
Memories of Nobody

Not your average romance story. A thrilling journey of love, loss, love triangles, villains, dark secrets, restoration and romance of course! Roxanne Jonas, a stubborn but promising young woman who struggles with her mental health coupled with the fact that she has no memory of her life beyond the past year. Ethan Alexander Hernández, a wealthy and handsome man who tries to cope with the rejection and me receives from his family by drowning himself in excessive alcohol consumption, sets himself up to marry Maria Elvis Richmond -- the daughter of a fellow CEO. These two lead their own difficult lives, trying to escape from the overwhelming burdens they carry. At their lowest moments, they finally meet in a most unusual fashion. Though their first contact with each other is brief, it automatically binds them together as later on the product of their first moments together is revealed -- A Marriage Contract! With the two of them forced into a union which must be kept hidden from the public eye. They must now cope with each other's problems while still dealing with their own personal relationships. EXCERPT. "What do you mean?" "What I mean Ethan is that i can't live with a man who i am not married to." Maria snapped at me, her face flushed with emotion. This was the first time she had ever raised her voice at me. I could tell she was hurting. "So what do you want me to do?" Though i asked, a part of me already had a clue as to what she might say. "A divorce. I want you to divorce her so-." "I can't" I quickly cut her off. "Why not? Is there some law which says you can't?!" Maria paused. Her body trembling with rage," For God sake you were drunk Ethan! So was she! You have enough reason to get.-" "That's not what I meant." "Then what do you mean?" I didn't understand it myself. I had no idea what had come over me, but the flame. It burned deep inside my chest. I had to understand what it meant. "I want to feel it." "Feel what Ethan? You're not making any sense!" "I'm not stupid. Even though I was drunk i still had some Sense. There's no way i could have married her if i didn't have a reason. If i didn't feel something." "What are you trying to say to me Ethan." Maria slowly approached me, tears dripping down her face. I looked away from her, i didn't want my gaze to meet hers. I knew what i was doing wasn't right, i just couldn't stop myself. I had to find out what happened that night. "What I'm trying to say is that. I need to feel it. I need to understand what i felt for her that made me marry her. I need to understand that feeling and until i get that... I can't divorce her." "What?" "I'm sorry Maria." I knew i had hurt her, i knew what i was doing was wrong. But there was nothing more i could do. My mind was made up.

CrimsonAngel_99 · สมัยใหม่
33 Chs

I don't remember.

You trust me don't you?

Mm. With everything I have.

Good. Just grab my hand...

And never let go.

You have what it takes to set me free.

You could mean everything to me.



"Roxi! Roxi! Stay with me!"

What was happening?

"Put her on the gurney."

I head Annie's voice in the distance. But it was so noisy. I felt surrounded by people. So many hands touching me.

"We have to stop the bleeding!"

Bleeding? Blood? Who was bleeding? Me? I was untouchable some moments ago. How come?

"Put pressure!"

"She's loosing a lot of blood!"

"Inform the hospital, we need blood, Stat!"

What was happening? Were was I?

'Youve really done it this time Roxanne.'




"Sir! Sir!"

"Sir get up, please."

"Uhhh." I groaned loudly, before turning on my side. There was too much noise.

"I heard you the first time Andrew." I stated before placing a pillow over my head.

"Oh thank God. He's okay."

"Oh thank God."

Huh? How many people were in my room? I swiftly lifted my body off my bed. Opening my eyes, i was surrounded.

"What are you all doing in here?" I questioned. All my domestic staff and Andrew were in my room, staring at me with looks of despair. Did someone die?

"We've been waiting for you to wake up Sir." Andrew answered.


"After I found you on the street i -."


"Wo wo wo, go back a sec. Street? You found me where?"

"Street Sir. After you left the party, we conducted a search for you. We searched every nook and cranny of the hotel but you weren't there. About two hours later, a search patrol called and said they had found you on a side walk opposite the courthouse. Thankfully we were able to get you without the media getting involved." Andrew explained. Still none of it made any sense to me. 'What was i doing out on the street?'

"Where. Ahh!" I was cut off by a nasty headache which suddenly erupted round my head. It sent me into a daze.

"Here you go Sir." Andrew supported me. He placed a glass in my hand. "For your hangover Sir.".


"How do I have a hangover?"

"I don't know either Sir. However, a random breath test was conducted on you. You were in the red zone."

