

Bo Young has finally returned to South Korea. Her dream is what is keeping her going and not give up. To make it come true she joins her dream school. The people she encounter and memories she create are so much. Things are not going really normal. She doesnt and cannot open up about her past to people. But slowly things are starting to change. Is it changing her future or is it things from her past?? Read to find out! I also upload in wattpad! You all can check it out :]

Black_Wolf_3 · วัยรุ่น
42 Chs



"Bo Young!" Someone from the behind yelled weakly. She turned to look at. "Oh? Hyun Wook sunbae? What-!!!".....

"Oh? Hyun Wook sunbae? What's-!!!" She was shocked. Hyun Wook was about to pass out but before he could, she rushed to him and held him. "Sunbae? Sunbae are you okay? What's wrong?!" She asked but he didn't answer. She then went to the apartment's stairs and made him sit while leaning on the wall. She was totally confused. "Mom, what should I do? What should I do?" She said and got an idea. She rushed to her house and brought a glass of water. When she came back he was already awake. But still looked weak. She offered the water to him to drink. He drank it slowly. "... let me call a doctor!" She said and started to search her phone in the backpack but before she could do that he waved his hand and said, "No, don't call a doctor." He said in a feeble voice. "But..you don't look good. Alright! I will call the neighbours from the apartment." She said and stood up to go upstairs but he grabbed her hand and stopped her. "No, don't go." He said. She then sat beside him. "Are you really alright? You don't look fine. You look like you haven't eaten anything for the past few days." She said. He got flustered and looked at her. "Why...are you looking at me like that? *Gasp* Was I right? Did you really not eat anything for the past few days?" She said as she covered her mouth shockingly. "Not few days, only yesterday and today morn-!" He said and finally realised that he was spouting everything. "Woah, how come you never ate? Anyways, now hold my hand and stand up." She said. He just looked at her confused. She nodded at him, telling to hurry up. He did what she told. They went to her house. As she entered, he hesitated. Noticing that, she stopped and looked at him confused. "Why? Come on." She said. "Won't your family be uncomfortable?" He asked. "They are not here, so you don't have to worry, so come inside." She said. He entered being half hearted. "Please, be my guest and sit down." She said as she was pointing to the dining table and going towards the kitchen. He sat down just like she said.

She went to the cupboard and took out a cereal box with her right hand and with her left hand, from the refrigerator which was just next to the cupboard, she took out the milk. She got a cereal bowl ready and passed it to Hyun Wook. "For now eat this, I will make something now." She said. "You don't have to." He wasn't accepting it. "You are my guest now, and moreover someone who is sick, so please. Now, dig in." She said. He then started eating. She smiled and went to the kitchen to prepare a dish. The dish only needed 10 minutes. 10 mins later, "And done." She said and took the bowl to the dining table. He was already finished with the cereal. "Enjoy!" She said. "Oooh, it's bokumbap* right?" He asked. She nodded. "Smells delicious." He said. She smiled. "Thank you for the meal." He said and started filling his stomach. She sat in the opposite chair in the dining table. "Woah, it's really delicious. Did you learn it from your mom?" He asked. "Nah, I learnt in from the Internet. But why didn't you eat yesterday and today? Is something wrong?" She asked. He slowed down eating as soon as he heard her asking that. She noticed that he was hesitant. "Well, forget that I asked that-" She said. "My family runs a clothing brand business. Recently, it hit rock bottom. My parents couldn't take it and were so stressed. They usually don't involve us for any business matters, that is me and my sister. But this time, they included me. They used the rest of the money and my part time job income to arrange for a photoshoot for me to model with the clothes. I woke up really early than usual and went for the photoshoot for the past few days. I could handle the first day because I could have at least a sandwich in the break. But after the photos were released, the business started to go well again. My parents didn't want to stop there and called me yesterday too. I couldn't get a break but it's doubt if I even drank water yesterday. That's what happened past two days." He said. She looked at him worriedly. "Umm, that's not something good to hear. What about now?" She asked. "Now, the business is back to its place so they're not bothering me anymore." He said. "How did they repay you? You were definitely not interested so they should've done something right." She asked. He shook his head. "They didn't do anything. They just let me be." He said. "Tsk tsk, that's not something parents should do. Oh! Right! Are you sure it was okay to tell me?" She asked. "Yeah, I feel relieved that I got something off my chest." He said and smiled. She smiled back at him. "Was it good, the bokumbap?" She asked. "Yeah, totally. Alright, I will leave now." He said and stood up but ended up tumbling and sat on the chair again. "I guess, you still have to eat more. You should wait here, I can order something online too." She said. "No no, you've done enough. I should get going home." He said. She then held her hand out to help him. He held her hand and then they went together to his house.

