

Trisia had to stand in front of the fence of her mother's house, the sun was starting to heat up. Making her lips even drier, at this time she couldn't buy food. the money is just enough to buy one glass of mineral water, she didn't have any money more. Several times she looked down a highway, hoping her mother's car would be back soon. But apparently not, the seconds that Trisia is currently going through are quite heavy. She was no longer able to stand, she could only sit in front of the fence of her mother's house.

Shall I tell you a beautiful story? The story where my body feels comfortable while sleeping, then there is one hand stroking my hair lovingly. My eyes, which were very sleepy at that time, looked at the hand. I saw the smile of my father, who was singing me goodnight again. Then I fell asleep and thought if the world, this is perfect. But it turns out that this beautiful story has a time, I think the world is only limited to going to school and going home. But apparently not, that life turned out to be a battlefield. Whoever is able to survive will win, then those who are not able to survive will suffer. In the end, all that's left is your body and soul, with that I have to survive with the burden that always makes my heart hurt because of the pain.

Trisia finally didn't realize that she had fallen asleep, while waiting for her mother to return home. In the midst of a very deep sleep, she had to be awakened again by raindrops. As it started to descend, Trisia started to look up at the sky. It turned out that she had been asleep for a long time, the sky where there was still sun. By now it had become very dark, the roar and glare of lightning had begun to frighten him. Right now she didn't know where to take shelter when it was going to rain, she soon looked back at the road. Seen there were two luxury cars that came, it turned out to be his mother and stepfather. Her mother looks incredulous, if her daughter is currently still waiting in front of her house faithfully. Though her mother was very hopeful, when she came home from work. This easy woman, should not exist anymore.

"You are still here?" asked her mother at this time who only opened the window of her car.

"Mom, at this time I was just alone no longer having a family. I don't know how to survive, I came to you because you are my only family. If you throw me out too I will starve to death," Trisia said to her mother.

"Then?" said her mother at this time who didn't seem to care about him.

"Does that have anything to do with me?"

"Mom, from your manner and speech. Are you going to kick me out too?" Trisia asked, now starting to look resigned.

"According to you?"

"Why did you come here? Can't you come to another place. Was it your father who told you to come here to blackmail me?" said his mother.

"Mom, now dad is gone. Right now I'm alone, I don't know what to do. I have no goals anymore."

It wasn't long before a girl his age had just got out of a black Ferrari. The teenage girl, got out of her father's car.

"Mom why don't you come in?" said this girl.

Hearing what her stepdaughter was currently saying, this old woman started loading her car into the trunk of her house. This easy girl doesn't know Trisia, she looks confused when Trisia looks at her stepmother's eyes full of tears.

"Who are you?" asked the girl politely.

"I am my mother's child, whom you currently call mama. She is my biological mother," Trisia replied.

The father of this easy girl after he finished parking his car in the yard, he started to come back to tell his daughter to come in.

"Alia, what's wrong? Come on in, you don't see it's going to rain soon," the old man called out lovingly.

"Does papa know this woman? She said she was mama's girl," said Alia asking her father.

"Who are you?" asked the old man looking confused looking at Trisia.

"She's a nobody, just a crazy girl. Don't mind him, it's about to rain. Now let's just go in," said her mother at this time without any pity.

Then the father and son entered their house and left Trisia, who is currently still faithfully standing in front of the house fence. Trisia is now starting to drop her tears again, nothing to expect. Her mother didn't even want to look at her daughter, at this time Trisia felt very disappointed with the bad treatment her mother had done to her. Disappointed, she could only walk and return to her house, looking back several times hoping that her mother would stop her footsteps. But that hope, will never come true. Trisia finally had to leave feeling empty, it turned out that her intention was to visit her mother. It wasn't the right decision, but in the end she knew one thing. In the world she currently lives in, there are a lot of thorns. To get past the thorns, he had to be able to endure the pain. And today, he understands if he has to stand alone. No one will come to help him, just relying on yourself is the best decision


Three months after her father left, Trisia is now getting used to being alone. By now, he was capable enough to stand without a crutch. In the last three months, Trisia has spent her time working to make a living at a small shop in Jakarta. The salary is not much, only hundreds of thousands. But enough to continue her life, for these three months. Trisia has been able to get up little by little from her slump, in her life, which still needs education, Trisia instead has to work to survive. After all, no school is willing to accept himself. But he is still grateful, because he can survive to live.