
Sober up

"A date in an amusement park!" Shan exclaimed and Hyun was stunned. One word repeated over and over again in his mind. A date. DATE! His happiness soon dissipated as his common sense kicked in. 

"It's almost four in the afternoon. There is no chance we would even get into one, not saying we would get to ride some attractions. But we can book a ticket for the weekend if you want," he said, his voice visibly sad.

"Um, I can't. I shouldn't be going today either. But I just want to go and rebel somewhere." Hyun was confused by the strange place for rebelling; he would anticipate something else. But he was talking to a guy who started playing games as a form of rebelling.

"Wouldn't there be another place better for rebelling? Like I don't know, go clubbing and get drunk? Rob a bank? I don't feel like an amusement park is a form of rebelling…"