They reached his house. She pressed the doorbell. "Thank you for helping me and giving food. You can leave, bye!" He hurried her. "Alright, see you soon, sunbae. Take care." She said and turned away from the house and started walking. She was walking and thinking: "His house is very grand though. Thinking about it, I remember he sent another person to work in his shift. I wonder if that was also because he was busy. Let's ask him." She thought and turned towards the house and started walking. "Oh, he still didn't go inside. Let's go." She said to herself and went there. "Hyun Wook....sunbae!" She slowed down her voice as she saw someone familiar. She went even more further to get a clear view. "HUH?! Song Soo Ki?" Bo Young asked. Hyun Wook smiled awkwardly. "Oppa, why is she here?" Soo Ki from inside of the house asked. "Oppa? Wait...so this one is the sister you mentioned?" Bo Young asked. Hyun Wook nodded slowly. "Wow, I never expected this. You guys are totally different. Oh, right! So, that day the person you were about to curse when I mentioned the HF br-girls, was because of her? I get it now. Alright I'm leaving." Bo Young said and started leaving. "What? You were going to curse me?" Soo Ki asked. Hyun Wook ignored her. "Bo Young! And I heard something about you." Hyun Wook said. Bo Young stopped walking. She thought: "Damn, what did he hear about me?" And turned to him. "What is it?" Bo Young asked casually trying to hide the nervousness. "In the school's cafeteria, did someone bully you?" He asked. Bo Young changed her look towards Soo Ki. She could see how fearful Soo Ki was. Noticing Bo Young's eyes facing Soo Ki, Hyun Wook turned to Soo Ki. "Yeah." Bo Young said and turned back to Hyun Wook. "From where you looked, I think I know who it was." Hyun Wook said. "Op-oppa, w-what are you talking about? That's her problem, get inside." Soo Ki said. "Ah right! And sunbae, make sure that you eat something, I will leave now." Bo Young said and started leaving. "Scoff, What are you guys? Why would that girl tell you to eat? First of all, why would she come with you to leave you at our house?? Are you guys dating!?"Soo Ki said. Hearing that Bo Young stopped walking. She thought: "W-what did she just say... well, that's not a bad idea though. Tch, Bo Young get your thoughts straight. You might like it, but sunbae will be uncomfortable." "Soo Ki, can't normal friends tell-!" Bo Young said but got flustered at Hyun Wook's response. "Well, what if we are dating. Is there any problem?" Hyun Wook asked and glared at Soo Ki. "Wh-Why? There is a problem, which is, I don't like her. No, I hate her." Soo Ki said and looked at Bo Young. "Don't worry, we aren't dating and I don't like you either. Sunbae, I don't wanna stay here anymore , see you later." Bo Young said and started leaving for real. "You punk, come here!" Hyun Wook said and pulled Soo Ki's ears. "Ah, Ah, ah, it hurts. Leave me alone! Ouch! Mom! Hyun Wook is at it again!" Soo Ki yelled as they entered the house. "Do you want anything, Hyun Wook?" The chief maid of the house asked. "No." He said. "But I hear that you should make sure that you eat from you mom and as well as your girlfriend from the outside." The maid said. "Scoff, girlfriend? That one is just a friend. This guy will be single forever." Soo Ki added. "What did you just say?" Hyun Wook asked and twisted her ear making it more painful. "Aaahhhh! It hurts!" Soo Ki yelled. "Stop fighting you two. Ms.Kim give him the rest of food we have and prepare even more. Our Hyun Wook worked hard for the past two days." Hyun Wook's mom said and looked at him with love. Hyun Wook slowly let Soo Ki's ear. "Ms.Kim make me a smoothie too! I will be back in 15 minutes. Damn, that hurt, you bastard." Soo Ki said and hit Hyun Wook one last time and rushed to her room. "Tch." Hyun Wook was irritated. "Manners Soo Ki. Go, freshen up and eat your heart out." His mom said and patted his shoulder. Hyun Wook smiled feeling very heart-warmed. He started going but his mom stopped him. He turned to look at her. His mom opened her arms wide and called for a hug. Hyun Wook didn't even hesitate and hugged his mom. "My son, worked very hard just for us even though you weren't interested. It's because of you that our business is in its place again. Thank you, thank you so much." His mom thanked. Hyun Wook smiled.

