
Meeting With a Harbringer

"Hey Sibley." Shimmer called out catching the Divine Fury's attention, "Since when does Dawn Winery have a second structure?" She asked, pointing to a building slightly smaller than the Winery.

Noticing this, Sibley snapped her fingers having remembered that it was there, "Right, Diona's father died of... Alcohol poisoning..." She revealed with a slight frown.

Hearing that made Shimmer sulk slightly, "Wait, what does that have to do with this?" She asked, wondering what the correlation was.

Akemi made a hand motion to catch Shimmer's attention, "Long story short, Diluc adopted Diona after that, and after seeing how good she is at making juice, he opened Dawn Juicery for her to run, and now she's just as influential in the juice industry as Diluc is in the wine industry." She explained.

"Diluc a father." Shimmer said, imagining what it would be like to have that man as a parent, "Honestly it doesn't sound that bad." She admitted.

Sibley gave a shrug at that, "He's not that bad honestly." She commented, "I will admit he and Diona didn't get that well along at first, but when they discovered their mutual hate for alcohol, they really hit it off as father and daughter." She recalled.

The three kept talking as they headed inside the winery, but Shimmer froze when she saw the particular sight of Diluc chatting with Arlecchino as if she wasn't a higher up of a group he hated with all his heart.

Having seen Sibley, Diluc and Arlecchino greeted her and then noticed Shimmer, "You must be a friend Sibley I presume." Arlecchino guessed.

Shimmer didn't reply since it was an Harbringer talking to her, and it made Sibley laugh, "You'll have to forgive her, she only as updated as twenty years ago." She explained to the two.

"Twenty years ago...?" Diluc repeated confused before understanding it, "Oh! When the Fatui were considered as a criminal group still." He said in realization.

Hearing that, Arlecchino got it too, "You don't have to worry, after Celestia was destroyed, the Fatui took a turn." She reassured the shorter girl.

This made Shimmer lower her guard slightly and talk a little more casual, "Speaking of twenty years, you seriously don't show them." She complimented them.

Sibley chuckled at that, "That's what I said when I first realized that!" She told her, "No seriously! look!" Sibley said, preojecting images of Diluc and Arlecchino twenty years earlier besides the actual ones.

"...You two are having fun with this aren't you?" Diluc scowled at the two reincarnated persons in front of him, "Seriously, one was already a handful, we just needed another..." He lamented as he facepalmed.

At that Shimmer put her hands behind the back of her head, "You're about as pleasant as I expected." She told the red haired man, "Anyways, I came here caue I was hoping you could vouche for me to get into Mondstadt." She explained her request.

This information made everyone, even Akemi look at Shimmer awkwardly, "Wow... That's... Erm..." The spirit stuttered, not knowing how to word it.

Hearing the stutter got Shimmer confused, "What's wrong?" She asked, having noticed everyone's awkward looks.

"...I could have vouched for you..." Sibley revealed, prompting Shimmer to slam her forehead against the wall, leavig an indentation, along with a bit of blood, "That's about what I expected." She commented, trying to wipe off the blood from the wall.

Shimmer rubbed the spot she slammed against the wall, "Not that this was unpleasant, but... I would have wanted to waste a little less time doing this..." She clarified.

The fact Shimmer wanted to enter Mondstadt, made Arlecchino slightly curious, "It sounds like you came to this world only recently, why do you want to enter the City of Freedom so badly?" She asked.

"I want to take pointers." Shimmer stated, not giving any other information, only furthering her newly met friends curiosity.

"Pointers for what exactly?" Diluc questioned, now feeling a bit suspicious, that Jacques guy already put on a friendly face before throwing it away insulting his adoptive daughter for having cat ears, this could be a similar instance.

This question made Shimmer smile proudly, "I want to take pointer to build my own nation!" She proclaimed smugly, shocking them, and as if things weren't shocking enough, Sibley asked how long she's been in this world, "A few hours." Shimmer responded as if it wasn't a big deal.

Surprising everyone, Diluc started clapping, "I have to give it to you, you've got conviction." He complimented with a slight smirk.

"Coming from you? That means more than you think." Shimmer replied, "Believe me when I say this, it means so so much." She said putting a hand on her chest, actually feeling touched.

Sibley decided to take a moment to write a voucher for Shimmer to use, "Here you go, this should be enough for the guards to let you in." she told the white haired girl.

Taking the voucher, Shimmer thanked Sibley and went away while waving bye at them, "I have to say, she's quite hot." Akemi commented.

There was a slight pause at that, "I have to agree with that honestly." Sibley admitted before turning to Diluc, "By the way, can I hang out with Diona today?" She requested.

"Do you still have that folder filled with pictures of her?" Diluc asked back and was met by silence, "Then you should know my answer." He said in response to the question.