"Hey, you've been reincarnated." "Really? Why?" "You died before your time." "What does that mean?" "Long story, and usually there is something special for that, but I need to have a retirement system for them cause there's a little too many." "So what am I supposed to do now?" "Just live your life in the world you'll be sent to." "Oh... In that case... I'LL MAKE MY OWN NATION!!" "WHAT!?!?"
[A thing to note before this chapter starts, I'll stop using the system since honestly I can't really find myself writing with it in mind, so I'll replace it with something else, the previous chapters were also changed to reflect this decision.]
Kaeya got closer to inspect the cut in the wall, "That sword is meant for practice, it's not that sharp, yet somehow you managed to do this..." He muttered, "Hey Sibley! This remind you of anyone?" He asked the Divine Fury.
At that question, Sibley thought about it for a moment, "It does, but I'm not sure who..." She said with genuine uncertainty.
Seeing how her partner seemed completely clueless, Akemi decided to intervene, "It's Gloom, she's the same as Gloom." She said twice to make it clear.
"Gloom?" Shimmer repeated questioningly, "Who's Gloom?" She asked, wondering if it was actually a person or an item of some kind.
"Gloom is another person from our world that got reincarnated like you." Sibley explained, remembering the other girl, "She arrived two months ago, and has very similar characteristics to you." Saying that made Sibley smile a bit.
Shimmer noticed the smile, "You seem... Fond of her." She commented, "I guess you've been talking a lot?" She asked, taking that as the giveaway.
That questioned made Sibley giggle, "No, we don't really talk that much." She corrected, "It's just that she's... So simple." She said, "You have the ambition of making a whole Nation while she chose to own a meadery in Snezhnaya." She explained, thinking of how tasty the mead she makes is.
"Right she owns Snowflake Meadery." Kaeya remembered, "If I'm not misremembering, Diluc and her share production methods, some batches are clearly different than others." He brought up.
Sibley nodded at that, "That's her alright." She confirmed, "She could probably teach you some things." She suggested, knowing Gloom has more knowledge about stuff.
"Hmm... Yeah alright." Shimmer agreed, "Hold on isn't she in Snezhnaya" She asked, noting they said that earlier, "That far away!" She pointed out, not needing to ask Seraphim to know.
In response Akemi just shoved Shimmer to Sibley, who grabbed her and teleported away, "Not even a 'bye', really?" He said disappointed, but not really surprised.
Snowflake Meadery.
Here we see a girl that's on the entirey opposite side of the spectrum compared to Shimmer sorting bottles on a shelf, dressed in a black shirt with blue details and a large slit in the middle, making it look like a giant eye and short shorts, her eyes dark and ominous and her hair short colored with shades of purple, black and pink.
She stopped sorting bottles when she saw someone teleport in the middle of the room, "What do you want Si-" She was saying, knowing already who it was, but stopped the sight of the unknown, white colored girl.
"Heya Gloom!" Sibley greeted, seeing the slightly shorter girl, "Got someone here I thought you might be interested in meeting!" She said, pushing Shimmer towards Gloom before teleporting away.
Gloom facepalmed when Sibley left, "That damned Divine Fury..." She muttered before looking at Shimmer, "Who are you?" She asked.
"I'm Shimmer!" She introduced herself, "And judging from what Sibley said, you must be Gloom." She deduced pretty quickly.
Instead of answering, Gloom walked around Shimmer, looking her up and down, "You're reincarnated too right?" She asked.
"This individual is indeed anther reincarnation." A voice sounded out from Gloom's mind, instantly making Shimmer think of Seraphim.
"Thank you Asmodeus." Gloom said, not really sounding genuine, "I guess Sibley wants me to show you the ropes?" She deduced.
"She said you could at least..." Shimmer confirmed before taking a good look at Gloom, "Aren't you cold?" She asked, motioning all over Gloom, "Your clothes look pretty... Thin." She pointed out, making Gloom look at her weirdly.
Giving Shimmer another once over, Gloom took a deep breath, "You got this short sleeved top that shows your midriff, an incredibly short skirt and not even socks." She pointed out, prompting Shimmer to give herself a look.
Without waiting for an answer, "Look, I can teach you stuff, but first I need to finish here." Gloom said, "If you can help that would be faster." She pointed out, wanting to finish quicker.
"Fuck it, I'm in." Shimmer agreed, "What do I need to do?" She asked getting Gloom to start explaining the sorting system she uses.
Half an Hour After They Finished.
"And that's how you raise your divine power." Gloom finished explaining, "Any questions?" She asked, ready to answer anything.
Shimmer thought about it, "Since I can raise my divine power, does that mean I can become a God?" She asked.
This question caught Gloom off guard, "Yes, but I'm honestly not that interested in it." She explained.
With that, they thought they were done with the lesson, but they both felt something within them clashing with eachother.
This sensation lead to this discussion, "Heeeh? Why? Because you can't do it?" Shimmer asked, "What? Of course I can." Gloom said with a raised eyebrow, "Then why won't you do it?" Shimmer asked, her expression becoming more derisive, "Cause I don't want to." Gloom repeated, her face now showing annoyance, "That sounds like the lamest excuse ever to justify that you can't!" Shimmer accused, getting Gloom angry, "I can do it! And I can do it way better than you ever could!" She challenged, "Oh is that so!?" Shimmer questioned, her face showing a mix of smugness and anger, "Oh it is so!" Gloom confirmed, "Then why don't we make it a challenge you purple haired bastard!?" Shimmer exclaimed, "Alright! The one who does it first wins!" Gloom exclaimed, "Deal!" Shimmer said before heading for the door.
Opening the door to get out, Childe got in while Shimmer went away, "...What... Was that?" Childe asked, having heard some of the discussion.
Gloom snapped out of the weird trance, "I'm... Not sure... Something just... Snapped." She explained, not really sure herself.
"So you'll call off the challenge?" Childe asked, "You know, cause technically you weren't thinking straight when setting it?" He pointed out.
"No." Gloom negated, "Thinking straight or not, I want to show that white haired idiot who's in charge." She explained, wanting to bring it to a decisive end.