Bo Young was going to the hospital. "Sigh, why have I been running into only sick people? Look at where I am going now too. Mom, why is this happening? Never mind." She said to herself and sped up. "Look, we wasted an half an hour. Nah, I wouldn't tell I wasted my time though. And why did Hyun Wook sunbae have to tell that? That is only getting my hopes up and it's distracting me. I should try to change my mind soon, if I can't then I don't have any other way but to confess. Alright, for now put that aside, let's get to the hospital now." She said. She was getting tired. She was breathing heavily. "Woah, i never knew that it would be so tiring. There's only some meters more. Let's hear some music and walk." She said and put on her earphones and started walking again. Soon, she reached the hospital. "Well,That was faster than I expected." She said and got inside the hospital. She went to the receptionist to ask. "Excuse me, may I know where is *father's name of Ji Ae* patient's-!?" She got startled as she heard her name. She turned to look at. "Oh, Yu Ah, you are here too." Bo Young saw Yu Ah. Bo Young then thanked the receptionist and went towards Yu Ah as she removed her cap and buckled it in her belt loops. "When did you come here?" Yu Ah asked. "Just now. What about you?" Bo Young asked back. "I came at 2. Let's get going. I didn't know you were coming. How did you come?" Yu Ah asked and started going out the room. "I walked." Bo Young said. "Ooh, wait, what?? You walked. Bruh, this is already really far away from the place where you take different direction from us, but walking from your home, is really tiring just to think about. Is that why you're late?" Yu Ah asked. "Nah, something came up, so I couldn't come here on time." Bo Young said. "However you should have taken a taxi or a bus." Yu Ah said as they were getting on the elevator. "Aye, I'm not rich like you guys to take a taxi or a bus. It is expensive to come this far." Bo Young said. "Yo girl, did you live in some other country other than South Korea? Time has changed, it has a cheap fare." Yu Ah said. Bo Young thought: "Crap, I have been thinking the fare of buses of Miami as in here. Damn, I would have just took a bus here. But, for that I need the transit card. I should ask Hee unnie, when I get home." "Forget that, how is Ji Ae's dad doing?" Bo Young asked. "He still seems the same, but he is getting treatments regularly. Now, he is getting the treatment for today. Ji Ae was hungry so I came to get something." Yu Ah said. "You got something for her to eat right." Bo Young asked. Yu Ah nodded and showed the milk box she had in her hand. "What about her mother? Are they alright?" Bo Young asked. "Oh, don't ask about that lady. She is such a...I don't know if I should tell you." Yu Ah hesitated. "Never mind. It's alright, let's go. Where is the room headed?" Bo Young asked looking both the ways in the hallways. "To the left." Yu Ah said and went forward. Bo Young followed her. She saw Ji Ae and a woman sitting outside. They both went to them. "We are here." Yu Ah said. Hearing the 'we' Ji Ae looked at. "Oh, Bo Young, when did you come? You never told that you were coming either." Ji Ae said. "I made it obvious by asking the visiting time though. I just came and met Yu Ah down. So, we came together." Bo Young said. "Oh, Ok. Right, mom, this is Nam Bo Young." Ji Ae introduced to her mom, who was the woman sitting beside her. "Hello." Bo Young greeted Ji Ae's mom. "Ohhh this is Bo Young. As Ji Ae told, you look really pretty." Ji Ae's mom praised her, suddenly she a got a call. "Oh, let me take this, you girls have your time." Ji Ae's mom said and kept walking heading somewhere else. Ji Ae's smile faded as soon as she saw her mother leave. She was smiling the whole time when her mother was there. There was a disappointed look in Yu Ah's face. "Is...everything ok? You guys don't seem like it though." Bo Young interrupted. "Yeah, it's something that happens every time though. Never mind. Here, Ji Ae, drink this." Yu Ah said and handed out the milk box. "Oooh, I was craving for this. How did you get to the hospital?" Ji Ae asked. "I used the toogle map." Bo Young said. "Not that 'how', Wait, if you used the map then did you walk?!" Ji Ae asked. "Yeah, that is one crazy thing someone would do thinking that the bus fare is expensive." Yu Ah said while giggling. "Really?!" Ji Ae laughed. "Stop teasing guys. And did you guys know that Soo Ki and Hyun Wook sunbae are siblings?" Bo Young asked. "Definitely, we knew it." Yu Ah said as she opened her milk box. "Huh? You guys knew it?!" Bo Young asked in shock. "Yeah but why did you ask? You didn't know it?" Ji Ae asked after she took a sip. Bo Young nodded with a frown. "So..how did you find it though?" Yu Ah said. "I found it!....today." Bo Young lowered her voice. "That's too late but how did you know that?" Ji Ae asked. "Umm..well..I went to Hyun Wook sunbae's house." Bo Young said. Yu Ah choked on the milk she was drinking. "Ohhh, Wait! What??!! You went to his house? Why? What happened? Were you invited? Did you happen to have go there for some reason?!" Ji Ae asked excitedly. "Woah, woah. Slow down. There is a kinda short story to it, should I say that...or..?" Bo Young asked. "What kind of question is this? We are ready to hear anything from you! Now, spill it." Yu Ah said. Ji Ae agreed to it. Bo Young sighed and then told what happened. "That's what happened." Bo Young finished.

