
Memories Of A Shattered Dream

Each person possesses a life bar unique to them. Once the bar is done, they die. The same went for me, but instead of starting a new life on Earth, I was thrown into a completely different dimension. I woke up possessing the body of Louie Aldene, a boy that was supposed to die. With the help of the store owner and his friend, I finally began to get accustomed to my new life. The future was looking peaceful, until I found out that I was inside a novel. [The Forgotten One] The main protagonist of [The Forgotten One] turned into an anti-hero character due to certain reasons. He later embarked on a killing spree, ultimately becoming one of the greatest threats to the safety of the worlds. I just wanted to live my numbered life peacefully. To ensure that I wouldn't get caught in the crossfire, I chose to never encounter him. Unfortunately for me, it's not just the crazy protagonist I needed to hide from. ~~ English is not my first language, so sorry if you find any mistakes. ~~ The arts on the cover is not mine, all rights reserved to the original creators.

Glitter_Trash · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs


Black vastness greeted me the moment I opened my eyes.

I remember, I was eating my dinner peacefully when the house collapsed on me. Luckily, it was just me during that time.

Am I dead?

Well, I should be, a whole furnished story crashed into me.

I tried looking around when I found out that I couldn't move.

It was as if I was floating in a frozen state. I tried real hard to somehow move, but it was not possible.

I was getting irritated by the second when a horrible thought crossed my mind.

My cat!

She is alright, right?

The thought alone terrified me.

I don't remember seeing her around when the house fell. I think I saw her in my neighbor's house right before dinner.

My neighbour was an old lady who used to live alone. Sometimes, to keep her company, I used to visit her with my cat. She should still be with her.

I'm so sorry ajumma but please take care of Yuna for me.

As I was praying for the cause, a bright light almost blinded me.

When I opened my eyes for the first time it was dark, so I didn't mind having no control over them, but now the brightness is making me tear up.

It wasn't for long, but the darkness came back and some strange dark matter flew in front of me.

It looked as if it was dancing, but I'm practically blind without my glasses so don't trust me on it.

[I've been waiting for a long time, choosen one]

Is what I expected it to say based on all the web novels I've read, but my information as a reader betrayed me.

[I've been waiting for too long, you foolish mortal]

Should I be offended?

[You should not be concerned with your situation right now, just listen to me. I can't maintain this space for long]

The matter started wriggling as it spoke furiously.

[When you open your eyes do not be taken by the environment, but confirm if you have a book in your hand, if not then you are better off dead. Secondly, never trust anyone until you confirm that they are trustworthy.]

It stopped for a moment before continuing.

[Third, if someone tries to take you somewhere by saying "I've been waiting" or other deceiving words, just run in the opposite direction. Have you memorized the instructions?]

It's all very confusing, but I think it's better to remember everything. It can be helpful.

The blob lets out a sound as if it was sighing. It got closer to my face till it was touching my cheeks.

I don't want to be rude and but I don't want this to touch me.

[I want you to give me a name the next time we meet. You better come up with a something good or I won't help you even if you beg.]

Name? And what does it mean by next time? Am I going to die even after my death?

As it finished speaking, I noticed that my eyes have been getting blurry by the second. I began to panic, but the words of the blob took my attention.

[I am sorry for all that you have endured and I…]

The blob's words faded as my vision became more blurry.

I felt something in me breaking down as I remembered it's word. I want to know what it said next.

My irritation was reaching its point when suddenly a searing pain overwhelmed me.


I can speak now, but instead of being happy about it, the pain made me start tearing up.

I opened my eyes.

What are those white and black things?

As I squinted very hard, I found out that they were trees.

These ones are quite different from what I've seen my entire life. Rather than having green leaves, they have white leaves and black trunks.

The sunlight streaming through the trees would have been very captivating, if it was not for my missing glasses.

Am I in hell or heaven? I can't feel any heat so maybe heaven? But isn't heaven supposed to be beautiful?

Then I remembered the blob's instructions.

The book!

I moved my hand slightly and my fingers hit a smooth, hard surface.

Based on my experience of obsessing over hardcover mangas and light novels, this is a book.

I pulled it up and held it tightly in my arms, trying to ignore the pain that was slowly escalating.

My poor sight worsened amd I felt myself getting light-hearted.

I can't pass out now.

That crazy blob, never told me I'd have to suffer like this!

It felt like every muscle in my body was slowly being torn apart. Never mind running, I can't even sit up.

Cursing the blob loud in my head, I lost conscious.

Hey there beautiful folks!

If you find any mistakes in my chapter please comment it and let me know.

Hope you are having a wonderful day.


Glitter_Trashcreators' thoughts