
Melody Of illusion

Dream is something that every person can experience.It can give you sense of joy,but sometimes,a nightmare. Kintaro was a fresh graduate of Art's and Entertainment Specially on singing. Kintaro turn eighteen on this year but he Didn't celebrate his birthday as he was super tired after the day. In the night when Kintaro fall asleep,He have a dream about living in another time and era,which his not very familiar,but that's not all.even the Living That he saw on his dream was not human but....A DemiHuman?! He see a different kind of DemiHuman.be It a tiger, Lion,Turtle, Phoenix,a fox, and even a Dragon are there living in harmony. Kintaro also saw his self in that dream and he was given a fright as this Body is not a human, instead,Its a DemiHuman.this DemiHuman has a blue Long hair color,which is styled like an Ancient time.His blue Eyes was very tempting as his face looks pretty and handsome at the same time. but that's not all,he also discover that,In that dream,Hes married into another DemiHuman,and what's more is that DemiHuman was also a male like him! Kintaro then wake up as he thought that it was a very interesting dream,but later,He didn't expect that, that dream will appear every night as the dream make a progress on its story. Kintaro didn't think about it too much as he only thought ' I should stop reading fantasy novel temporarily ' But everything has changed as everyday,he discover that he will learn something new Until he learn the Truth on why he keep dreaming about it.

MelodyRain1005 · แฟนตาซี
45 Chs

Chapter 44: How?!

Early in the morning before Lucia woke up.Mayumi who's sleeping on the other room gently open her eyes,as the Ray of the sun shone on her beautiful white skin and face.

She rub her eyes with her right hand as she look around the room and outside the window as she saw a blue butterfly, fly inside her room.the butterfly wonder inside the room before landing on Mayumi's Head and rest on it for a while.

"How pretty..." She said as she try to slowly take the butterfly into her hand. Surprisingly,the butterfly didn't fly away, Instead, It let Mayumi take it.

After a while,She let the butterfly fly out,as she saw a bird flying around her window before staying on it,as it look at Mayumi as if Thinking about something.

Mayumi found it amazing as this was the first time that she saw a bird staying quietly and stare at her through the window.

After musing over it,She clean her bed as she started to stretch her arms,knee and hips before smiling.

She then began to walk into the comfort room but as She look at the mirror,She squinted her eyes as if she found something was amiss.

She then Look closer to the mirror before blinking her eyes many times.

"What happened to my eyes?..." She said slowly as she began to touch her face gently before washing her face with water.

"Did I forgot to remove my contacts lense Last night?" She thought before saying

"Wait!...I don't even wore a Contacts lense! "

She said with a hint of surprised oh her face as she look on her eyes one more time.

Her Eyes that she saw in the mirror was vibrant In Green color as if a paradise was place inside her eyes.its sometimes even flicker with a green light as the one who look at it would feel his soul and mind as if it was at ease and peace.

She also have a long Pointed Ears which cause her to be shock as her breathing suddenly quicken.

She then Blink again a few times before running outside of her room but to her surprised,She found out that a butterfly, birds,and even bee's where inside of her room.

Tweet tweet!

Mayumi look at the source of the sound and it was a bird that had a red and Blue color which giving it a Unique Aura around the bird.

Tweet Tweet!

Mayumi continue to listen to its chirp,but as she listen more longer,the more she have a feeling that the bird was talking to her,and what's more was that She can understand the bird!

"Tweet! Hello miss Elf!" The bird said gracefully as it's tone carry the sound of a female.

"You...can speak?..." Mayumi asked in shock but there's a feeling inside her that make her calm in this kind of situation.

"Tweet! yes missy!" The Bird reply excitedly "We can speak,But other can't understand us" The Bird explain as it flap it's own wings as some feather drop on Mayumi's bed.

Mayumi then sit on her bed as if Thinking about the Situation that taken in place right now.

"Does I'm still drunk?or I'm still dreaming?..." She thought but the time made her realize that she was not dreaming but it was her new reality.


Inside the house which was not big nor small and it was made of concrete on where the layout of the hose was simple yet giving a happy vibes.

A woman who's seem on her fourty, was dusting the dust on the window as a piece of towel was covering her Mouth and nose, to avoid inhaling the Dust that she was cleaning.

After cleaning the window,she then Clean the table on which had a picture of a young boy Who seems at the age of 7 and sharing the look of Kintaro.

The Woman take the picture which was sitting quietly on the table.the picture was framed in a wood picture frame.She touch the picture gently as if reminiscing the past as she whisper " You really grow well..." Before putting it back down and continue to clean.

Before she start to clean the chair.She suddenly hear a knock on the door.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

A three consecutive knock can be heard which cause the woman to be confused as she thought ' Does the time for paying the electric bill come? Why it's early this time?...'

She then walk to the door and open it gently as she say " Didn't I just pay the bill last week ag-"

The Woman didn't continue her word as she look at the person who's standing in front of her as she muttered while her whole body was trembling and her eyes was wide open "S-sir?! But how?!"