"So, that's why you told something came up and you came late here." Yu Ah said. Bo Young nodded. "And..." Ji Ae continued. "And...What?" Bo Young asked. "What did you guys talk about?" Ji Ae asked. "Nothing specially though. Just talked about the reason and he asked about the lunch incident. I told about that and he identified that it was Soo Ki who did it after I gave some hints. And then I came back." Bo Young said. Bo Young thought: "I don't wanna tell them what he said, when Soo Ki asked if we were dating." "Ohhh....I see...." Yu Ah said and looked at Ji Ae mischievously. Ji Ae giggled back. "What? Why are you girls laughing? Anything wrong with me?" Bo Young asked while checking her outfit. "No no, nothing's wrong with you, we are just getting a hint of something." Ji Ae said. "What hint?" Bo Young asked cluelessly. "It's that, Hyun Wook sunbae is really kind, handsome and caring." Yu Ah said as she put her arm around Bo Young's shoulder. Bo Young nodded at her and said "Yeahh...So...?" "And he isn't like that to many of them. Well, he is like that to his friend a.k.a my boyfriend Dong Hoon oppa. But, thinking about it now, he is like that to another person too." Yu Ah said. "Oh really? But..does that have something to do with me though? I don't think so." Bo Young said. "Definitely it has something to do with you coz you're the another person who he is nice to." Ji Ae added. "Aye, not only that, he doesn't normally talk to girls or even doesn't let them talk to him. So...I think..he is interested in you." Yu Ah said. "Tch, cut it out. We just talk while going to our houses because we are in same neighbourhood, don't imagine things. He just told me the reason to get it off his mind.-!?" Bo Young was interrupted by a call. "Let's see...." Yu Ah said. "One second, let make take this." Bo Young said and went apart from them to take the call. It was an unknown number.

"Hello?" Bo Young asked.

"Is this Nam Bo Young?" The other person asked.

"Yeah, I'm Bo Young. Who is this?"

"Great. Who I am is not the problem here, but seeing you enjoy your life is making me annoyed, you witch. Are you enjoying your life, you punk!!?" The other person yelled...


