or I'll end up committing murder," - I said annoyed.

- "Calm down Cara, you know we have to hold on," - He said calmly.

- "I know Harry, but I promise you that one day I will relate to them for everything they have done to us," - I said annoyed.

- "Of that, I have no doubt, but now let's go out," - He said.

We both went out of the cupboard and went to the kitchen to make breakfast for our "uncles", Summer was bossing and bossing, don't they get tired, I would get bored, Pff who am I kidding, obviously not.

When we were finishing, the mini walrus came down, I can't stand him, if I could I would throw a crucio at him so that he would learn not to mess with others.

I can't complain too much about me though, he only annoyed me one day, after I hit him and threw an obliviate at him he never did it again, and at school, they don't pick on me as much since most of them say I'm beautiful (which I know I am) and that we'll be a couple and I don't know how much more stupidity, which I ignore them and besides Harry gets into the "jealous and overprotective brother" pose.

When I came out of my world I saw that the walrus had already made a fuss about his presents, his mother calmed him down and now the older walrus was threatening us not to do anything weird in the zoo.

- "If I see anything strange, no matter how small, I will leave you both in the cupboard for a week without eating anything, understood?" - He said 'threateningly'.

- "Yes, Uncle Vernon," - Said Harry and I at the same time.

- "Agg don't do that" - Said Petunia.

- "Sorry Aunt Petunia" - We said the same and she opened her eyes.

I just laughed internally, it's super easy to scare Aunt Petunia, Vernon, and his stupid son, they're like volcanoes waiting to explode. Plus with the legeremancy and occlumency I've learned it's too easy to see what they're thinking and what makes them hysterical, and like any prankster, I can't resist cashing in on all the ones they do to us.

We were already in the car on our way to the zoo, until Harry started talking about his dream of a flying car, to which our "uncles" turned around in fright and I had to bite my tongue to keep from laughing at the look on their faces.

When we arrived we started to look at the animals, I moved away from the others and approached a tiger.

- "Hello beautiful" - I spoke and he looked at me.

- "Do you understand what I am saying?" - He said.

- "That's right, I understand the animals, you're bored, aren't you?" - I said and saw his sad look.

- "That's right, but I can't do anything," - He said.

- "I will help you, I will send you to your homes, when you see that there is no barrier run to the square and tell the others" - I said smiling.

- "Thank you, thank you," - He said, jumping up and down.

- "You're welcome, bye" - I said goodbye.

I went with Harry to the section of the snakes, he approached to see one that was sleeping and when he saw this, the lesser walrus got bored and Harry started to talk.

I approached an Australian python and spoke.

- "You're bored here, aren't you?" - The snake raised its head and nodded - "How about getting out of here and going home?" - He nodded again - "Well, when you see the snake in front of that boy come out, you will too, then go to the square and you will go back home, bye beautiful."

I waited looking at the other snakes and reptiles until I felt Dudley's scream, when I did it I closed my eyes and opened them making them shine, and then the screams were more, all the animals had come out of their cages and I only followed them with my eyes, when I felt that they were together, I pronounced very weakly.

- "Renove" - And each animal returned to its home.

When I saw Harry being taken away I went to where they were and smiled faintly at my brother, because yes, he was my brother, and be careful who is going to hurt him.

When we got home, Vernon put us both in the cupboard and shouted I don't know how many things I didn't pay attention, I turned to Harry when he closed everything, of his stomach roared and turned red, I looked through the things and took out four apples, he hugged me and we started to eat.

A few days had passed and they had already taken us out of the cupboard, everything was normal until that useless Dudley took the letters from Harry that were for him and me, Vernon turned pale and Petunia the same, and from that day on Harry and I were ordered to go up to the room that is for Dudley's toys.

But as I knew that wouldn't work, the letters kept coming, to such an extent that the two unbearable people decided to move to a place that I don't even know where it is.

Today was Harry's birthday and mine, because yes, even though we're not siblings, we were born on the same day, we were both sitting in the living room when there was a bang on the door.

We both ran and hid, but as my curiosity got the better of me I poked my head in and there was Hagrid.

- "Who do you think you are, barging in like that?" - Vernon shouted.

- "Ah, why don't you make some tea? It's been a long journey." - Said Hagrid calmly.

- "Who's that? What are you doing here? I'm armed," - He said, still shouting, and I rolled my eyes.

- "I'm here on behalf of Hogwarts, looking for the Potter twins," - He said.

- "We didn't answer the letters because neither of them are going, they're both going to normal schools," - He said angrily.

- "I don't care if you have an opinion, you stupid muggle, where are they?" - He said again.

- "We're here," - Said Harry and I at the same time and he looked at us with his eyes shining.

- "Oh, you're both so big," - He said.

- "Go away, this is trespassing" - He said with his rifle held high.

- "Shut up you fool," - He took his rifle and folded it in half.

- "Who are you?" - Said Harry.

- "Oh right, I'm Rubeus Hagrid, Keeper of the Hogwarts Keys and Grounds, oh by the way it's not every day you turn 11, I brought you something," - He said holding out a cake that said 'Congratulations Cara and Harry'.

- "Thank you very much Hagrid" - We said at the same time.

Vernon and Petunia were so pale they looked like vampires, and I saw Dudley try to eat the cake until Vernon ordered him not to eat any.

- "Well, as I told you, I'm Keeper of Keys and Grounds of Hogwarts, so I guess you know all about Hogwarts," - He said.

- "Sorry, but..." - Said Harry.

- "We don't know anything, we're sorry," - I finished.

- "Sorry?" - Said Hagrid, looking at the Dursleys who were hiding - "they're the ones who should be apologizing! I knew they weren't getting the letters but I couldn't imagine that they didn't know about Hogwarts! Didn't they ever wonder where their parents learned it all from?"

- "What?" - We asked.

- "WHAT?" - Hagrid shouted - "Wait a second."

Hagrid was furious, I could feel the anger emanating from his body, he approached the Dursleys and spoke.

- "Are you going to tell me?" - He said angrily looking at us - "that these children? don't know anything, about ANYTHING."

- "We know, we can do the maths," - We said and he looked at us.

- "I mean our world. My world. Your world. Your parents' world."

- "What world?" - We spoke again at the same time.

- "DURSLEY!" - He said angrily.

Vernon was pale and muttering things, Hagrid angrily turned to us, come to think of it, quite a performance, as I'm not really the daughter of the Potters.

- "But you have to know about your parents," - He said, - "I mean they're famous... you are."

- "Famous? Really?" - We said again.

The discussion went on, the Dursleys forbade him to talk to us about anything to do with magic, when they mentioned the accident, Harry and I shouted and not believing it was possible, Hagrid's anger rose.

Pff and not to mention when Vernon called Dumbledore a crazy old man, and I had to cover my mouth at that moment when Dudley grew a pigtail.

After Hagrid cleared everything up, he handed us the letter, we both read it and smiled at each other and before anyone else could speak, we were out of there with Hagrid heading for Diagon Alley.