
Reincarnated And I Strive For Greateness!

A guy woke up somewhere, not remember how he got there, "Where am I?" He asked no one, not expecting a response from just the whitest of voids.

"You died." A voice actually answered from behind him causing him to quickly turn around and see a small girl with glowing hair and eyes, "Did I scare you?" She asked, "It always happens." She waved it off as if it was nothing.

Still looking at the girl, the guy could only ask "Who the hell are you?" He asked with a confused look at seeing the seemingly little girl.

The 'little girl' clapped her hand, "I'm Shiva Samba! The God of Gods!" She introduced herself, "As I said, you died!" She explained simply, "And since you died before your time you will-" She was about to continue her explanation, but the guy interruted.

"I died and the Goddess I meet is a child!?" He exclaimed surprising Shiva Samba, "I was expecting a curvy bombshell at the very least!" He lamented outloud.

This outburst made Shiva Samba quite offended, "YOU DIED AND THAT'S WHAT BOTHERS YOU!?" She yelled feeling slightly offended by that.

At this the guy shrugged, "Sorry, it's just that with implication of 'God' I would expect something much more... Incredible." He apologize, but not really in the eyes of Shiva Samba.

"Alright, you want a curvy bomshell? Here you go!" The Goddess exclaimed, transforming the guy into a woman, her hair white reaching below her butt, her eyes white too, a slim body, with a white crop top and a white short skirt, and like she promised, breasts as big as watermelons.

The now woman looked herself over to see how she changed, "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME!?" She lamented in a panic.

Shiva Samba crossed her arms and looked at the now woman with smirk, "That'll be the body you get reincarnated in! Better get used to it!" She informed as she snapped her fingers, causing the woman to disappear.


Suddenly appearing in the middle of the forest, the woman felt like she fell a little, "Guess I learned not to mess with Gods now..." She thought to herself, "...Nah, I'll keep pissing them off." She decided with an evil smile.

As she looked around, a prompt suddenly appeared in front of her, "Please insert a name to be used in your new life." It read.

"It's just like a system in an isekai..." She muttered while thinking of what to write, looking at herself to get ideas she wondered, "Uhh... Shhhhhhimmm- Yeah, Yeah, Shimmer." She told the prompt causing te name to appear on it and then the request changed.

Reading the new prompt it said "Please insert the objective you want to follow during your new life." And this time, Shimmer was pretty shocked.

The request was absolutely unexected, "My... Objective?" Shimmer said unsure of what to even think, she didn't think that this was literally her life now, building a completely new one from zero, "I... I don't know..." She admitted.

After that the prompt disappeared and a voice started talking in her head, "Hello Shimmer, I'm Seraphim, your guide in this world." It stated, slightly freaking Shimmer out, "This world was created after Shiva Samba decided to fuse her creations." It explained, "You can learn everything from each of these worlds, even how to become a God, think of how that makes you feel and go from there." It instructed, wanting to help brainstorm.

"Yes..." Shimmer said with a smile on her face, "I am feeling great!" She said outloud, "I feel like I could do anything!!" She exclaimed in excitement, "I know precisely what I want to do! I want to do something amazing! I'll... I'll make my own Nation!!" She exclaimed.

Finally she knew what she wanted to do, now the only thing she needed to do is figure where she is, "If I had a guess..." She thought before focusing on her thoughts, "Seraphim, can you show me a map?" She requested, prompting a map to actually appear in in her mind, "Okay so I'm in... Wolvendom?" She wondered confused, "Isn't that an area in Genshin Impact?" She muttered to herself.

Shimmer decided to check out something and began moving the map over to Inazuma, "This is where Teyvat's map usually stops..." She then moved further and ended up somewhere completely new, "V-Vale?" She said, confused at an area from RWBY being there.

"Maybe I should have asked for an explanation before anything else..." Shimmer realized, trying to think of the best course of action.