
Sam's gut feeling

Sam would still keep up his guard even when they were at their base. As admirable as that was, it sometimes irked the others, but apart from mocking him, there was nothing else they could do as Sam trained like a beast, making him a monster in hand-to-hand combat.

His record of battling the captain to a stalemate curtailed any nefarious thoughts, as they could only grumble.

But the huge man was different. He openly mocks Sam and still eats at the same table with him. Their strange friendship couldn't be replicated, as the huge man was also a good soldier. In short, he was one of their best.

Despite his boisterous character, once he holds his rifle, the huge man shows a different part, a more scary part that had given him respect.

Everyone in the Anti nightmare regiment are monsters in their way, but even amongst monsters, there were levels.
