


Yesterday as we were in our way back home we came across 'Vein village'. A small village that is located on the egg of hayge river, so we decided to stay for the night.

Letter on that day as we enjoy dinner. Michael asked questions to Zack, so Zack started talking about his country. He said ge is from another country called Canada I think he said it is called by that name.

"Canada is one of the best country's in the world" he said with pride in his voice.

Such country does not even exist. What is wrong with him I think he Findlay lost it because he is in some kind of emotional drama or something like that.

Anyway according to him he slept at the year 2017, and woke up here not knowing what's is wrong or what happened.

To put it in more understandable way we are all either just a dream or he was summoned to the past(his words).

For him to claim that he is from the future is just rubbish and fabricated lie it makes my blood boiled.

To make matters even worse he claims that people "fly" what a funny world. He has absolutely going crazy.

"We have airplane that can take people and fly, a cellphone that you talk to people across the world..." Oh really next he should say that he is a son of a king or something.

I would rather sleep than listen to him, so I left, and now I am all along in my room. Is kind a un convertible with all the thinks that have happened lately.

But at list this place Isn't the worst place I will tell you. This village, and it people are great, they remind me of my own home. It must feel great to have some where to belong to.

As someone who is always running hiding,  and has to be loyal to the man who killed my mother, and hide from him at the same time. My life is quite bad, for good or bad.

After that the Commander comes in with an stranger that he found in the middle of the jungle, and says he is going with us, even though Zack guy can't even fight.

Over that I still haven't figured out about the man in chains. Who was he? And what was he about to do. If Michael didn't mess up the plan I would have now.

Roll over

"If source thy power can see me, give me strength to kill my enemies" my father used to recite this oath before going to battle. I realy don't know why he did it or what it does, but from time to time I recite it as well.

If this was a dream(soft laugh), and someone comes to a wake me up, I would give the world for that. If this is all a bad dream.... yawn...Roll over. I would kill to get out...

At the same time, Zack room.

Walking in Circles...

I can sleep it feels like I am already sleeping, so how I can I sleep.... is this some kind of bad dream or mybe is one those fantasy worlds where a main character is teleported to another world .  Am I the main character. 

"Can't sleep?" I freeze and turn around slowly dropping my blinked.

Nop forget about all of that main character load of crap I think this is just  a crazy dream... eternal ... maybe the main character idea is better.

"Oh is you Michael what are you doing here?" I ask him.

He jumped from the window were he was sitting, and start walking toward me then grab my shoulders and says dramatically.

"I can't sleep I need your help do you no anything that's fun we can do?"

Is he drunk wait is he even a allowed to drink. 

"Say something?" "I need help"

What came over him? "Let's explore the village" that is the best thing I could have came up with.

"Not a bad idea" he says, "great were to start"

We went out exploring as we planned. The village was magnificent,fascinating. We went from shop to shop buying something eating different foods taking upon  different challenges

Lucky us the villagers were having a festival tonight, and every shop was presenting something, new games, new food all sorts of things.

I even won a sword by playing Archery game, but Michael won a white scarf with mix blue and gold horizontal and vertical lines design in it.

"This feels like a date" he almost lost balance

"Whaattt" he sounds suprise, I mean think about it. If I am the main character then my charm is getting to him as we speak, right.

"Are you insane or you're just weird"

"No I am not.  Is just happened to be that I am the  main character, and the rest of you are support characters right? Oh I am not in to guys I just said that to get reaction from you, and to find out if you people know of something called dating" that was one long speech I need to breath.

"I guess you are crazy, and what  are you talking about. Main character and support characters are you writing a book" 

"And future boy, thinks like men with men are punished, burn by the stick...." Oh sh***  "Suprise huh, and by the way such think as dating isn't know to us. It most be some sort of weird ritual your people have" Is not a ritual,Sigh...

We left to get some sleep after long night of fun. As we were walking down the the streets Michael jumps with a question.

"I got good question, where did you learn Archery?"

"Hmm.... at High school" I answer. "High School? What is that? A name of an organization" he asked.

At that moment I was like what.. I forgot that we are in a midieval time, What a phonetic world "You don't  know what a High school is?" I was shocked.

"Mm... no I don't" he says. "Well high school is the last level of education before college and university, and is a place of learning not an organization name".

I thought he was with me, but the guy is lost thinking about what collage and university are. "What's collage and unversity?" He asked me.

"Okay I learn Archery from my teacher, and I Learned for fun not for killing okay" he nodes his head then we continue our walk.

"Archery isn't for fun. Is a weapon of mass destruction, and by becoming an archer you agree to kill, so if you know how to kill you should know how to safe" What a weird guy he can totally became a poet if he keeps on speaking like that.

"That is how I was thought" weapon of mass destruction.

"From were I am from these words mean nothing to us. For us Archery is a sport, and we Learn it to win awards not to kill" I explained what Archery means in my country.

"Sport! What's sport?" He asked looking like lost person. "Oh for God sake" "I am kidding with you"

we reached the small hotel we were staying for the night I went to my room, and he went to his.

What if I wake up in my bed tomorrow? Would that mean this is a dream yeah.

The hunter... southeast of Vein village.

"Do you know this boy? Have you seen this boy?" He walking around with a sketch of David's face before the death of his mother. Walking, and searching for the young prince.