
Mercenary (Asoiaf)

Aaron Snow is reincarnated in the world of ice and fire. Born with immense talent in combat and magic he makes a way in the world. Eventually impacting it in a huge way.

Ash_D_Born · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
22 Chs

Current Stats

Name: Aaron SnowStark (first of his house) bastard of House Rogarè.

Appearance: Brown hair with purple eyes. 6'2 . Very handsome

Spouse: Ashara SnowStark neè Dayne

Children: Lysara Snowstark (282AC), Brandon Snowstark(282AC), Arin Snowstark of Yharnam(280AC), Orion Snowstark(284AC)

House: Snow Stark

Banner: A black raven with yellow eyes on a purple field.

House words: Keep moving forward.

Liege Lord: Lord Stark

Castle : Formerly Sea Dragon Point/ Now Winterhold.

Number of peasant: 12000

Number of levies : 6587

Number of ships: 64

Skills: Sword skills on par with Arthur Dayne with him having a slight edge due to strength.

Dual wields (Ambidextrous)

Warging: 10 bonds but able to temporarily bond with about 50 ravens for a limited time. The ten bonds don't need to be warged anymore as they have a telepathic connection so they can feel his intentions.

Greenseer: Dreams of the past in bits and pieces.

Great mastery over the ability to control the cold, making ice constructs, cold winds and others with the added bonus of protection from cold.

Magic runes using First Man Runes and Valyrian Glyphs.

House Sword: Lady Calypso the black blade.