Nothing made sense to me at that point. Street? Hangover? Test? I couldn't remember any of that. I decided to leave those and focusmy attention to my room was so crowded.

"Why is everyone in here?"

"Oh i forgot. You may come in!" Andrew yelled. Suddenly, a group of sharply dressed men and women walked into my room. The domestic staff all gave way for them as they approached my bed. They stopped right Infront of me. "This is your damage control team Sir." Andrew stated with a smile.

"Damage control?"

"Yes Sir. We had already commenced work repairing the damage done by your father's letter."

"Letter?" Oh that's right. I almost forgot about the letter my dad sent.

"That's right Sir. We have been on our toes round the clock. So far we have been able to shut down the tabloids spreading propaganda about you." Andrew started. He stood up then gave a knowing look to one of the men. Immediately, the man responded by opening up the briefcase he held in his hand. From it, he brought out a document then handed it over to Andrew, who inturn gave it to me. "We have been able to convince 65 percent of the shareholders who pulled out from your companies Sir. With our favour growing in the stock market, some of your partners have requested another deal with your companies Sir."

"I see." I studied the document scrupulously. It contained details of my companies shares, past and existing partners and all other details pertaining to yesterday's event.

"Sir." Andrew paused. "Sir, Elvis has also requested a meeting with you concerning your marriage with his daughter. He wants to reschedule another.-"

"Cancel it." I may have forgotten a lot from yesterday. But how could I possibly forget the embarrassment that old fool caused me?!

"Sir I'd love it if you reconsidered." Andrew piped up. Of course he would. "This has nothing to do with me Sir. But with the position we are currently in, we need the strength from Elvis's company and his connection." That was a valid point though.

"When do you suggest we get married?"

"A week's time Sir."

"A week?"

"Yes. It will bring favourable publicity and show the world that you are unfazed by your father's letter."

"Hm." I thought long and hard about it. I know i may have been convinced about it before, but now, I questioned myself if i was really ready to spend the rest of my life with a woman i had no feelings for. "Fine a week it is." I waved off my worries. My companies were far more important than my personal feelings.



"Roxi are you okay?" Annie called out to me. My head felt heavy, like i had slammed into a brick wall.


"It's okay don't get up." She gently pushed me back unto the bed. "How do you feel?" My eyes were heavy but through my lashes i peaked around. I was in a hospital, beside my bed was a heart monitor. There was some bandage wrapped round my left wrist and an IV line connected to my right.

"What happened?" I mumbled. I felt incredibly weak. I was drained.

"Why didn't you just wait for me?" Annie sobbed. "How did you get outside of the hotel?"


"Good morning Miss Roxanne Jonas." A doctor walked in. "How are you feeling?"

"Everything hurts." I muttered. "What happened to me?"

"Well it's a miracle you survived, with the amount of blood you lost. We had no idea you had haemophilia." He chuckled, "Honestly you're one lucky girl."

"Haemophilia? What's that? And how did i get it?"

"Well it-."

"Don't worry doctor I'll explain to her later. She needs some rest." Annie cut the doctor off as she gently stroked my arm.

"You're right. Do well to inform me if anything happens." He bid us farewell before leaving.

"Annie w-what's happening? Am i dying? This isn't our hospital where am I?"

"Shh, just rest. This was the nearest hospital to the hotel. And you're not dying." She tried to laugh.

"What happened to me Annie?"

"I should be asking you that. How did you get outside in the first place?"

"i don't know." I tried to look back, but everything was foggy in my head. The last thing I remembered was Annie leaving me to find, "Andrew! Where is he?"

"He's fine, he's at work. Apparently his boss got drunk. No surprise there." She rolled her eyes. Annie fluffed my pillow then sat me up on the bed. I felt uncomfortable so i tried to arrange my hair. That's when i felt something.

"What's this." I asked as i felt something like a bandage wrapped around my head. "Why is it on my head?"

"Don't touch that." Annie gently pulled my hand away from my head. What was happening? Why was everyone acting so weird? Why was i in pain all over?

"Annie i don't understand anything. Please explain to me." I pleaded, concern filling every inch of me.

Annie sighed deeply, she looked at me for some time. Finally she decided to speak. She sighed once more.

"You got hit by a car."

Hi guys. So sorry i took so long to update, i had to sort out some personal issues. But I'm back now with lots of updates. Enjoy

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