
Chapter 20

“I haven’t thought that far ahead,” Edmund said. “This wasn’t why I came over.”

Darby retreated another step. Wariness began to overwhelm the dazed gleam in her eyes. “Then why did you come over?”

“The reason Mathias is in town.” Before she moved beyond his reach, Edmund took her wrist and led her back to the couch, nudging her to sit down as he took a seat on the coffee table opposite her. “He wanted to warn me that somebody we used to know, someone who tried to ruin our lives more than once, is in town.”

She waited a moment and then shrugged. “So? What’s that got to do with me?”

“It means you’re in danger. You saw the scars on Mat’s face? Those are new. They tried to kill him, and now they’re here, gunning for me. Which puts you directly in the line of fire.”

“A few hours ago, you were telling me to consider Mat Larsen dangerous. Now you’re believing every word that comes out of his mouth and running scared? Make up your mind, Edmund. You can’t have it both ways.”