
Merged Soul: Reincarnated in a Dark World

This is the age where science has gone beyond it's boundaries, where humans have tapped into their origins and awakened unique DNA structures altering their race, however, all these great achievements were in the past... Years ago, abominable creatures called Nightmares were unleashed into the universe and galactic civilizations fell to their destructive might. Finally approaching the Black Eye galaxy, they nestled in a world called Xon, waiting for the prime moment to devour it. However, an enigma appears. Derek, a man who has spent four lifetimes seeking vengeance against the Nightmares is reborn once again. This was his final reincarnation but his memories were in shambles. Follow Derek as he embarks on an a perilous mission in a new world while being the only survivor of the great age!

Silver_smile · ไซไฟ
496 Chs

Murderous teleporter

The door slid open and two men rushed in, their eyes clashing with Derek's as they saw the corpse of their comrade. 

Derek quickly identified those tattoos. 'Shield guards' he mused internally, while watching both men, Derek folded his sleeve up to his elbow.

He could see the distorted faces of both men when they saw their comrade clawed to death. With unrestrained rage, they both rushed toward him, but they had missed something.

Who owned those claws? They had looked round but nothing here could match those claw wounds, that was because Daniel reduced to his small form and hid. When the two men faced Derek, he revealed himself.

"GRRR" With a reverberating growl, Daniel sunk his fangs into the first man's neck and shook his head, tearing the soft flesh as the man's windpipe was torn apart in seconds.