4 days after the attempted invasion.
"I still can't believe you're really leaving..." Weiss told Winter as she helped pack her things up, "I mean, I know it's duty, but its still weird..." She clarified, knowing that now they will be in less contact than before.
Winter looked at Weiss and smiled before hugging her, "Don't worry Weiss." She reassured, "With this arrangement the General said that making travel between Remnant and Fearere legal will take a lot less time." She explained.
Hearing that made Weiss sigh in relief, "That's good to hear." She said, "By the way you seem... Incredibly cheerful." She noted, "Are the benefits at the Guild that good?" she asked, thinking that as the reason.
This question made Winter laugh, "No, no, I mean, they are good, but that's not it." She corrected, "Keep an eye on the news and you'll find out." She instructed.
Later that day.
"What do you think it is she wants you to see?" Blake asked her white colored teammate, "If you can figure it out that means it must be something you wanted to happen." She pointed out.
Ruby sat besides Weiss, muching on a piece of raw meat, which she has been having a craving for ever since , "You think it has anything to do with your father trying to invade Fearere?" She suggested.
"Oh then we would have hit the Jacques-pot cause traveling there is illegal! Imagine invading it!" Yang laughed at the thought of hat pompous prick being behind bars.
That suggestion made Blake smile, "I know a lot of people that would be really happy about that." She commented despite knowing that was rather unlikely.
That suggestion made Weiss sigh, "Unfortunately father knows how pull strings, so for him to be arrested a miracle wou-" She was saying, but the TV interrupted.
"Breaking news! Jacques Schnee CEO of the SDC has been arrested for breaking the temporary no crossing law, carrying out unlawful business practices, attempted blackmail and endangering his workes by not giving them proper safety equipment." The reported listed, causing all of Team RWBY to look with open jaws.
White Fang HQ.
"It has also been found through investigation that he has also been voluntarily endangering his Faunus workers and even branding a few of them." The reporter added.
Looking at the screen Adam chuckled, "He's actually in prison!" He exclaimed with a bright smile, "I can't believe it! He's actually getting what he deserves!" He cheered, making Sienna sigh.
"His wife, Willow Schnee, and his son Whitley Schnee have also said that they are going to testify against him in court on the grounds of him being a shit human being." The reporter continued, making both Adam and Sienna look in shock.
Branwen Tribe.
Raven found herself frozen reading the newspaper, "Have you noticed it too Vernal?" She asked her right hand girl.
"The Grimm have been awfully quiet." Vernal responded, "Salem must be planning something very big." She deduced, almost reading Raven's thoughts.
The Branwen leader nodded her head at that, "It's not a stretch to think that while people are busy talking about this 'new world', she's preparing some big attack." She explained, "Then there is the scarier possibility, in which she wants to replicate the creatures from that world which are apparently much more dangerous than the Grimm..." She added, knowing that that was the worse option.
Ironwood is on his scroll, talking to Winter, "Good job Specia- I mean, Winter." He quickly corrected himself, still not being used to the sudden change.
"It's really no problem General." Winter reassured, "Even if I'm in another world, protecting my home is still one of my main objectives." She explained.
"Honestly I should have realized he was going to try something stupid the moment he met Lena." Ironwood admitted, "Although I did learn a few insults to call him." He looked at the bright side.
Winter laughed at that, "You'll have to tell me a few, but also, who's going to be in charge of the SDC now?" She asked, wondering how that would work out.
A moment of silence later, "Willow Schnee says she is capable of running it probably even better than Jacques ever could." He informed.
"That makes sense." Winter agreed, "Mother did say she was taught how to be in charge of companies in case the one she got married to wasn't capable of doing so." She explained.
"That's good to know." Ironwood responded, "But now I got another thing on my hands, so we'll have to talk another time." He excused himself.
On the other side of the line Winter sighed, "Just how it goes in the military." She commented, "Can't wait to hear from you again General." She said.
"You too Winter." Ironwood replied before they both hang up, allowing Ironwood to look at the one sitting in his office.
Leader of the Terror Tribe.
Name: Henshe Rego.
Species: Meseri-Transper.
Age: 24 (His world's years.)
Appearence: Body: Caramel skin with red spots, reptilian green eyes, transparent hair, tall, very very thin. Clothes: Bandaged arms, striped pelt jacket and pants.
"So I think we can discuss your end of the deal." Henshe said, "It wasn't easy to delete all the blackmail that guy had on you you know?" He informed with a sly smile.
Ironwood sighed, "I know it couldn't have been easy, but it was the only way I could have possibly dealt with him with no repercussions." He explained, "So what does Akira need in exchange for this?" He asked.