
Melody Of Time

This series will not be continued anymore.

SaraTatiana5 · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs


I was greeted with a bubble and after a moment , I fell from the sky .


Swoosh !!!!

"AAÀAAAAAAAHHH ", I screamed as much as I could , scaring the birds in the process.

I got scratched by a branch and then got hanged onto another.

But sadly or happily, I got freed from it and ...

Thump !!!

I fell on the ground ..... face first

Dammit ! My face !

I got up , and dusted my dress .

I looked around to see if there was anyone or not ..... Guess what ? No one was there.

Karma is a bish !!!

I clutched the Watch and bought it close to my chest , sighing in relief

I am glad you are okay or else my only key to go back would have lost ....

Suddenly I could see movements from the bushes nearby ...

I summon my Blood Fan from the void.

"W-who is there ?", I raised my guard up, since no one was answering me.

I guess some puny animals

Swoosh !!!!

"Ouch !", I squeaked a little sice a heavy thing fell onto me .

"Ah ! I am sorry , Young .... LADY !?", He gasped seeing me , freaking out during the last word.

"L-lady ?", I raised my eyebrow.

"Yes , since you look someone of nobility, judging by your clothes ", He gave me a justified answer.

"Who are you ", I asked , looking at the blueish green haired boy in front of me.

"I am Rupert . Rupert Irvine Harold ! Pleased to meet you , Lady.....", His blue eyes showed a tint of confusion .

"Sara.....Sara Tatiana. Pleased to make your acquaintance ", I said , putting my hand out for him to shake.

He did it , his blue eyes glistening.

"Rawr !!!", A voice behind me squealed out.

"Eek !", I gasp as a cold hand made contact with my skin .

I turned to look who it was.

Scan start

A 10 year old boy . He had blond hair with a tint of red at the end and had firey red eyes , with a tint of black in it .

He was acting like some predator...

Only one word to describe me : Speechless

"Oh ! Alfred ! Don't make her scared !", Rupert said .

And finally he noticed me....

And his eyes got wide....

"TATIANA !!?? WHAT THE HELL ! ARE YOU DOING YOUR MAGIC TRICK !?", Alfred screamed in front of my face.

Did he mention Tatiana ?

"Sorry .... Alfred was it ? But I am not Tatiana .. I am Sara ... Sara Lisbonn Le Dume Crensia Tatiana...", They both looked at one another and held my hand each.

"Sorry but this is necessary ", Alfred said before snatching my other hand away from Rupert and  giving me a princess carry.

"Wait where in the world am I going to ", I said , as he took a leap in the air.

"To the Castle Libra Sincera ", Alfred smirked , His hair reflecting the moonlight.

"Take the shortcut brother ", Rupert popped from the other said as they both spread their beautiful black wings .... Bat wings to be exact.

"I never gave my consent ", I filded my arms , although it was a little hard based on my position.

"You will give it soon . You need to meet her . Plus .... You can be our friend ! Yes !", Alfred grinned from ear to ear.

" I am a Witch you Vampires ", They both looked at me surprised but soon returned to their normal state .

"We know ", They said in unison.

"I can use magic to fly "

"No need .... Besides we arrived in front of the castle ", Alfred said.

Rupert nodded and smiled at me bitterly.

I soon turned to get a good glimpse of it ...

The Castle was really a castle . With the two mythical creatures in front of the Big bronze gate , It made the castle look old but gold.

The atmosphere around it was eerie too.

The gate soon opened itself as one of the creatures eyes got red.

"Castle Libra Sincera ", I mumbled  , Although Alfred could hear me.

Then he put me down.

Rupert held out his arm as I accepted it , hearing a tch coming out from Alfred's mouth.

We soon went into a big spacious room , which seemed to be some entrance room.

There I could see a brunette standing, a lazy smile etched on his face .

As soon as he saw me , his eyes widened.

And when he saw the brothers ... He came forward and did a formal greeting.

"Welcome back , Your Highnesses ", He bowed.

"Ah Ray .... Please , this sucks ", Alfred said , making a eww face at the end.

"Don't talk like that , Brother ", Rupert said and bonked him on his head.

"Ouch !".

I could see sweat tickled down as Ray's eyes met mine.

"Pardon me .... But who is this young lady ?", Ray asked them.

"Oh she ? Guess what ? Sara Tatiana ", Alfred pointed at me.

"She is Lady Sara Lisbonn Le Dume Crensia Tatiana.....I guess she is a relative of Tatiana ", Rupert softly said.

I bowed a little.

Then he escorted us into a living room....

There , we were greeted by a man in their 20s . He had milk white hair which was dipped in a very light shade of baby pink.

He had red eyes ..... And he had a Pocket Watch similar to mine on his hand.

This ... no way ..... THIS IS HAROLD !!!!

"I see ..... Rupert and Alfred .... You are both 6 mins late ", He looked at them , putting his Watch away and signalled us to sit .