
Chapter 68

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Darby stepped out of the shower to silence. She wasn’t sure what she was expecting, but for some reason, she had anticipated a discussion between Mathias and just about anyone would be heated and loud. He even managed to rile Edmund who was likely one of the most even-tempered people she had ever known. Being greeted by quiet, then, was disconcerting.

Did they have another fight?That was possible. Mathias could have pushed too many buttons and stormed off. Or Edmund could have retreated to the bedroom to lick his wounds. Or maybe they hadn’t talked at all. Maybe Edmund was hard at work on the computer, trying to find more clues about Mathias’ demented ex, while Mat did…

What exactly did Mat do when he wasn’t being annoying and in your face?

The memory of how he had felt bowed behind her, buried in her ass while Edmund moved beneath her, flushed her skin even further. She really hoped they worked things out. She wanted a repeat performance sometime very, very soon.