
The moment

The feeling of victory was underwhelming. The finals were something that many described as the biggest disappointment. And It wasn't because of Zhu Long. It was the opposite.

Chao played the first game. He won. Huge pressure was put on the enemy summoner. And even though GT3's summoner was supposed to win this game on paper. In reality, he was stomped. 

In the second game, Chao was still playing because he had enough health. And he won too. Nobody knew why or how. But he won once more against their swordmaster. Even with only eighty percent of his life and without using his ult. 

So they earned two points, and GT3 had zero. 

The next game was GT3's only chance to turn it around. They were playing BO5. If Zhu Long won, it would be the end. And that was what exactly had happened.