
Melody Of illusion

Dream is something that every person can experience.It can give you sense of joy,but sometimes,a nightmare. Kintaro was a fresh graduate of Art's and Entertainment Specially on singing. Kintaro turn eighteen on this year but he Didn't celebrate his birthday as he was super tired after the day. In the night when Kintaro fall asleep,He have a dream about living in another time and era,which his not very familiar,but that's not all.even the Living That he saw on his dream was not human but....A DemiHuman?! He see a different kind of DemiHuman.be It a tiger, Lion,Turtle, Phoenix,a fox, and even a Dragon are there living in harmony. Kintaro also saw his self in that dream and he was given a fright as this Body is not a human, instead,Its a DemiHuman.this DemiHuman has a blue Long hair color,which is styled like an Ancient time.His blue Eyes was very tempting as his face looks pretty and handsome at the same time. but that's not all,he also discover that,In that dream,Hes married into another DemiHuman,and what's more is that DemiHuman was also a male like him! Kintaro then wake up as he thought that it was a very interesting dream,but later,He didn't expect that, that dream will appear every night as the dream make a progress on its story. Kintaro didn't think about it too much as he only thought ' I should stop reading fantasy novel temporarily ' But everything has changed as everyday,he discover that he will learn something new Until he learn the Truth on why he keep dreaming about it.

MelodyRain1005 · แฟนตาซี
45 Chs

Chapter 21:The Four Pillar of Stars

Inside The Room, Kintaro was Looking on his wardrobe,that that's filled by a variety of clothes from; t-shirt, Sleeveless,Polo,and even formal attire.

Even though he have a lot of clothes,he still can't decide on which clothes he should wear for the audition.

Kintaro close his wardrobe and lay on the bed then closed his eyes.

While having his Eyes close,his mouth seems mumbling something.

"Ohh...Sciziro Acting skills earlier was so good...but that Illusion seems familiar"

Kintaro open his eyes and sit up,He try to remember on why the illusion feels familiar.

He began to recall Jin teaching to him and his eyes suddenly lit up.

" Its.... its similar to the Illusion that Jin can create!" He said in shock.

"No" He shook his head " although, it's a bit similar,But Jin Illusion is tangible,while Sciziro was like a hologram"Kintaro thought as he think the difference between them and continue " Sciziro Need some body movement or to use his body to create an Illusion,while Jin use his voice to do it"

He then look at the Bed of Sciziro and said on his heart ' perhaps....he also experience the same as me?' Kintaro thought,but keep that thought on the back of his mind until he solve and know on why he experiencing this kind of dream.

After thinking about it,He continue to think about what he should wear.


In the cafeteria,Mayumi and Sciziro was waiting for Lucia and Kintaro so they can cheer them up for Their upcoming Audition.

While they are waiting for them.Sciziro and Mayumi are garnering an attention.many people shot a Admiring glance,while other people where looking at them with curiosity, specially at Sciziro.

The people around them were talking about their Performance earlier,which make them shed a tears and give them a huge shock,and they even began to have a thought such us ' He must have come from the Top 3 Ancient Family,that are focus on Rising a talent specially on the way of entertainment.

While they're listening to the conversation of other,they suddenly heard a shout.

" Woah, look, Goddess Lucia looks more beautiful today!"

" Where ,where?!.....oh right! That Dress really Fit her"

" Why do you think shes wearing such a beautiful dress?"

" Maybe it's for the upcoming audition for singing"

" I almost forgot that....I will definitely come to the audition room later to cheerup my Goddess"

Almost all people recognize who's walking toward the cafeteria,as Lucia was an Eye catching with her Beautiful dress that, was dyed in a white-silver color.The Dress have a gold linen on it that,are glittering and reflecting the sun light coming from the window of the cafeteria.

After looking at Lucia,they also notice that a man was walking side by side with her.

" Why that man look familiar?"

"I also think so....But I can't remember when did I know him"

" Hmmm, Isn't he the one who had been captured singing out of tune?"

" Ohh, I remember now!"

Kintaro didn't expect that,many people already knew him,so he wave his hand to them and smiled.

" I just notice this....He looks beautiful"

" Are you blind?! He's handsome!"

" No! Both of you are wrong! .... He's actually cute!"

" Ohh,I smell an Uke vibes from him...hehehe"

" Shut up Fujoshi fan!.... His a Seme for sure!"

Kintaro was wearing a Blue polo that made out of silk,while a Silver Linen color was added to it and add an effect of majestic aura.his pants was also Dyed in blue color,but a bit more darker, which have a pair of chain coming from the side of his waist down to the Pocket.

Lucia And Kintaro keep waving at the crowd with a smile Until they reach Sciziro and Mayumi position.

When the four of them Are all together,The Crowd can't help but to said; they look like they are going to be the special and uprising star in the future

The crowd also talk about this and also made an allias for the four of them called "the four Pillar of stars".


It's 2:00P.M in the afternoon and the audition room was already full of people,with a look of excitement on their face while waiting for the audition to start.

At the Other room next to audition room on where Lucia and Kintaro situated.Lucia was doing a warmp up Excercise as a preparation,while Kintaro was just leaning on the chair with his eyes closed.

Kintaro was thinking about the Voice and Heart Union technique,while trying to simulate a scenario on his head.

Ten minutes later after Immersing his self from his deep thoughts,he open his eyes and mumble a sentence.

" What should I sing?" Kintaro said quietly then began to think a song,that can associate and resonate to the Judge.


" Good afternoon! This is your number for the audition,this number is the arrangements on when's the time for you to audition.after five minutes,the audition will finally begin" A staff member said after distributing the Number to the Auditioners before exiting the room.

All the auditioner look at the number they are holding, Including Lucia and Kintaro.

" what number did you get?" Lucia ask, as he walk toward Kintaro.

" I got the number 10" Kintaro said and ask "what about you?"

" I got the number 3" Lucia said then look at the crowd.

There's a total of 60 auditioner, Including Lucia and Kintaro.

The other People in the room can't help but to take a look at Lucia and Kintaro , who's wearing a Beautiful attire.some of them where nervous while some are excited as they will have a chance to Sing and join the entertainment.

The five minutes is up and the auditioners went on the stage one by one,until its Lucia's time to sing.


Lucia was smiling at the crowd as she glance at the Judge;Lino,Suna,And Cai.

The three Judge didn't even interview Lucia and only nodded their head as Lucia was a popular since 3 years ago.

Lucia then began to close his eyes as All the eyes of the audience where set on him.

The spotlight then open on where Lucia is.her Dress on silver color where absorbing the light of the spotlight as if it's a Moon that shining in the night.

At this time,Lucia was like the goddess of moon, singing At the center of the calm stream.Every words coming from her mouth was like the sound of a gushing river that giving it's Listener a feelings of danger,but this feeling only made them to focus more on Lucia.

This scene last till the last second of the song,on where Lucia's ended the song with his eyes slightly opening as a sign that she only woke up from a beautiful dream.

Lucia then vow his head and smiled which had been Welcome by a deafening Cheers and clapping of the audience.