
The Plan

Malavia's POV.

"So you two!" I started, floating up behind them and putting my arms around their shoulders, "You're the ones that have to babysit me?" I asked them with a smile, "That would be us, yes..." Gloom answered with an unsure tone.

They looked at me pretty weirdly, "Okay look, I understand that it's a little unsettling to be in the presence of the daughter of literally the absolute highest divine power... So that's the reason I changed to a table for three, let's go eat out!" I invited.

They gave eachother a look before Shimmer answered "Yeah, okay, what time and where?" She finished with the question, "Right now actually, I'll teleport us there." I reassured as I snapped my fingers and teleported to the restaurant.

"...Is this a mexic-" Shimmer was saying, but I interrupted "No Mexico here." I reminded, "Menagerian?" She questioned and I made a so-so sign.

Going to get our seat, I called over a waiter, "We'll have three of everything on the menu." I requested, surprising Shimmer, but not Gloom, "I guess as leader of a secret society, you should be able to afford that..." She rationalized.

"I'm surprised that you ordered all that! Who's going to eat it?" Shimmer questioned, "Us, who else?" I questioned back, "We can't eat that much thought!" She pointed out, and even Gloom looked surprised at that, "...I can just remove the food from my stomach, and you two can flush it." I reminded.

When I said flushed, Shimmer just looked more confused, "Okay, let me explain, it'll take just a moment." Gloom told Shimmer as she started explaining.

A Few Minutes Later.

"And that's what 'flushing' means." Gloom finished, at which moment Shimmer's hair glowed for a second, "Wow, I feel empty."She commented, "Exactly, now let's eat and we'll talk business back at the hideout." I say as I start digging into my plates.

Shimmer's POV.

When we got back to the hideout, Malavia proceeded to give us a document, "...I can't read..." I say with a flush in my cheeks, "I'll get it..." Gloom said as she started reading, "...So your target acutally is Jacques... but why are you telling us this?" She questioned, "Well, I heard that the bastard has been attacking Teyvat, and I thought it might be in your best iterest to get rid of him." Malavia explained.

Hearing that got a laugh out of me, "Oh I'd do it even if he didn't attack Teyvat! So what's the plan?" I asked, "Hold on, is this guy really so bad?" Gloom asked, to which I looked at her like 'are you for real' and Malavia just gave her a folder, and after reading it, "Let's do it." Gloom agreed.

"Okay, the plan is pretty simple: Thanks to my inside agents, I discovered that Jacques has been sending troops to attack Teyvat, and with that, I discovered you two, I know the Fatui have been taking prisoners, meaning that you have information Gloom, while you Shimmer, you lead a nation, you got power, Jacques would never say to to a meeting with you" Malavia explained.

I listen to what Malavia is saying intently, "And when at the meeting, I make him sign a contract that if I can prove he has been sending troops to attack Teyvat, I will have the right to execute him and he pardons me for killing him, and since the arrogant fool will never think I can prove it, he'll sign it it with no complaints." I continued for Malavia.

"And then if I promise the prisoners to let them go unharmed if they spill the beans, he'll have no way to defend himself, since it's not only suspicious that they wer in Teyvat in the first place, but they'll also be singing like birds! Leaving him no way to escape the consequences of his hubris!" Gloom concluded.

Malavia started laughing as we finished detailing the plan for her, "Great minds do think alike!" She exclaimed in glee, "Also this! Ironwood is in on it!" She revealed, "He'll help all the involved parties move." She explained.

With that information, we nodded at eachother and shook hands, "You'll know where to find us when it's time to set the plan in motion." I tell her, "Just make sure to warn us when the time comes so I can tell my guys that you're here on my behalf." Gloom pointed out, "Will do, will do." Malavia reassured, teleporting us back to Dvalin and Venti.

"Woah! That's new!" The Archon noted, "Not us." Gloom corrected, "We're ready to go back to Teyvat." She told him, "You seem like you've had a good time." Venti commented, "Oh all of Teyvat will have a good time..." I say maliciously with a mischievous giggle.