
Merchant Magicians

Five children, whose lives and dreams were shaken by a disastrous event that led to the destruction of a city, met coincidentally one day, each with their own dreams and aspirations leading them to become a merchant - in a world that's full of magic. They form their own company, and use their respective talents to overcome the odds stacked against them. It doesn't always goes well - magic can only solve so many problems. And it can definitely not solve problems created by their own minds.

Sicatho · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs


The red hot sky screamed as the two monstrous beings clashed in midair. Actually, monstrous would be an understatement. These two beings were each more powerful than everything on the land and in the seas. Indeed, the city below could be mistaken for a scene from Armageddon. Pillars of smoke rose from the thousands of buildings on fire, while the citizens either were on the street, running for their lives to find somewhere for cover, or were huddled away, simply praying to survive. The streets - where kids used to run around in, where their parents bought merchandise, where friends used to walk around, where lovers met, where festivities occurred - were all covered in ash, and corpses. What did they do wrong? Why were their homes burning, children dying, animals being slaughtered? Was there any rhyme or reason to this chaos?

"Thou shalt be destroyed, sinner!" rang a voice from above all the chaos.

It came from one of the beings. A brilliant figure with wings as white as the stars, and a golden aura surrounding it. It donned a white robe, had an almost snakelike, muscular white skin, and it had a bowl cut blond hair. It held a spear made of gold in its right hand and a shield made of gold in its left. The addressee was a muscular being with slightly tan skin, and with an black aura of darkness cloaking its legs, torso, hands and feet, as well as pitch black wings that were seemingly made up of the darkness itself. It had a long face covered by its long black hair, which flapped wildly in the air. It held two long, curved sword-like objects in both of its hands, except that it was difficult to perceive them because of the dark fire surrounding them.

The addressee then replied with a smirk. "And how do you, oh angel, justify the destruction of a city?"

"They are necessary sacrifices for the destruction of a calamity." the angel like being said coldly.

The angel-like being then pulled its arm back and thrust its spear at the torso of the dark being. The darkness momentarily blocked the power of the spear, but it got quickly overcome by it, and the spear then embedded itself in the dark being's chest. Before the dark being could react, the angel being had already grabbed his head, then continued its attack by slamming it on the ground, where charred rocks and boulders came flying out, leaving a large crater, with the two beings at the center. The angel-like being then grabbed its spear out of the torso of the dark being, and drew its arm back once more. However, ropes of darkness flew out of the spear, and wrapped around the angel being, restraining it. The dark being kicked out, and the angel-like being staggered off of it. The dark being then crossed its arms out in front of it, and spread them out. Several thousands of small black orbs emerged from seemingly nowhere, surrounding the angel being. Just as the black orbs were about to converge onto the angel being, the angel-like being slammed its spear onto the ground, destroying the ropes with a flash of light. Then, it wove its shield from its right to the left, and a barrier was created, not only blocking the black orbs, but reflecting them away from it. The orbs flew out, and destroyed anything in their paths, before each of them exploded at the same time, causing the ground to shudder, and leaving indiscriminate destruction where they landed.

"Your petty tricks shall not work on me!" the angel being snapped.

The dark being, seeing that it was outmatched, then flew up and away from its opponent, as another spear was thrown at it. It dodged midair by dropping its altitude, and flew low to the ground, dodging waves of attacks - fireballs, torrents of water, and beams of light.

Finally, a single dense beam of light struck the wing of the dark being, and it crashed into the street, carving straight through the stone and dirt, leaving a trail of debris as it slammed through structures made of stone and wood. The dark being opened its eyes to a piercing light above, and let out a harsh laugh. It knew that the angel-like being was preparing its final strike.

"Now you will die!" the angel like being declared.

"You're too late!" the dark being shouted, "My spell is now ready!"

And with that, the dark being slammed its fist onto the ground, and purple light converged around it. As the light brightened, the symbols causing it became visible. This was a magic circle that encompassed the entirety of the newly burned city. Any survivors would not live through what would happen next.

From miles and miles away, a purple light could be seen stretching up through the heavens, with seemingly no end to its height. It was a light of pure magic energy caused by the magic circle. That day, about a million people died and a crater with a radius of about 250 miles and evenly forty feet deep was created.

How did you like the prolouge? It isn't much so far, and honestly I'm so bust that I probably won't update if I see little interest in my story, so please leave a comment and critisism! It lets me know you guys care and that I should actually spend time out of my busy schedule to care too! This is also very beta version of my story, so it needs work. But I need your help to do so! Thanks for making it this far!

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